jet form builder jet_form_builder # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
page router page_router # Experimental router for Flutter built using the Navigator 2.0 API. Usage...
curved close drawer Curved Closed Drawer # A Curved Drawer Library for Easy and...
fliclib Fliclib # A dart version of the Shortcut Labs Flic button protocol Please see...
retrofit generator d See retrofit.dart
retrofit generator with decoder See retrofit.dart fork [retrofit.dart] , and add decoder adapter.
admob network ad flutter_plugin_admob_network_ad # Plugin to integrate Facebook Native Ad to Flutter application @override
ocg post ocg_post # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter news api Flutter News API # Flutter News API is the dart api of the...
pedroplugin pedroplugin # A new flutter plugin thats provides string depend for each age ....
flutter gitgraph flutter_gitgraph # A Flutter library to easily visualize shiny Git Graphs. ...
weight weight # A new Flutter plugin for weight and print. Getting Started #...
property ui annotation Defines the annotations used by property_ui_generator to create GUI code. example project is...
property ui generator Generator for property_ui_annotation This is useful when you need to arrange a large...
my accordion MFKaccordion # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter amap track flutter_amap_track # 本插件为高德猎鹰Api的搬运和实现 Android猎鹰文档 iOS猎鹰文档 Android #...
mypos flutter mypos_flutter # Bridge with native MyPos SDK /!\ WORK IN PROGRESS /!...
drives drives # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
prompter sg second A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
shamsi datepicker persian_datepicker # A new Flutter package for persian date picker. Getting Started #
hellosiddhant hello # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
shot widget Shot Widget # The flutter package that allows you to take a screenshot of...
currencylistpicker Currency List Picker # Flutter plugin project to pick currency code, will show currency name...
enigma annotation Enigma annotation # Defines the annotations used by enigma_serializable to create code for serialization...
enigma serializable Enigma serializable # Provides [source_gen] Generators to create code for serialization and deserialization of...
enigma dart Enigma dart # A collection of widgets, libraries and utilities that implements the EnigmaUI...
scribes ✍️✍️ Scribes ✍️✍️ ...
ivy baby record ivy_baby_record # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
kuma player kuma_player # A video player for flutter support video cache, and drawing on other...
imba calendar flutter_calendar # A Flutter Calendar ...
warmup routine warmup_routine # A library for handling animation warmup generically as discussed in:
app avaliability Flutter AppAvailability Plugin # This is a fork of this package [flutter_appavailability])(
flutter templater Flutter Templater # A command-line tool which simplifies the process of creating folder and...
prompter dc prompter_dc is a prompting tool built with Dart #
place picker migrated Flutter Place Picker # The missing location picker made in Flutter for Flutter....
cubetiq computer api cubetiq_computer_api # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
package flutter test package_flutter_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
bicolor icon bicolor_icon # Flutter library for creating two tone icon, you can customize color/ratio/direction etc...
getbykey Get by Key # A simple extension to get an element in a...
kirin Kirin # A Flutter UI Toolkit for rapid prototyping Documentation # Visit Kirin...
bts webview bts_webview # A flutter package to render web view support for all platform...
flutter form builder fixed Please note # This package has been fixed to allow use with...
base plugin base_plugin # Base Function Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
smart image picker smart_image_picker # Picker asks to open gallery or camera, preview image and a...
willpop admob willpop_admob # WillPopAdmob Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
system sounds flutter ringtone_set # Flutter package for easily setting device's default ringtone or notification sound.
puntored plugin flutter Flutter Scanovate Plugin # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android allowing access...
zakah Zakah # Zakah is a client library for safaricom's Mpesa API. It's...
prompter pochi Prompter Pochi # This is part of a tutorial More text to test...
customtext demo customtext #
core plugin flutter core_plugin_flutter # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
notification reactor notification_reactor # For DIY engineers! Define your own reaction by Push Notification (via APNs...
copy with e generator copy_with_e # You want to copy your object and change individual property...
