easy auth EasyAuth
memescraper A non-official API for Know Your Meme # MemeScraper is a non-official API of Know...
listenable undo listenable_undo # A pure dart undo/redo library that can be listened with provider.
calendar plus Calendar Plus # A highly customizable calendar template for Flutter. Getting started #
flutter foldable menu Welcome to flutter foldable menu 👋
profile wheel profile_wheel # Flutter package to help you create your customized profile wheel. There...
supabase addons flutter supabase_flutter_addons ...
dbpath dbpath # get database path getDataBasePath() Getting Started # this package has only...
crossplatform google maps flutter_google_maps # A Flutter plugin...
sigma ui sigma_ui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
conekta tokenizer conekta_tokenizer # A Flutter plugin that allows to create a Conekta card token...
icontainer icontainer # Note- for testing purpose only. A new Flutter package project. Make...
super text Super Text # A powerful yet easy to use plugin to style text effectively
custom route transitions prueba htr route_transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
slide navigation slide_navigation # Creative Navigation Slider. This navigation slider helps to save time to...
stream handler stream_handler # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutterx color picker flutterx_color_picker # Material color picker inspired by chrome devtools Import #...
neerutils A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
ddns client ddns_client.dart # A Dart library for checking the public internet address and updating...
flutter srs flutter_srs # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter interactional widget 引言 # 最近看到 自如团队 发布的 自如客APP裸眼3D效果的实现,这个布局确实做得很有趣,越玩越上瘾,感谢自如团队的分享。随即按照自己的思路用 Flutter 实现一遍,来看看最终效果。 ...
gradient fab Gradient Floating Action Button # GradientFab Widget is an expandable Floating Action Button that...
vercel dart See vercel-dart.
getz Languages: ...
storm A Dart package for developing modern web server # * This project is still under...
gura Gura Dart parser #
flutter lp pdfview flutter_lp_pdfview # Native PDF View for iOS and Android Use...
flutter info plugin
ahs flutter router
r assets 在分析文件中添加插件配置,将会根据assets中内容自动生成R文件,并重新生成pubspec.yaml的assets配置 ⚠️注意:这回造成analyzer重启,目前根据生成时间判断,减少重启次数。 文件夹对应关系 cd ../assets ./fonts # 二级路径转换为字体名称 ./icons #...
calendarnotificationprovider calendarnotificationprovider # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
ksegment view ksegment_view # A segment view which displayed as options, tab index Getting Started...
beautyplugin beautyplugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
paymesdk paymesdk # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
crashops flutter CrashOps plugin for Flutter # This Flutter plugin helps to bridge your...
barcode reader sdk barcode_reader_sdk # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
firegraph Firegraph # Firegraph is a plugin that lets you query firestore with GraphQL. Getting...
svui plugin 引用 # 在项目的.yaml文件下添加以下代码 svui_plugin: hosted: name: svui_plugin url:
asgard time asgard_time # Plugin for time
asgard http interceptor asgard http interceptor # This is a fork lib for personal use. Its...
sort index bar sort_index_bar # A new Flutter package.we can use this scroll in right bar.
odoo provider builder Odoo Provider Builder # Since it's too much writing to implement IOdooModel using...
flutter custom ui flutter_custom_ui # 这是一个纯flutter_ui项目 封装常用的ui,希望项目能帮到身边的朋友,大家也可以把自己希望的自定义ui提交上来,我会不定期的处理这些,建议的命名方式就是以人物名加ui,比如我的ui全是xl_text, xl_line_text....
virtusize flutter sdk Virtusize Flutter SDK # A Flutter plugin that wraps Virtusize Native...
bundle rave pay bundle_rave_pay # Bundle App Rave plugin Getting Started # This project...
json2dartc Json 2 Dart Command line utility # Important note # There is already a...
nhabe Introduction # An elegant calendar widget for your Flutter app named after a river in...
sem search zir_semantic_search # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
final package final_package # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
artwork extractor dart A simple library to extract & save artwork of a 🎵 music/audio file....
