fcm localization Init # you have to create class for localization ...
galileo cors cors # Angel CORS middleware. Port of the original...
curve25519 vrf Curve25519 Dart # A native Dart Library for Curve25519 suite, including x25519 key pairs,...
risin design risin_design # This is Risin Design. A package that contains the most utils, widget,...
get mati flutter get_mati_flutter # Get Mati Flutter plugin Getting Started # This project...
fbp core fbp_core # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
fbp cli fbp_cli #
bluetooth control bluetooth_control # Bluetooth control plugin. Getting Started # Depending # dependencies:
hive repo Repository functionalities on top of hive Usage # Just pass a box to...
idntify widget idntify_widget # A flutter plugin using the implementation of the IDntify service.
lpush lpush # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter mongo stitch platform interface besaved flutter_mongo_stitch_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_mongo_stitch plugin.
zkform 简介 # 业务需求,表单操作 大量的重复性功能 抽取公用部分使用json结构直接传递可显示对应的组件 具体使用方式可查看example示例
app debug app_debug # A useful debug tool for flutter developer. Easy to use. Show it...
flutter native utils flutter_native_utils # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
flutter resample flutter_resample # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
astab astab # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # //DEFINE TAB...
asbutton asbutton # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # //DEFINE BUTTON ACTION...
asnavigationdrawer asnavigationdrawer # Getting Started # ASNavigationDrawer is flutter package that writen in...
flutter okta native wrapper sdk Flutter Okta SDK # The Flutter Okta SDK library makes it...
k responsive K_RESPONSIVE # Device Type enum DeviceType { ///...
btnbootstrap btnbootstrap # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
woosignal stripe woosignal_stripe # Official WooSignal Stripe package Add Stripe to your WooSignal WooCommerce App.
notification wall notification_wall # A statefull widget to initialize and handle Firebase messaging notifications. Getting...
timeline date picker Timeline date picker # Customizable timeline date picker for flutter. Download at pub.dev
card test card_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
fundash fundash #
quick test Quick Test # It provides the same feeling with using Quick in...
memory checker Usage # import 'package:memory_checker/memory_checker.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); }
leo change page transitions Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas....
number to word english NumberToWord # NumberToWord is a library written in Dart language that converts...
lot i2c lot_i2c # Commands # Update bindings.g.dart # flutter pub run ffigen --config...
thenounproject thenounproject # thenounproject Getting Started # Update getting sooner
flutter custom dialog tv ✨ flutter_custom_dialog # [Lanuage ~~] English | 中文文档 Global...
prompter ms This is a open source package for makiing CLI applications.
data db A library to abstract data from databases in a Dataset. Usage # A...
static grpc Make statics grpc server for postgres databaes. Simple and automated APIs for your back-end....
anthor clock flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
aps navigator APS Navigator - App Pagination System #
qtoast qtoast # Quick and Easy Toasting in Flutter. Setup # dependencies qtoast:...
string utility String Utility # an extension library to deal with common String and Regex problem.
flutter sidenav flutter_sidenav # Simple side-nav widget for Flutter Heavily inspired by the package sidenavbar
aliyun saf 阿里云风险识别 # https://help.aliyun.com/product/69981.html 使用步骤 # 初始化 # AliyunSAF().init(ACCESS_KEY_ID, ACCESS_KEY_SECRET); 调用请求...
flutter neteasequickpass flutterNeteaseQuickpassPlugin # flutterNeteaseQuickpassPlugin
flutterwave port Flutterwave Flutter SDK Port # Table of Contents # About...
galileo configuration configuration # Automatic YAML configuration loader for Galileo. About # Any web...
galileo pub sub galileo_pub_sub # Keep application instances in sync with a simple pub/sub API....
galileo production production # Helpers for concurrency, message-passing, rotating loggers, and other production functionality...
galileo static static # Static server infrastructure for Angel. Can also...
galileo range header range_header # Range header parser for Dart. Installation...