flutter model listview flutter_model_listview # An empowered ListView and GridView for Flutter It provides Load,...
colorz You're creating an app using, or maybe even Colors.teal or There are so...
list accessors Dart Lists have a first and a last getter and setter, so you can easily
shared preferences moretypes shared_preferences_moretypes # I wasn't able to save all the...
voyager Navigate and prosper 🖖 Voyager is a Widget router for Flutter with a...
dash kit local storage flutter_platform_local_storage # A Flutter Platform package for the local storage implementation...
stripe ideal StripeIdeal # A implementation of stripe's ideal flow. Getting Started # Initialise...
lor deck codes dart Runeterra Dart # This project is a dart library for decoding and...
kayta Kayta # Package para uso interno na VVS Sistemas
bethlehem A library(router) for Dart developers when using RawDart or AngularDart. Usage # A simple...
paytend pay sdk paytend_pay_sdk # 这是paytendPaySDK(Flutter版本) 使用方式 # 1. 导入 //这是必须导入的两个包 import...
flutter plugin becomedigital flutter_plugin_becomedigital # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # Llamado...
flutter unzip plugin flutter_unzip_plugin #
totitlecase toTitleCase # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
string totitlecase string_toTitlecase # A very simple flutter package to convert string to titlecase Simple...
flutter platform checker flutter_platform_checker # Shows you which platforms can be targeted by your Flutter app...
charts common intl Common Charting library # Common componnets for charting libraries. Development...
charts flutter intl Flutter Charting library # Material Design data visualization library written natively...
i18n omatic i18n-o-matic # i18n-o-matic is a dart package to make translations...
generator common
asset variant chooser asset_variant_chooser # The package provides the same ability that how flutter will choose...
allnotification allnotification # A flutter plugin project to display notification with system ringtone sounds or custom...
dart native annoy dart_native_annoy # # Annoy (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah) # This...
anime pin code field anime_pin_code_field # Pin code field. a pin code field for flutter,...
cafebazaar auth Flutter CafeBazaarAuth # Using this library, you can always access your users without having...
edeskyclient Edesky client # Dart client for Czech service API. Supports...
lukas generator Lukas Generator Package help you to generate objects based on a template and custom params.
wareki wareki # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
leme nav bae jumping_bottom_nav_bar # Jumping Bottom Tab Bar. Check out the pub pakage here....
osx kvm installer Running # wget chmod +x osx_kvm_installer ./osx_kvm_installer copied to...
dependency scanner dependency_scanner # ...
daincrementer Daincrementer # A Dart package to automatically increments the version code of your pubspec....
hilbert geohash hilbert_geohash # Geohash a lng/lat coordinate using hilbert space filling curves written in dart.
github trending github_trending # A Dart library to get GitHub trending repositories...
okdio generator Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit.
rehana Rehana # Rehana Flutter App Engine. Introduction # Rehana Flutter App Engine is...
brotherlabelprintdart Brother Label Printer Dart # A dart plugin implementing the Brother Label Print SDK...
charm Charm # Styles, Widgets & Utilities for Flutter, useful for quick apps.
matt q matt_q # Package defined a new extends widget to extends on StatefulWidget. A...
emas core emas_core # 安装 # 在 flutter 项目的 pubspec.yaml 文件的 dependencies 中添加 dependencies:
oss flutter oss_flutter # pure dart oss client for flutter (only support STS authentication) Only...
emas crashlytics emas_crashlytics # EMAS Flutter SDK:崩溃异常上报 安装 # 在 flutter 项目的 pubspec.yaml 文件的...
blw 墨墨测试发布 Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license. 使用方式如下...
avataaar image 2 avataaar_image # Flutter wrapper widget for Avataaars API - a free...
os ip address os_ip_address # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
external package external_package # Convert Json to Listview builder. Getting Started # Import This...
onycha A touch detection directive for AngularDart. Features include touch, swiping, panning, dragging and dropping. Onycha...