cellograph 0.0.6 Cellograph Cellograph is a graph neural network model that uses a two-layer graph convolutional...
cellfinderanalyst 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zpuilib 0.1.2 ZPUI libraries System-level importable packages for ZPUI use - and other package use if...
zpui 0.1.1 ZPUI libraries System-level importable packages for ZPUI use - and other package use if...
zobepy 1.0.4 zobepy zobepy - zobe’s unsorted library. This is an unsorted library made by...
zipfileinflate64 0.1 Extract Enhanced Deflate ZIP archives with Python’s zipfile API. Installation pip...
zmoncli 1.1.74 ZMON CLI Command line client for the Zalando Monitoring solution (ZMON). ...
zmicroservices 1.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zm 1.0 ===============================zabbix-cli-ent===============================Zabbix management command-line client* Free software: Apache license* Source: https://github.com/orviz/zabbix-cli-ent* Bugs: https://github.com/orviz/zabbix-cli-ent/issueszabbix-cli-ent allows to perform...
zimuzu 0.1.0 A command line tool for doing the signing work for zimuzu(http://www.zimuzu.tv/). ...
zimupy 0.0.8 # zimupy ZiMuZu Non-official Python SDK
zilianmssqldjango 1.1.4 SQL Server backend for Django Welcome to the Zilian-MSSQL-Django 3rd party backend project!...
zkg 3.0.1 The Zeek Package Manager makes it easy for Zeek users to install and manage...
ZipSteganograPy 0.0.4 ZipSteganograPy Description This tool hides a ZIP archive in an image. This...
zga 0.1.1 ZGA - prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation pipeline ...
zflix 0.31 A CLI script that search and play torrents with peerflix
zentrasdk 0.1.1 Zentra, your all in one Python SDK for building FastAPI and Next.js applications. Found...
zeys 0.1.0 Python Zeys zeys is library for detecting typed keys in Python. Zeys features
zetch 0.0.16 Zetch In-place, continuous templater.
zenmake 0.11.0 ZenMake is a cross-platform build system for C/C++ and some other languages. ...
ZeroSegImproved 0.3 ZeroSeg A improved version of code library for the ZeroSeg Raspberry Pi...
zeroize 1.1.2 zeroize Securely clear secrets from memory. Built on stable Rust...
zeroconfpy2compat 0.19.17 python-zeroconf-py2compat This is a fork of pyzeroconf, Multicast DNS Service Discovery for Python,...
zeroconf2 0.19.2 python-zeroconf (Fork of last Python 2.x supported version)===============For original: * PyPI page https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zeroconf* GitHub project...
zeroconf 0.135.0 python-zeroconf
zefactor 2.0.0 Python Zefactor zefactor is library for renaming tokens in a project. Zefactor features
zeekclient 1.3.1 The Zeek Cluster Management Client This is the recommended command-line client for...
zee 0.0.3 dicts
zdockparser 0.13 ZDOCK Parser Parses ZDOCK output files and returns coordinates of ZDOCK poses as NumPy...
zamiaprolog 0.1.0 # Zamia PrologScalable and embeddable compiler/interpreter for a Zamia-Prolog (a Prolog dialect). Stores its knowledge...
zaglushka 0.1.0 Http server for stubing backends and emulate some errors. Documentation & examples at github
zag 0.2.12 A library to do [jobs, tasks, flows] in a highly available, easy to understand...
zabbixsys 2021.9.1.1630515474 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cardboardlint 1.3.1 Introduction Cardboardlint is a cheap lint solution for pull requests. It is a...
capturml 0.3.1 Captur ML SDK This is an internal SDK to build Captur Machine Learning products.
candyboardcli 4.0.0 CANDY Board service CLI A CLI tool to communicate with...
candyboardamt 1.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ytree 3.2.1 ytree
youtubeextract 1.4.0 youtube_extract Extract metadata for all videos from a...
yodelnet 0.1.0 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
YodelAldenQ 0.0.1 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
yodelaldenq 0.0.1 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
youcab 0.1.3 YouCab: Converts MeCab Parsing Results to Python Objects ...
ymci 0.1.4 UNKNOWN
ymcalculator 0.0.1 This is a very basic calculator Change Log 0.0.1 (26/05/2021)...
yolov8rknn 8.0.151 Get model optimized for RKNN Exports detection/segment model with optimization for RKNN, please refer...
yolov8posetriton 8.2.0 中文 | 한국어 | 日本語 | Русский | Deutsch | Français | Español | Português...
yolov4 3.2.0 tensorflow-yolov4 YOLOv4 Implemented in Tensorflow 2. >=v3, :exclamation: Do not try to train....
yices 1.1.5 This is the long description.
yaval 0.0.1.post3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ydatasynthetic 2.0.0 Join us on YData Synthetic YData-Synthetic is an open-source package developed in 2020...
ydatasdk 1.0.1 YData SDK ...
ydataquality 0.1.0 ydata-quality ydata_quality is an open-source python library for assessing Data Quality throughout the multiple...
yastr 0.1.0 Yet Another Simple Test Runner A simple test runner for just calling executables and...