galileo utf Provides common operations for manipulating Unicode sequences. Features and bugs # Please file...
galileo html builder html_builder # Build HTML AST's and render them to...
galileo test galileo_test # Testing utility library for the galileo framework....
galileo hot hot # Supports hot reloading of Galileo servers on file changes. This is faster...
android hash log android_hash_log # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
native emoji keyboard native_emoji_keyboard # Platform View for iOS emoji keyboard Installation #
ios sample plugin ios_sample_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
fs flutter fs_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter google map marker icon flutter_google_map_marker_icon # Add custom marker icon for flutter google map
marquee in flutter marquee_in_flutter # This package provides marquee widgets that receive items(type: List<Widget>) as input
galileo prompts galileo_prompts # Rich, simple, synchronous command-line prompt library for Dart. Now...
galileo isolate Helps with isolates and isolate communication in Dart. Requires the dart:isolate library being available.
galileo mustache4dart Mustache for Dart # A simple implementation of Mustache for...
galileo cli galileo_cli # Command-line tools for the galileo framework. Includes functionality such...
custom long tap long_press_widget # A GestureDetector where you can set the Duration for LongPress callback
ocg gallery ocg_gallery # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
galileo serialize galileo_serialize # The frontend for Galileo model serialization. See documentation in the main...
galileo serialize generator galileo_serialize_generator # The builder for galileo's model serialization. Find documentation in the...
chaos chat ui chaos_chat_ui # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
galileo orm galileo_orm # Runtime support for galileo's ORM. Includes a clean, database-agnostic query builder...
galileo migration galileo_migration # A PostgreSQL database migration framework built on galileo's ORM.
galileo migration runner migration # A PostgreSQL database migration framework built on Galileo's ORM.
galileo orm generator galileo_orm_generator # Source code generators for galileo's ORM. This package can generate:
galileo pretty logging pretty_logging # Standalone helper for colorful logging output, using pkg:io AnsiCode.
galileo orm test
galileo orm mysql galileo_orm_mysql #
galileo orm postgres galileo_orm_postgres # PostgreSQL support for galileo's ORM. For documentation about the ORM,...
galileo orm service galileo_orm_service # Service implementation that wraps over galileo ORM...
galileo auth galileo_auth # A complete authentication plugin for galileo. Inspired by Passport. Wiki #
galileo auth oauth2 auth_oauth2 # package:galileo_auth strategy for OAuth2 login, i.e. Facebook or Github.
eventsource dart eventsource # A library for using EventSource or Server-Sent Events (SSE). Both client...
galileo eventsource eventsource # Server-sent Events (SSE) plugin for Angel. Installation # In your...
ringo ringo # ringo is japanese word separator. Usage # final ringo...
galileo file service file_service # galileo service that persists data to a...
galileo file security file_security # Middleware for securing file uploads. Supports:
yz dsl gen A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
curve25519 kimble Pure Dart and incomplete implementation of group operations on the Curve25519 This is not...
hb flutter util hb_flutter_util # A common Utils for Flutter. Install Started #
ocwebservice ocwebservice # Flutter API calling package Getting Started # Add Package into your...
flutter plugin resample flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
international system of units locale All your needed units in your locale
international system of units Easily convert unit from and to the international system of units and automatically...
test beacon test_beacon # A library makes Flutter test more...
flutter cafe flutter_cafe # A new Flutter package project.
galileo graphql parser galileo_graphql_parser # Parses GraphQL queries and schemas. This...
galileo graphql schema galileo_graphql_schema # An implementation of GraphQL's type system in...
asalert asalert # A new Flutter package to show alert based on platform. It contains two...
galileo graphql generator galileo_graphql_generator # Generates package:galileo_graphql_schema schemas for annotated class.
galileo graphql server graphql_server # Base package for implementing GraphQL servers....
galileo graphql Installation Usage Subscriptions Integration with Galileo Services Documenting API's Deprecated...