kevinvillavicencio TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
container ui TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
pano rtc pano_rtc # 中文 This Flutter plugin is a wrapper for Pano...
curve container TODO: This package contains a UI design like a curve body or container with...
plugincpuinfo plugincpuinfo # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
question frame This package aims to provide set of question types with options and gets the response...
flutter lingman plugin flutter_lingman_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
ncscolor NCSColor # A simple Dart package to convert NCS-color to his RGB, HSL, and HEX...
container xi TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
super material super_material provides component wrappers and useful interfaces to convert existing flutter applications into applications...
thumper Thumper # A Thumper is a flutter widget that controls an Iterable. ...
gol grid GolGrid # Conway's Game of Life in a flutter widget. A GolGrid is...
operations TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
flutter billing plugin flutter_billing_plugin # This plugin supports in-app purchases for App Store (on iOS) or...
expenso lib Expenso - Official # Supported platforms # Flutter Android Flutter...
geense plugin geense_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
dart library package dart_library_package # a math dart library package for flutter
page grid Page Grid # Demo # How to use #
my utils Features # Personal package Getting started # Usage # copied to...
flutter design annotation Annotation used by flutter_design_codegen to generate design system component catalog. Avoid using this package...
flutter design Provide powerfull tools to help you build your design system. ...
flutter design codegen Code generator for flutter_design. Check out the documentation on the official website.
flutter design viewer About # flutter_design contains packages to help you bootstrap your design system with...
sizedbox ui TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
adaptive text field
connectivity handler Connectivity_Handler Features # You can easily check network connectivity without any hassle.Just pass...
hypixel api Hypixel API in Dart # Fully working small Hypixel API wrapper written in Dart.
almas image almas_image # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter timpage picker flutter_timpage_picker # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
openrqm openrqm # This is the OpenRQM API specification. OpenRQM Docs - Github This...
aurora decoration Lets you create aurora gradient backgrounds. Features # This package lets you give...
cloudbase function nullsafety Cloudbase Function Nullsafety for Flutter #
app version cli Get current app version from App Stores (Android and iOS) from within the command...
idkit button idkit_button # This package mainly deals with the convenient construction of button components that...
pg button This component is only for my job.
ammazza webar flutter ammazza-webar # AMMAZZA is an out-of-box multi-utility product in the market...
atmos database TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
ios launcher swift ios_launcher_swift # My own implementation of url launcher in swift Getting Started...
glassmorphic widgets TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
atmos binary buffer Atmos Binary Buffer Package # install # dependencies: atmos_binary_buffer: ^0.16.2...
beagle components Beagle Components # This library provides the Beagle's base components. It is currently in...
flutter tworasky Piwik PRO SDK Flutter Wrapper # SDK Configuration # Server #
flutter xchart flutter_xchart # 简易图表,支持柱状图,曲线图,折线图等 用法 # @override Widget build(BuildContext context)...
clordle Clordle # A Wordle clone built for the command line with Dart. ...
zealot version check TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
ppg ui ppg_ui # 這是本喵做 flutter 開發時用到的一些重複組件,將它們單獨抽離到此以便重用
photo view and download TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
prompter oc prompter #
fg Flutter Generator # Advanced dart/flutter dev tool for generating page, widget, model, repository, and bloc...
strategy The package aims to improve a code organization and a visual clarity with Strategy Template....
transit navigation view transit_navigation_view # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
fcg Flutter Code Generator # Advanced dart/flutter dev tool for generating page, widget, model, repository, and...
fast sdk fast_sdk # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
candlestix candlesticks # A high-performance full featured candlesticks chart for all platforms! web...
kinorca event Kinorca Event # © 2022 Kinorca. License # Mozilla Public License 2.0
smt face ml kit smt_face_ml_kit # mlkit人脸识别项目,安卓使用google mlkit ,ios使用apple mlkit Getting Started # This...
fgx vbdler TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter accura kyc flutter_accura_kyc # This package is for digital user verification system powered by Accura...
shiro Shiro # Flutter base project for Ken based apps.
parallaxj what is it # how to use # ...
eg nid Eg NID Decoder # About # Extract basic info from Egyptian NIDs "الرقم...
switchable padding Widget that switches Padding for a given width for Responsive support. Getting started #
airia box 开发过程中 积累的感觉不错一些功能代码 可以在不同项目之间共享 免去了每次创建项目都需要复制过来的步骤
flutter image recognition flutter_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
eco spotlight TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
z notification 简介 # 一个用于 flutter 中进行数据通信和交互的通用的包。使用方法类似于 iOS 中的 NSNotificationCenter,使用方便,但是注意释放资源。 使用 # 使用步骤,同 iOS...
conduit codable fork codable # A library for encoding and decoding dynamic data into...
conduit open api fork conduit_open_api # Reads and writes OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications. conduit_open_api supports both...
flutter dd cli flutter_dd_cli # A helper CLI Utility to simplify usages of Dart Defines....
has wifi rtt has_wifi_rtt # A flutter plugin package to check whether device has Wi-Fi RTT...
techlify mobile qa flutter_techlify_core # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
nineold flutter_nineold # 九宫格图片列表,支持9+以上数量的显示,支持Hero动画预览图片 Demo # 开始 # 在flutter的项目文件中增加依赖 dependencies:
custom route transitions prueba ebc Route Transition # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas
protobuf for dart protobuf_for_dart #
fgx plugin fgx_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter isolatev2 FlutterIsolate # FlutterIsolate allows creation of an Isolate in flutter that is able to...
qsub qsub # Simple Flutter provided subscription to SSE (Server-Send Events) protocol, such as mercure...
similar img similar_img # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
bulletin Bulletin # Flutter package to to show bulletins in your application. Show...
oj cal TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
ht amap flutter map amap_flutter_map # 基于高德开放平台地图SDK的flutter插件 Usage # 使用Flutter插件,请参考在Flutter里使用Packages, 添加amap_flutter_map的引用 准备工作 #
cf multi picker cf_multi_picker # A package use for create multi picker Usage #...
weirdgets weirdgets # XPEHO Mobile weird Flutter widgets library Summary # Available weirdgets...
konoplev settings ui TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
map path Lodash get/Ramda path analogue for dart # A tool to easilly get values from...
woo theme mode woopear_package_dart # construction des themes # creer un fichier themes.dart...
woo firestore crud woo_firestore_crud # package qui représente les fonctions élémentaire du crud...
paginated live list A package that handles pagination, subscriptions to updates, updating pages, and error handling....
loyalty foop loyalty_foop # A loyalty managment tool Getting Started # This project is...
simple pagination simple_pagination # This is a simple package used to paginate a list of widgets.
gql bloc gen TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
reaper flutter plugin reaper_flutter_plugin # Reaper Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
manga reader manga-reader # Usage # OnlineMangaReaderWidget(, "#${widget.chapter.number} - ${widget.manga.title}", onBottom:...
extended forms Flutter extended forms # ...
visitor visitor # A library that generates code matching the visitor pattern based on annotations...
unsure Unsure Calculator # If you want to run the Unsure Calculator from source,...
fpformz FPFormz # Functional input validation library based on Fpdart, which is inspired by Formz.
confy confy to load YAML based configuration file. Why # I love yaml <3...
api calls TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
git puller Git自动拉取配置清单中远程库 # 使用说明: # 配置在根目录下的配置文件以remote.yaml名称命名,以下格式定义对应目录下仓库地址和分支。 host: "" projects: -...