shelf hasura actions shelf_shelf_hasura_actions # Shelf Middleware for Hasura Action. See Hasura Action Doc Usage...
length Length # A programming language based on line length Guide #...
flutter storyboard storyboard # A Flutter Debug tool to see and test all your screens at...
flutter qr reader2 flutter_qr_reader # QR code (scan code / picture) recognition (AndroidView/UiKitView) DEMO #
dart flubber dart_flubber # Linear interpolation of open and closed lines for Dart. The code...
ci flutter hello ci_flutter_hello # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
tinkoff invest api tinkoff_invest_api # Dart client for Tinkoff Investment open API See
palace body parser PART OF QUEEN PALACE 🏰 # Parse request bodies and query strings in...
emoji chooser Emoji Chooser # Emoji Chooser is an emoji picker component for Flutter.
ocg contact ocg_contact # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter hooks extra flutter_hooks_extra # Custom hooks with higher reusability based on flutter_hooks....
flutter swipping button flutter_swipping_button # A simple swipping button for Flutter with rollback animation with a...
liable ui liable_ui # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
a1pos engine engine # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
iosverticalslider iosverticalslider # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter driver extension extensions flutter_driver_extension_extensions # Flutter package to enhance Flutter Driver possibilities with Finder Extensions...
stream data reader StreamReader # A library help you control stream, like that fetch data when...
flutter insta crop flutter_insta_crop # Easy to use image cropper. Getting Started # Comming...
state container state_container # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
graphql hooks flutter flutter_graphql_hooks # An alpha implementation of an Apollo like GraphQL Hooks interface powered...
fade content Flutter Fade Package # Flutter package that i created to help freelancers to guarantee...
contributors Contributors # Features 🎮 #
pigeonholelive sdk Pigeonhole Dark SDK # ...
num to fraction num_to_fraction # Convert Number to Fraction for flutter Usage # A...
flutter star micronics Star Micronics Printer for Flutter # WIP #
flutter long list flutter_long_list # A Flutter LongList with Provider which supports ListView, GridView and Slivers
flutter google i18n flutter-google-i18n # A small library for internationalizing a Flutter app using Google spreadsheet.
qplayer flutter QPlayer # QPlayer 是一个适用于 Android 和 iOS 平台的音视频播放器 SDK,可高度定制化和二次开发,为 Flutter 开发者提供了简单、快捷的接口,帮助开发者在 Android 和 iOS...
local pubsub local_pubsub # A simple local pubsub library for Dart. What you can do...
extension helpers flutter_extensions # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
realtime pagination Realtime Pagination # A Flutter plugin to help use realtime pagination with Firebase Firestore.
hkp client hkp_client # Dart/Flutter HKP Keyserver client. Implements the HKP basics for flutter to...
thumbnail extractor thumbnail_extractor # Thumbnail Extractor Package from Videos. Getting Started # This project...
imageus imageus # A new Flutter package project for imageus Getting Started # For...
datatoggle datatoggle # TODO
joymo app upgrade 添加依赖 # 1、在pubspec.yaml中加入: dependencies: joymo_app_upgrade: ^1.0.7 copied to clipboard...
android manifest analyzer A toolkit help you analyze AndroidManifest.xml Usage # import 'package:android_manifest_analyzer/android_manifest_analyzer.dart'; copied...
flutter plugin ycad flutter_plugin_ycad # 易车广告SDK插件
ray ray # Dart implementation of ray client for debugging dart apps faster on the fly.
generic textfield generic_textfield # A new generic textfield for both android and iOS which helps develeopers...
lexpro lexpro 2 # 中文版 Here is new features in 2.1.1
ocg database ocg_database # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
bottom bar duck bottom_bar_duck # flutter bottom_bar_duck pub Flutter 中间鸭舌 Tabbar,附带轻微动画效果 # 如果您觉得还可以的话,给个Star白~
prompter mgv Terminal prompter library #
sexyslider sexyslider # A sexy slider widget. Supported platforms # Flutter Android
qr code pretty qr_code_pretty # fast QR code rendering via a Widget or custom painter. You...
