is odd or even is_odd_or_even # Minimalist and elegant API that returns true if the given...
like sealed like_sealed # This package contains annotations for like_sealed_gen package Sealed class #...
sqfly Sqfly is a simple ORM inspired from ActiveRecord, built ontop of Sqflite and uses DAO architecture.
select profile photo select_profile_photo # Image picker & image cropper and cupertinosheet Screenshots #...
flutter stringprocess stringprocess # A string library for common string operations and general text helper functions.
boleto mask boleto_mask # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
local file screenshot processor local_file_screenshot_processor # This is intended as a custom processor for the Device...
credit card minimalist credit_card # Credit card widget, a beautiful election for adding cards to your...
flutter device gyro provider flutter_device_gyro_provider # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
jp convert jp_convert # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ew A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
animated expolde button animated_expolde_button # An exploding animation with physics based particles to spice up those...
animated explode button animated_explode_button # An exploding animation with physics based particles to spice up those...
xc db maker This package is use to create easily an instance of sqlite db and ready...
scroll web scroll_web # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
rki corona api RKI Corona API # API to access the Corona information from the Robert-Koch...
drengr Drengr # A Web Framework that gives you a fighting chance. # Drengr features...
custom flutter analyze custom_flutter_analyze # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
native http native_http # A package that calls network from native platform ie OkHttp on Android...
rive checkbox rive_checkbox # Checkbox widget with two or three state animation with a...
sickchill sickchill # Dart package to manage remote sickchill instance, for Flutter support with UI widgets...
func woopear func_woopear # This is projet to group together all the functions that we may...
blake Blake: Static Site Generator # Did he smile his work to see?...
custom route transition go Route Transitions # Este paquete te permitira insertar una transición cuando quieras...
millui Mill-ui quick start # Mounting # pubspec.yaml # ... dependencies: flutter:
flutter form rewrite flutter_form_rewrite # 重写flutter提供的form,样式模仿ant Getting Started # This project is a starting...
formi formi # A minimalist form builder, with null safetty and no dependencies. Inspired by
clearsale clearsale # Esse package é a de integração com a aplicação Total - Total Garantido...
aws url signer aws_url_signer # This Dart library signs Amazon Web Services (AWS) URLs with the...
flutter ly dev sdk flutter_test_package # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This...
opencv histogram equality opencv_histogram_equality # This library help to check two image histogram equality.
flutter gps flutter_gps # Flutter GPS Plugin Getting Started #
simple navigation simple_navigation # Simple named route navigation that unofficially addresses Flutter issue 11655 ("build needlessly...
optimizely plugin optimizely_plugin # Flutter plugin for Optimizely native SDKs Getting Started #
menus context_menu # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
craftsman CRAFTSMAN # A tool for Loquacious package This package is a dev dependency for...
loquacious LOQUACIOUS # An ORM for Flutter inspired by Laravel Eloquent This package is built...
flutter widget extensions Flutter Widget Extensions # Extensions for Flutter widgets Getting Started #...
remotecall remotecall # Remotecall SDK Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
hello world daqo hello_world # A new Flutter package for test Getting Started #...
flutter wx worker plugin flutter_wx_worker_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
apimodule RSUD Arifin Achmad [Api Service and Models] # Module ini digunakan sebagai Service dan Models...
hoko pipeline General responsibility chain implementation
quick flutter 一、quick_flutter 简介 # quick_fluuter 意在快速构建一个简单flutter app,结合Provider实现flutter的MVVM模式。 基于MVVM架构封装Flutter基础库,包含: 1、基于Dio进行二次封装,提供默认配置以及局部配置。结合baseview的缺省页面进行页面交互。 2、提供常用工具类。SpUtil 键值对的存储。LogUtil 打印日志。ImageUtil...
adaptive scrollable tab bar Adaptive Scrollable TabsView For Flutter # Adaptive Scrollable Tab Bar is an...
wificonnectten wificonnectten # A Flutter plugin which uses wifi network specifier for Android Q. For...
refresh circular progression refresh_circular_progression # New widget to add shadow effect to your # circular progress...