YasExampleHandlers 0.0.2 This aims to be a set of full featured handlers for Yas.
yasd 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
YarpTP 0.0.4 YarpTp Python Module YarpTp es un módulo para Python construido para un fácil control...
yarp 0.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yaroslavslogger 0.9.0 yaroslavslogger yaroslavslogger is a simple Python package that provides a greeting function. Installation
ybe 0.3.6 Ybe is a software package supporting a YAML based file format for importing, exporting...
yapic.json 1.9.1 yapic.json is an extreamly fast json encoder / decoder package for python. Encoding and...
yara 1.7.7 What’s in yara-ctypes: A ctypes libyara wrapper module which exposes libyara’s exports...
yapam 0.1.5 Yapam Yapam is a tool that aims to simplify the process of working with...
yapydata 0.1.40 The YapyData - Yet Another Python Data - package provides miscellaneous data processing utilities...
yang.ncdiff 24.8 A package to generate NETCONF edit-config when two config states are given.
yang.connector 24.8 Client capable of NETCONF and gNMI protocol
caj2pdfrestructured 0.1.0a7 caj2pdf 本项目由 caj2pdf/caj2pdf 重构而来,仅仅修改了 Python 包的组织方式,以便使用包管理工具进行简便地安装和调用。 可以使用 build.py 脚本编译二进制依赖 可以在任何工作目录下使用...
bytegg 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bwread 0.0.5 bwread Read bigwig-files quickly into PyRanges in Python
BurnerOnFire 0.1 More information at http://www.kiberpipa.org/burneronfire/
buzzoff 1.1.0 BuzzOff This project creates a list of possible words that can be created from...
buttonshim 0.0.2 0.0.2 Fix: Deferred setup to prevent import side-effects Fix: Corrected NUM_BUTTONS...
buttervolume 3.10 BTRFS Volume plugin for Docker What will Buttervolume allow you to do?
butterfly 3.2.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
butter 0.13.1 “Making things that little bit butter under linux” Butter is a library to integrate...
bumprelease 0.10.6 Updates the release numbers for a projects This script uses the release.ini file placed...
bumpemu 0.0.8 bumpemu This is a bump controller emulator for CellPro PowerLab 6 and 8 chargers.
xunleipy 0.4.1 xunleipy========[](https://travis-ci.org/lazygunner/xunleipy)### XunLei SDK1. 模拟登录迅雷2. 查看远程下载项目3. 添加远程下载项目### 远程下载使用方法0. 安装&引用 xunleipy``` pip install xunleipy`````` from xunleipy.remote...
xscreenfilter 0.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xrfeitoria 0.6.3 Introduction XRFeitoria is a rendering toolbox for generating synthetic data photorealistic with ground-truth annotations.
xtex2svg 0.0.2 Project Page : rod2ik/xtex2svg This project is part of other mkdocs-related projects. If...
xpylog 1.3 NAME xpylog - an xconsole-like syslog monitor on X11 SYNOPSIS...
xpyenv 1.1 UNKNOWN
xpycommon 0.0.25 xpycommon Introduction Currently, xpycommon is neither an open source software or the GNU...
xpress 9.4.3 FICO® Xpress Python interface Create and solve Mathematical Optimization problems like the following:...
xphonebr 0.0.7 XphoneBR is a portuguese transformer base grapheme-to-phoneme normalization tool modeling library that leverages recent deep...
XPER 0.0.88 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xmljsonyamlconvert 1.0.3 BRANCH STATUS main
xoutil 2.1.11.post1 xotl.tools is a collection of disparate utilities that does not conform a framework for...
xmlabox 1.0.6.post5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xologic 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xo2 0.1.0 xo2 Python framework for creating 3D applications. Requirements ...
xo1 0.2.0 xo1 Python framework for creating terminal applications. Requirements ...
xlogin 0.0.3 UNKNOWN
bubble 2016.8.16 ===============================Bubble===============================.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/bubble.png :target: http://badge.fury.io/py/bubble :alt: PyPI status.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/realopenit/bubble.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/realopenit/bubble :alt: Travis CI...
xcraper 0.0.1b0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xaler 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xainproto 0.6.0 Disclaimer: This is work-in-progress and not production-ready, expect errors to occur! Use at your own...
xainfl 0.6.0 Disclaimer: This is work-in-progress and not production-ready, expect errors to occur! Use at your own...
xad 1.5.2 XAD is a library designed for automatic differentiation, aimed at both beginners and...