az grident button az_grident_button # 渐变色按钮,发布Pub练习 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
sms retriever api sms_retriever_api # A Flutter plugin for Android automatic SMS verification using Google’s SMS...
arculus auth widgets Arculus Auth Widgets # Collection of flutter auth-related widgets such as...
database firebase helper database_firebase_helper # A Flutter (pure-dart) package to simpler FromMap/ToJson when working with Firebase...
prompter ottersp0tter This packahe is made following Stevens Udemy Course
pixel adapter pixel_adapter # Plugin for adapting Android and iOS screen size. Usage:...
scroll app bar fork height ScrollAppBar # Hide or show app bar while scrolling. This package...
pixel fix pixel_fix # Plugin for adapting Android and iOS screen size. Usage:...
bitmap texture bitmap # BitMap is an alternative to Image.file, achieving higher performance image display....
dd base dd_base # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # flutter packages pub...
copy with e annotation copy_with_e_annotation See copy_with_e_generator
transitions route basic transitions_route_basic # This package provides an management to implement animations between screens...
zefyr rtl Zefyr # Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. Zefyr is...
awesome transitions Awesome_transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición entre pantallas Ejemplo de uso...
firebase phone verify ui firebase_phone_verify_ui # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
alphatar Alphatar # Create an avatar with the initials of your text. Screenshot...
mock creator annotation See mock_creator_generator for details
bluesy bluesy # A Flutter widget library for serial Bluetooth communication between smart phones and microcontrollers
terminal debug terminal_debug # A new Flutter package. "# terminal_debuger"
loading container Loading Container # Show center loading with white overlay DEMO...
tendolib tendo # Tendo API package Getting Started # This project is a starting...
browser routes In-browser routing for simple dart-driven single page applications (SPA). Support for: plain...
automatic spring animation automatic_spring_animation # this package animates widgets with springs when their location changes...
reverse nominatim reverse_nominatim # OSM Nominatim reverse geocoder. Example usage # () async {
flutter txugcupload flutter_txugcupload # 适用于 Flutter 的腾讯云点播上传 SDK
discord permissions A simple library, for mapping the Discord permissions to an object only with the permissions...
coffeehouse Official asynchronous API wrapper for Intellivoid's Coffeehouse API in Dart. Installation # ...
flutter neon ui flutter_neon_ui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
info app info_app # Publish testing Getting Started # This project is a starting...
fancy fab widget fancy_fab # An animated Floating Action Button toggle with animation.
round corners image provider round_corners_image_provider # 一个ImageProvider封装,用于生成圆角图片。分别继承ExactAssetImage、AssetImage、FileImage、MemoryImage、NetworkImage和CachedNetworkImageProvider实现了圆角ImageProvider。 CachedNetworkImageProvider为cached_network_image包提供的ImageProvider 用法 # Image( image:...
gtmap flutter gtmap_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
overlay mask overlay_mask # A package that can provide the overlay mask on top of the...
flutter satang pro exchange Flutter Satang Pro Exchange # Flutter Satang Pro Exchange is a Flutter's...
smooth shadow smooth_shadow # A package that gives your cards or any other widgets a smooth...
http manage http_manage # Manage Http Request # Note: this package use http package #
flutter is waldo flutter_is_waldo # Provides an helper method to check if code is running in...
shaped buttons shaped_buttons # Language: English Shaped Buttons is a flutter library that allows you...
flutter native env flutter_native_env # A flutter plugin getting android and iOS native env variables by...
screen light screen_light # flutter插件,获取系统屏幕亮度,作为插件开发学习用项目 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
msa flutter plugin msa_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin for MSA SDK. How to Use?...
custom route transitions evargas route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
flutter package zhousl test flutter_package_zhousl_test # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This...
mobilefoundation IBM Mobile Foundation Flutter Plugin # To add IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation capabilities...
popup widget popup_widget # A pop-up bubble text component, lightweight, easy to use. Getting Started...