flumen runtime
kidea grpcx grpcx Plugin ReadMe # 在膜拜了gRPC成神之路之后,了解了grpc的一些基础知识,开发了grpcx Plugin。grpcx有如下优势: 统一server、client逻辑,无论是native,还是flutter作为server or client,对于业务方调用方式基本类似;
weevate flutter sdk weevate_flutter_sdk # Weevate sdk for flutter Getting Started # This project...
flutter xxtext flutter_package # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
x resource uri x_resource_uri # bridged's resource uri parser & builder Getting Started #...
animated popup dialog Animated Popup Dialog # A package that provides an...
rtmp publisher null safe rtmp_publisher_null_safe # RTMP streaming and camera plugin. Getting Started #...
slp mdm SLP Metadata Maker for Dart # This package is for creating Simple Ledger Protocol...
firebase auth ui login firebase_auth_ui_login # Firebase Authentication Project Getting Started # This project...
slp parser Slp parser for dart # This package is for parsing Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP)...
cf indicator cf_indicator # Page View Indicator. Screenshots # Usage #...
health android health_android # This plugin allow to ask permission to read information about STEPS from...
vutil vutil # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flat material tags flat_material_tags # With this package you can easily create material tag widgets....
scoper Scoper # A minimal state management solution for Flutter. # How to...
grpc bchrpc BCHD gRPC Client for Dart and Flutter # This package provides a gRPC client...
changeif changeif # This package is design for Niku and Flutter Hook. Flutter Hook's useMemoized...
grpc bchrpc web BCHD gRPC web client for Flutter web projects # This package provides a...
upnp api UPnP Client for dart # Usage # Direct connect import 'package:upnp/upnp.dart';...
injectable generator micropackages injectable_generator # A generator for injectable library. test # to run...
xgk ui xgk_ui # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
xgk package xgk_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
button go button_go # Button on the go created by Bui Xuan Quan. Getting Started...
textgo textgo # A new Flutter package project create by Bui Xuan Quan. Getting Started...
flutter huashi flutter_huashi # Huashi Flutter Plugin. 该插件需要使用华视电子的专用设备(T5000),普通Android手机和Android设备都是不能正常使用的 该插件中包含:扫码、读取身份证等功能。 青蛙支付相关的功能已经移动到 wechat_face_payment...
lot uart lot_uart #
dartplus dartplus dartplus is a library that tries to provide some advance features that are missing...
triple mixins triple_mixins # A set of mixins created to improve development with Triple package....
ip to int ip-to-int # Usage # Class IpInt #...
result builder result_builder # It is a structure that allows the study of the result sets...
flutter test behavior flutter_test_behavior # Interact with Flutter Widgets the same way the user does....
flutter graphql hooks Flutter GraphQL Hooks 🪝
spit A simple command-line application. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style...
flutter qiniu qetag flutter_qiniu_qetag # 七牛云的计算云存储 hash 值的 dart 版本实现 更多内容参考 测试结果基于其 Python 版本的代码结果完成校验
drupal linkset menu drupal_menu # A Flutter package that parses application/linkset+json mimetype and generates a Menu...
flutter zui flutter_zui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
city pickers cn city_pickers_cn # 中国的城市三级联动选择器 开始 # 在flutter的项目文件中增加依赖 dependencies: ......
js tool js_tool # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
rtmp publisher null safety rtmp_publisher_null_safety # RTMP streaming and camera plugin. Getting Started #...
trhung account config trhung_account_config # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
appengine spark appengine_spark # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
essential symbol table symbol_table # A generic symbol table implementation in Dart,...
libvips dart-libvips # Dart bindings for libvips
matrix rotate arbitrary axis matrix_rotate_arbitrary_axis # Library to generate rotation matrix around arbitrary axis. Original...
flutter snow blower Flutter Snow Blower! 🚀 # ...
form generator Form generator # Yet to receive the proper documentation. This package generates a...
dart makeup dart_makeup # author vantutrieu97/ Getting Started # This project is a starting...
parse text parse_text # A Flutter package that simply allows you to detect multiple types i.e....
uniform data Uniform Data.
libtocheck libtocheck # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
astextfield astextfield # Creating UITextField Package for use globally Getting Started # This project...
tplus data TPlus Data api.