flutter max player flutter_max_player # Max Player - To Make Video Player Widget...
ez qr This is a forked package from @hetian9288 ez_qr # QR code (scan code/picture)...
jst data 聚水潭数据api (非官方).
linear structures Linear structures # Implementation of all common linear data structures in Dart.
xutils xutils # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
palace Queen Palace 🏰👑 # Introduction # server side dart micro-framework to handle incoming http...
kodora size config kodora_size_config # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
loose builder
mj calendar mj_calendar # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
bky flutter library bky_flutter_library # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
cherry Cherry # Dart CLI template generator and package manager for flutter, generate MVC, MVVM and...
flutter vonage video flutter_vonage_video # Install # Android # Nothing to do! iOS...
crime Crime library # Introduction # Package...
rollapi Roll-API Dart # Dart library for Roll-API This icon ↑...
flutter uni scanner flutter_uni_scanner # 一款Flutter扫码插件,支持android端、ios端,采用zxing库。 示例 # 功能 #
textstyle extension textstyle_extension # A Flutter package to implement textstyle easier Demo # "This...
hy router hy_router # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
counting set Counting Set # A Dart package providing a set that requires an element to...
flir plugin flir_plugin # Plugin for FLIR Camera (USB only) Getting Started # This...
scrumlab mobile vision scrumlab_mobile_vision # Flutter implementation for Google Mobile Vision. Based on...
customalert customalert # Custom alert package Getting Started # This project is a starting...
beauty loading beauty_loading # A beautiful Flutter loading package. Installing # Add this to...
livechat inc LiveChat plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that integrates LiveChat to Flutter...
cronet flutter cronet_flutter # A cross-platform (Android/iOS/Windows/macOS) cronet plugin for Flutter via dart:ffi ...
yaml config reader yaml_config_reader # A new Flutter package project for yaml config reader. Getting...
dio request dio_request # A new Flutter package for http request width dio. Getting Started...
mvvm initial mvvm_initial # A new Flutter package for mvvm. Getting Started # 基于provider实现的mvvm架构,此插件只进行了简单的封装,使用方式和provider形式一致.
ui widget ui_widget # A new Flutter package for ui widget. Getting Started #...
flutter css style flutter css style # 用于Flutter主题的css样式库
horizontal ratio bar horizontal_ratio_bar # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
pci id The PCI ID Repository for Dart #
kimia kimia # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
physia physia # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
date time picker tr date_time_picker_tr # A new Flutter package project. Screenshots #
etcd A client library for connecting to and interacting with ETCD, a distributed, reliable key-value store for...
o widgets o_widgets # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
appstitch auth Appstitch Auth # The most straight forward way to integrate user authentication into your...
appstitch core Core # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
geocomb flutter geocomb_flutter # geocomb lets you convert locations into uniquiely identifiable hexagons for given resolutions...
appstitch twilio Appstitch Twilio # Serverless Twilio Integrations for Appstitch Platforms # ...
nikutils NikUtils # Plugin desenvolvido pela NFSADevelop, provê diversos itens de utilidade, como, NkButton, NkTextField etc.
custom route transitions is Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
dartweather A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and example...
country state city pickers country_state_city_pickers # A new Flutter plugin to select country with state and...
enumerated class Enum Class # A simple enum class with generic value...
flutter amplify sdk Flutter Amplify SDK # A Flutter SDK to use the Amplify Library...
javanese date converter javanese_date_converter # A plugin to convert general calendar (Gregorian Calendar) to Javanese Calendar...
hkui flutter hkui_flutter #
lazy string lazy_string # This package can help people who are lazier and beginner to the...
many tools many_tools # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
vietinfo dev core vietinfo_dev_core # import: http: ^0.12.2 #dependencies shared_preferences shared_preferences: ^0.5.12+4...
is odd is_odd # Minimalist and elegant API that returns true if the given number is...
is even is_even # Minimalist and elegant API that returns true if the given number is...