apple maps apple_maps # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
firebase lumberdash firebase_lumberdash # Plugin for lumberdash It sends your logs to Firebase Analytics....
umeng game sdk umeng_game_sdk Flutter Plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies dependencies:
umeng share sdk umeng_share_sdk Flutter Plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies dependencies:
umeng link sdk umeng_link_sdk Flutter Plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies dependencies:
debug log console DebugLogConsole # Using a draggable and hoverable panel to display the key info/log...
value t2 annotation value_t2_annotation See value_t2_generator
easy form bloc easy_form_bloc # Make writing forms easier with BLoC pattern! Bloc form is...
memoizer generator memoizer # Use if you want to cache the results of previous function calls...
typedef for fn generator
dvote crypto DVote Flutter Crypto # This project is a Flutter Plugin that provides access to...
butterfly host sdk TheButterflyHost help you app to take part in the fight against domestic violent....
fancy factory FancyFactory # in Progress, don't use iet.
fengari lua fengari-lua: Dart bindings for fengari-web, a Lua 5.3 interpreter. # Installation #
dart aws request A client which helps to make signed HTTP requests to AWS APIs Takes...
safeprint Safeprint # Safe your debug print to production
locale latlng locale_latlng # Get latitude and longitude from a country code. Usage #...
toggle button list toggle_button_list # Create custom toggle button list Installation # pubspec.yaml :
doraemonkit csx doraemonkit_csx # Doraemonkit的flutter版本,用于开发自检工具。 Getting Started # import 'package:doraemonkit_csx/doraemonkit_csx.dart'; void...
inherited geolocation inherited_geolocation # ...
eralpsoftware Eralp Software package for Flutter # A Flutter package for help Eralp Software developers....
iap manager iap_manager # Manage your Flutter In-App Purchases. ...
contacts androidx example Example app for dbutils package. #
social login web Social Login - Web login for many social networks, like Facebook. NOTE: This...
biokit BioKit is a Dart package for Bioinformatics. Ensure that you have BioKit installed before continuing.
animated transform widget animated_transform_widget #
xyl web xyl_web # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
xyl xyl # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
xyl platform interface xyl_platform_interface # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
apklis check updates apklis_check_updates # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
fileprovider plugin fileprovider_plugin # A Flutter plugin for file providers. Getting Started # This...
stringee flutter plugin stringee_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # For help...
flutter multitenancy flutter_multitenancy # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter map move marker flutter_map_move_marker # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
pin verification code pin_verification_code # Pin Verification Code is a Flutter library that allows you to...
emmet A package used by emmetcli This package helps to parse and generate reports from test...
kaomoji lumberdash kaomoji_lumberdash # A lumberdash client for weebs ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
date picker timeline trendway DatePickerTimeline # Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar...
ffly show FFlyShow # A Flutter plugin for iOS, Android for animation show content.
zyh battery zyh_battery # A easy to use battery show widget. Feedback welcome...
dio http cache extended dio-http-cache_extended # Dio-http-cache is a cache library for Dio (...
batcher Batcher # A robust future batching solution. Usage # Installation # Add...
ocg profile ocg_profile # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ocg share ocg_share # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ocg notification ocg_notification # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
emmetcli Emmet CLI # Emmet is a command-line application to generate a recap documentation from flutter/dart...
typed fb data typed_fb_data # Typed firebase Getting Started # This project is a...
typed firestore typed_firestore # Typed firestore entity. Usage # abstract class Car...
uzu md uzu_md # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
calculator plugin calculator_plugin # A new Flutter plugin for calculator operations Getting Started #...
flutter github releases service flutter_github_releases_service # Use github releases to update the app. Note: This...
sticky web scroll sticky_web_scroll # Use this package if you need more customization on your web...
ocg report ocg_report # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
auto core Auto Core # An Auto core support library. Related Projects #
auto cli Auto Cli # A command line tool that can play back Auto files and...
trial package Custom-Toast Box # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This Package...
spruce A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
prompter rc A simple library to create CLI wizards create an instance...
yaml fluency YAML Fluency # Writes YAML strings fluently Write this:
userleap flutter platform interface userleap_flutter_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
userleap flutter web userleap_flutter_web # A new flutter plugin project. Development in progress, not ready...
session jar Session Jar # A simple server side package for creating and maintaining sessions in...
angular recaptcha Angular Recaptcha (Dart) # How to use # Add to pubspec.yaml #...
functional admob flutter functional_admob_flutter # Functional Admob Flutter Introduction # This project is a...
with controller with_controller # A WithController widget is a convenience widget for reducing MobX boilerplate burden...
investec open api Investec Programmable Banking Open API Wrapper # A Dart null-safe wrapper to be...
persian range date picker A persian (farsi,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter. # A Flutter...
shareshot shareshot # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
thaw thaw # A single-cache FlutterEngine solution for the Add-to-app scenario....
light xml parser XML Parser # A simple lightweight XML parser written in dart. Inspired...
firechat Firechat # Firebase chat package for Flutter Reference # Most of...
environment manager environment_manager # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
hash identifier Library for identifying different hashes # This library in
arc slider Arc Slider # Arc slider for Flutter. Getting Started #...
sparkline console sparkline_console # A library for generating command line sparklines. In the...
wren dart wren-dart # A simple wrapper for the Wren API written in dart Very...
kakao flutter mirror kakao_flutter_mirror # 이 라이브러리는 kakao_flutter_sdk 의 미러입니다. 몇가지 문제를 수정해서 재배포한 것임을...
demo package demo_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
app storage kit app_storage_kit # app_storage_kit is a plugin for application to use both Normal Storage...
linkwell mirror LinkWell # LinkWell is Text Plugin that detects URLs and Emails in a String...
flutter common ui flutter_common_ui # A boiler plate of flutter dart common...
idempierews dart idempierewsc_dart # Description # iDempiere Dart WebService Client is a Soap Client for...
carrier info s carrier_info_s # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
qz ui kit qz_ui_kit # 娱乐项目, 仅供工作学习使用, 不喜勿喷
qwxcomponents qwxcomponents # Flutter components made to make it easy to create material apps.
network status bar network_status_bar # Create network status bar check your device is online/offline with simple...
text drawable flutter text_drawable_flutter # A Flutter package for displaying initials in circle avatar same like...
fluttercrew FlutterCrew Code Reglament # Everything is a widget # In every flutter app we...
umbrella annotation umbrella_header_annotation # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
queen alerts queen_alerts # alert with simple and responsive alert ? or toast ? or dialog...
bs58check dart bs58check # A straight forward implementation of base58check extending upon bs58 for Flutter writing...
oauth2 client at oauth2_client # Simple Flutter library for interacting with OAuth2 servers. It provides convenience...
appstitch mongodb Appstitch MongoDB # Serverless Mongo DB Integrations for Appstitch Platforms #
flutter img picker 本地文件选择器 # 在原项目photo 基础上修改了升级 2.0 出现的问题 ...
dainty audio Dainty Audio # A Dart package with a FFI binding to miniaudio. Status...
fast Fast CLI # An incredible command line...
hot recharge Hot Recharge # perform airtime topup across all networks, vouchers and zesa recharge with...
ondoc flut opentok flutter_opentok # Flutter library for OpenTok iOS and Android SDKs....
geoao Geoao # A package that uses Geoao API developed by ATECH, aiming to expose all...
conversator Conversator # Why ? # With conversator, you can send data/message across files. It...