app bar trial appBarTrial # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
simple mashovapi A mashov library in dart, So far only returns a list of grades. Usage...
rive canvas Rive Canvas # A package to make rive even more great This package...
opentdb client opentdb_client # Unofficial client...
crackwatch A wrapper for the CrackWatch API Usage # A simple usage example: import...
scrollerview scrollerview # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
constant datetime constant_datetime # ConstantDateTime is a class that allows you to use DateTime as a...
package awesome package_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
camera hijack nullsafe Camera hijacked null safe Plugin # A Flutter plugin for iOS...
vonage Flutter package: Vonage # A Vonage authentication package (formerly Nexmo and TokBox), growing startups and...
route fx Route Fx # Este paquete ayuda a la transición entre rutas Ejemplo de...
array to tree ARRAY_TO_TREE # Create any Multi Level Tree on your flutter app based on...
audio trimmer audiotrimmer # A plugin to cut audio files. You pass in a path to...
flutter datetime picker uk Flutter Datetime Picker # (Pub) flutter_datetime_picker A flutter date time picker...
multitasking obfuscation multitasking_obfuscation # An utils flutter package for obfuscation your app when user go in...
uni uni # Universal Dart/Flutter package manager. A companion to multipack - a monorepo management tool.
timeago text timeago_text # Flutter text widget with fuzzy date time and auto update...
leafy ui kit leafy_ui_kit # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
flutter atoms ⚛️ Flutter Atoms # (WORK IN PROGRESS) A simple state management solution inspired...
bottom popup menu button bottom_popup_menu_button # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
prompter abp A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a...
custom animation routes em Routetransition # El siguiente paquete ayuda a una correcta transicion de rutas...
flutter plugin demo sk flutter_plugin_demo # A demo Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
less api client 介绍 # Flutter client sdk of less-api. 安装 # 请前往
adbonnin flutter carousel adbonnin_flutter_carousel # A carousel widget for Flutter. Features # ...
vector tile query Dart Vector Tile Query # A Dart package to query reverse geocoding on...
push route transition Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas. Ejemplo...
qrool flutter_qr_scanner # A QR code scanner plugin supporting Flutter web. Flutter web qr scanner....
shinebeyond Shine Beyond # Github - Mahammad Bakr Shine Beyond Package Used to make various...
dio config dio_config # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
tester bis plugin tester_bis_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
tshock server rest tshock_server_rest # A Dart wrapper for TShock Terraria Servers REST APIs Getting...
pbconv A implement of Dart converter for Protobuf. Introduction # Convert a message object to...
clip Example # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # For help getting started...
native button view flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
core extension Example # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # For help getting...
gistcafe Useful utils for Dart Apps. Usage # Simple usage example: import 'package:gistcafe/gistcafe.dart';
skydroid cli SkyDroid CLI # Command-line tool for SkyDroid app distribution. SkyDroid is a decentralized...
scaled box scaled_box # ScaledBox is like Transform.scale, but unlike Transform also affects...
djalma ads djalma_ads # Djalma Ads is a package to make easier the implementation of calling...
ya video player ya_video_player # A YET ANOTHER Video player Flutter plugin for iOS, Android and...
http extensions base url http_extensions : base url # An [http extension] that adds base url...
http extensions headers A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under...
resty A simple, light and useful http wrapper inspired from zttp for dart and flutter. Features...
dxvalue dxvalue # English 中文简体 A super value library support json,msgpack,bson. Getting Started #
picture path provider picture_path_provider # A flutter plugin to provide pictures directory path Installation #
shaded text ll shaded_text # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
simple responsive grid simple_responsive_grid # A new Flutter package that allows you to create a responsive...
platform selector selector # Platform Selector Basic selector # with if...
loading mixin Want to add Loading to your app? With Loading Mixin you get it in...
huobi kline final client = HuobiKline(); await client.connect(); client.query('ethbtc', '1min', from, to); client.subscribe('ethbtc', '1day');
herow HEROW # A flutter plugin for the HEROW SDK, a location based SDK related to...
flutter key map flutterinfogen # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
test orion test_orion # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ami flutter ami_flutter # Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) Library for Flutter...
easy data validator Easy Validator # Easy Validator is a text validation library for Dart/Flutter developed...
scrolling navbar Scrolling Navbar # A package that creates a scrolling navbar, useful for landing pages...
baseapp comercios baseapp # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
simple flutter i18n simple_flutter_i18n # flutter internationalization made simple and easy to use. package inspiration...
person person # 人伤版本 Getting Started # This project is a starting point for...
idall in app authentication idall_in_app_authentication # A package to handle authorization with idall based on oAuth2....
flutter music query Flutter Music Query # A Flutter plugin, Android only at this moment, that...
najvaflutter najvaflutter # Please visit Documentation for implementation guide.
local auth theme local_auth_theme # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
animate my text animate_my_text # A simple text appearance with animation which increases user experience....
finject Finject # Tool that generates dependency injection Dart code. Library...
finject flutter Finject # Tool that generates dependency injection Dart code....
finject generator Finject # Tool that generates dependency injection Dart code....
hsp aliplayer 有问题联系我 用到的权限 安卓: <!--网络权限--> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
route tree flutter route_tree_flutter # Simplifies using route_tree with Flutter. Provides the function [makeRouteFactory] to...
route tree RouteTree # A generic library for parsing URI paths. RouteTree is a generic...
telereso Telereso # Flutter package to use Telereso, Telereso will allow you to control your...
telereso generator telereso_generator # Builder for Telereso to support l10n localization Usage #
tas face detect tas_face_detect # A new flutter plugin to get number of faces in an...
cli goodies CLI Goodies # Miscellaneous utilities for making your cli IO extra fancy!
vexilla client Vexilla Client - Dart # This is the Dart client library for Vexilla, a...
flutter demo package Makes an interesting splash effect when tapping its child widget. Getting Started #
styled video player styled_video_player # Styled_video_player package is based on video_player package Make sure the...
app authentication kit app_authentication_kit # app_authentication_kit is a plugin for application to preform a set of...
flurry analytics plugin flurry_analytics_plugin # A Flutter plugin to use Flurry Analytics. This plugin provides all...
glasswidgets Glasswidgets # A new Flutter package for easy implementation of glassmorphism in flutter...
umeng statistics umeng_statistics # The plugin of Umeng statistics. github 引用方式: umeng_analytics: git:
tas face kit tas_face_kit # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # use...
prompter mgr Package for creating Prompts
flutter stack pages flutter_stack_pages # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
page navigator scaffold page_navigator_scaffold # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
flutter video player custom flutter_video_player_custom # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
sample helloword sample_helloword # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
client server lan client_server_lan # A LAN communication Flutter package based off...
imdb imdb # Simple api to connect with tmdb services and get most popular movies and...
gesture detector with preview gesture_detector_with_preview # This widget just show a widget in the long press...
pea cremation PEA Cremation Package # How to use # To use this package, they're...
discord form flutter discord_form_flutter # A simple, clean designed form. Similar to Discord's. ⚡
easy route transitions easy_route_transitions # This Package helps to transitions page to page. Example #
app crypto icons app_crypto_icons # app_crypto_icons is a plugin specifically designed for our wallet to display...
fast operation Getting started # A dart package for conversion of various units: ...
beta test apw Appwrite Dart SDK # This SDK is...
menu inline filter menu_inline_filter # Animated menu inline filter. Developed by Kevin Mendez Designed...
myanimelist api MyAnimeList-API # API wrapper for MyAnimeList written in Dart. Installation # Click...
route transition lmg Transición de ruta # Este paquete ayuda en el momento de hacer una...