voc voc.dart # A Dart implementation of the media.ccc.de/c3voc API.
iop sdk IOP SDK # This package contains Dart tools needed to interact with IOP SSI...
mmoo country pickers country_pickers # Countries, codes, flags and several way of picking them at your...
anim indicator anim_indicator # Widget to display animate indicator to show a position. ...
flat card button flat_card_button # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
flutter chore flutter_chore # A flutter package for invoking a...
nork ui TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
emote utils A library for working with emote strings in text-based games, such as MOO. Usage...
bloc logic Bloc logic # I really like using bloc pattern for state management. In my...
purge pub cache This is a dart command package to delete the old versions of the packages...
flutter string converter flutter_string_converter # This Flutter Package for converting string to date, int, double or...
bresenham zingl bresenham_zingl # This is a dart port of The Bresenham's algorithm ported from Alois...
rayconnect client rayconnect_client # Rayconnect client on dart and flutter Getting Started # In...
cbs create For creating custom flutter project from CBS Architecture Installation # If you want...
supabase addons supabase_addons
animates transitions Animates Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de paginas y les agrega...
easy http request A package that simplifies the queries to the apis or web services, you focus...
uas transitions uas_transitions # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
yao registry service Getting Started # final app = Yao(); app.inject(YaoRegistryService()); app.run();
wppdriver wppdriver # The wppdriver flutter package allows you to quickly get your WhitePawnProtocol-Device connected...
okdio Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit.
flutter py crop flutter_py_crop #
mapir gl map Flutter Mapbox GL # Please note that this project is community...
buffered stream A stream implementation that queues all inputs until there is a listener. Usage #
query gen query_gen # Inspired by rtk-query-codegen A CLI tool for generating models and HTTP...
a flutter amap a_flutter_amap # 高德地图Flutter插件 Android 自行添加并管理相关权限
interactive bezier interactive_bezier # Draw a wavy bezier background on-device and generate reusable widget code for...
custom date time picker custom_picker # A Custom picker is useful in selection of the Date...
ncd netty-codec-dart # Imp netty codec fixed_length delimiter_based length_field_based line_based
hover handler this package for handling hover on flutter web. Features # TODO: List what...
number randomizer number_randomizer # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
lasso A Lasso API library for Dart developers. (https://lasso.io) Created from templates made available by Stagehand...
octodb sqflite common sqflite common # This package is not intended for direct use.
android hardware android_hardware # Provides support for Android hardware features, such as the camera and other...
li info li_info Getting Started # This project is a starting point for a Flutter...
mmoo imclient Flutter_IMClient # 野火IM Flutter插件。 运行 # 进入到项目工程目录下,依次执行下述命令: flutter packages...
date time widget date_time_widget(Under Development) # A date_time_widget is a useful Date and Time Picker. Where...
avataar generator Avataar Generator in Dart # A package to generate svg in Dart that produces...
keyboard languages keyboard_languages # Flutter plugin that lists available keyboard languages in Android/iOS device. Installation...
pansy lint Lints for Pansy Dev apps and packages.
change app package name splash change_app_package_name_splash # A new Flutter package. Getting Started #...
contentstack utils A Contentstack-Utils library for Dart developers # Contentstack Dart Utils SDK #
figma icon builder Flutter icon builder # A simple library for building icons for flutter from...
dio repository 封装dio库 # 为了更好的使用对dio网络库进行二次封装 安装使用 # dependencies: dio_repository: ^1.1.2 copied to...
android media android_media # Provides Android classes that manage various media interfaces in audio and video....
yamller YAMMLER # A library for generate dart file from yaml. [简体中文] Usage #
smartdata Smartdata - Creating Random Typesafe Test Data # Code generator for generating type-safe generators to...
smartdata generator Smartstruct - Dart bean mappings - the easy nullsafe way! # The generator for...
codeblock codeblock # Package built on top of flutter_highlight for more control over how the code...