flutter aliyun push flutter_aliyun_push # 阿里云推送,安卓支持厂商推送 使用方便,只需要三个步骤 使用步骤: dart: 1.pubspec.yaml添加依赖
azan flutter azan_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
geo hash xy geo_hash_xy # A library for geohashing. This is used by elasticsearch and others...
freezify annotation freezify_annotation # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
freezify freezify # freezify enable freeze(d) 3rd party class. Getting Started # This project...
process loop process_loop # A new Flutter package project. Example # ProgressLoop( executable:...
rumification rumification # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
awesome rive buttons Awesome Rive Buttons # A Flutter plugin with animated Flare/Rive Buttons. Getting...
fl umeng share fl_umeng_share # flutter plugin for umeng share
aoepub viewer AOEpub Viewer # originally a fork of [epub_viewer] with few more features. i made...
flit router flit_router # A concise, cohesive, type-safe, web-aware router built on top of Flutter Navigator...
creditcard ui creditcard_ui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
veerne kit veerne_kit # A new Flutter package. Introduccion General # Este proyecto fue...
pub test pub_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ios siwa siwa # A new sign in with apple. sign in with...
screen size screen_size # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
jo tb fl chart jo_tb_fl_chart # A custom wrapper around a FL line chart to allow...
flutter mobile camera Flutter Mobile Camera # Add camera in your project. Getting Started #
calendar json calendar_json # create your own calendar Getting Started # import import...
tstorage tstorage # A flutter package for simple storage of key value data. The data...
custom route transition vid Route Transitions # this package helps in the transition of routes....
bantupay sdk flutter bantupay_sdk_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
fit fitness # Flutter SDK for iOS HealthKit, Android GoogleFit services and Samsung Health.
fx ddfilter view fx_ddfilter_view # A new Flutter package project. 1:fx_ddfilter_view.dart 布局文件说明 #
matmflutterplugin matmflutterplugin # A bankit innovation Getting Started # This project is a starting...
fx calendar fx_calendar # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter age flutter_age # Flutter pacakge to calculate age in years, months and days. Usage...
siwa flutter siwa_flutter # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
i18n lightweight i18n_lightweight # A Flutter package for internationalization that uses assets and doesn't generate lots...
epic route transitions route_transitions # This package handle screen transitions with an animation Example:...
image picker container Image Picker Container # Take an image from gallery or camera and disply...
login fresh Login Fresh # LogiFresh helps you build a login easily with a friendly design,...
polyline builder Polyline Builder # Widget to get polyline from mapbox to be used on google...
aliplayer plugin aliplayer_plugin # aliplayer Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
tfl api client TfL API Client # A client for accessing the TfL API. Please...
snap listener SnapListener # Simple snap effect implementation
facebook events facebook_events # facebook Appevents Getting Started # This project is a starting...
kow form kow_form # Create and manage serializable forms in a very easy way. Usage...
paymaya paymaya # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
gcash gcash # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
node media client plugin node_media_client_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
built redux extras Extensions for built_redux package # For now, there is only an extension, the...
rocket x rocket_x # RocketX simplifies UI development as much as possible by getting rid of...
memoizer annotation see the generator file #
extensionss extensions # A new Flutter Extension plugin. String Extension: # Email Validation: #
country code list country Code # A new Flutter Country Code plugin. Providing country code...
flutter kata flutter_kata # English | 中文 # 正如名字一样,使用套路把应用快速搭建起来,统一封装统一分发处理统一格式,让新手也可以无脑上手开发。 传送门...
dartx nullsafety If you miss an extension, please open an issue or pull request Resources: #
adi helpers stuff
bloc extras Some voilerplate code to work with the BLoC pattern. Created from templates made available...
flutter notification channels flutter_notification_channels # A flutter plugin that allows you to create and delete Android...
fb storage fb_storage # This package is now deprecated and was originally created to add firebase...
typedstorage typedstorage # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter quickjs flutter_quickjs # Flutter bindings with dart:ffi for QuickJS : A small Javascript engine supports...
butler butler # Simple HTTP Request Getting Started # This project is a starting...