maybe 0.4.0 For a detailed description, see
may 0.0.1 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs may
maxthreads 1.0.1 Descriptions can be found in the markdown README. New features: V.0.2.0
maximkuzinhw2 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
maxim 1.0.0 # Maxim Project Simple wrapper to fortune module ## Install `shell pip...
Maxbot 0.3.0b2 Maxbot Maxbot is an open source library and framework for creating conversational apps....
max7219LEDMATRIX 0.0.2 For more information, see the GitHub Repository. MAX7219 Sample Drive This repository contains...
max7219driver 0.0.2 For more information, see the GitHub Repository. MAX7219 Sample Drive This repository contains...
max30105 0.0.5 MAX30105 - Heart Rate, Oximeter, Smoke Sensor
maubotfedoramessages 0.1.0 Maubot Fedora messages A schema package for Maubot Fedora. See the detailed documentation...
mattersend 2.0 CLI tool to send messages to the Incoming webhook of mattermost ( ...
matterllo 0.1 What is Matterllo ?===================.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation StatusSimple integration between Trello and...
matterhook 0.2 Simply send messages to your Mattermost team using incoming webhooks. Getting the...
mattdaemon 1.1.1 Need to daemonize your Python2.7 projects? Matt Daemon has you covered. Features
matrixpy3 0.0.4 Matrix-py3 Python3 implementation of cmatrix to generate "character falls". Matrix-py3 is adapted from...
ciqar 0.2.0 Ciqar Ciqar is a tool for creating useful and (at least somewhat) pretty HTML...
cigarcoordinates 0.0.1 cigar_coordinates 1 Introduction cigar_coordinates is a tool To get the coordinates of a...
cif2cell 2.1.0 A tool to generate the geometrical setup for various electronic structure codes from a...
chrys 4.0.29 chrys A collection of color palettes for visualisation in JavaScript, Python and...
ChromeController 0.3.26 Chrome Remote Control interface and debug protocol and toolkit. NOTE: Tests are currently broken...
chembl webservices 2.7.3 chembl_webservices version 2.x======[live documentation]([API specification]([Introductory blog post]([]([]([]([]([]([](
chembl migrate 0.8.4 chembl_migrate======.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest Version.. image:: :target: :alt: Downloads.....
marvrobotics 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
marvelcaseaaw 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
marvelapi 0.0.1 from marvel.client import MarvelClient client = MarvelClient("", "<api_key>", "<api_secrel>") resp = client.get_comic(16246)...
marvcli 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
marvapi 21.12.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
marv 21.12.0 This package is part of the MARV Robotics Community Edition. MARV Robotics is a...
maruko 0.1.2 Maruko is malware crawler inspired by ‘ちびまる子ちゃん’ This script crawl...
marstest1 0.0.5 short description of what your library does release a new version of ther library...
marshalparser 0.3.4 Marshal parser marshal is an internal Python object serialization which is internally used
marly 1.1.0 Marly Python API library The Marly Python library provides convenient access to...
marllib 1.0.3 MARLlib: A Scalable and Efficient Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Library
markovclustering 0.0.6.dev0 See
markmoji 1.2.1 Markmoji extends the basic markdown syntax using an easy to understand and quickly readable emoji-based...
marketdataapi 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Markdown2PDF 0.1.4 Markdown2pdf is a command-line tool to convert markdown file into pdf, was originally designed...
Markdown2docx 0.1.0 Markdown2docx Table of Contents Purpose Markdown2docx will take a plain text markdown...
marcopoloshell 0.0.3 UNKNOWN
marchitect 0.8 Marchitect A tool for uploading files to and running commands on remote hosts....
march 0.1 MARCH - Multi Arch Wrapper Script Utility program for the execution of machine-optimised alternatives.
marcel 0.30.2 What's New You can assign the value of a Python expression to a variable,...
marbaloo validators 0.1.1 validators library support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_validators...
marbaloo telegram 0.1.0 python-telegram-bot support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_telegram
marbaloo sqlalchemy 0.1.0 sqlalchemy support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_sqlalchemy
marbaloo schedule 0.1.0 Schedule support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_schedule
marbaloo recaptcha 0.1.0 Google ReCaptcha for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_recaptcha
marbaloo mako 0.1.1 Mako template support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_mako...
marbaloo dogpile 0.1.0 dogpile support for cherrypy. Installation pip install marbaloo_dogpile
mapsadam 0.2.21 ADAM is a graphical audio and video capture tool for recording the MAPS sponsored...
mapizypropertyanalytics 0.1.4 Mapizy Property Analytics- Python API Property analytics is an machine learning based engine that...
mapgenerator 1.0.7 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MapCanvasGTK 0.0.1 MapCanvasGTK A GTK widget providing a map.
manypex 1.3.2.post2 ManyPEX=======.. image:: :target: is a fork of the PEX project that adds support...
manyconfig 1.0.0 An easy-to-use declarative loader of configuration What does it do? Manyconfig...
manishIntro 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ManipulateAggregates 0.1.3 Overview You are viewing the readme of ManipulateAggregates, a set of tools for...
manilaui 11.0.0 manila-ui - Manila Management Dashboard Free software: Apache license Documentation:
manila 18.1.0 Team and repository tags MANILA You have...
manicentropytyphoon 0.0.0 Test of the pbr packaging system using cookiecutter Free software: Apache license
mangoact 0.0.0 Introduction Donald Mango (1963 - 2022) was an actuary who made several notable contributions...
mangadown 0.1.2 manga_down manga_down is a tool to download manga from Mangareader and Mangapanda
manderageneral 0.0.1 manderageneral Missing description. This package and 6 other make up ManderaGeneral. Information
manchestercode 1.1.0 manchester-code Python library to...
managementcommands 0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
managedtenantscli 1.50.0 # Managed Tenants CLI A CLI tool commonly used by MT-SRE projects at Red...
mamonsu 2.4.1 Build status License Development version, available on...
MAMEToolkit 1.1.0 The MAME RL Algorithm Training Toolkit About This Python library will allow you...
mamele 4.3.187 This is a Python wrapper around mamele, a framework for putting computer programs as players...
mallowsmodels 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
malduck 4.4.1 :duck: Malduck Installation ⚙️ | Docs 📚 Malduck is your ducky...
makimono 0.1.4 Makimono is a python package wrapping (mostly) around the matplotlib and bokeh packages and...
makepymodule 1.0.5 makepymodule Generates the project structure for a pip installable python module Installation...
makemoments 1.0.6 make_moments A stand alone version of the pyFAT make_moments and create xv_diagram function. The...
makeFlowerPolygonsdcthom 0.0.28 flowerPetal This package is a very simple set of python modules that the Cooley...
makefilemenu 0.4.3 makefilemenu Provide a console menu interface for a Makefile. The canonical use of...
makefilecreator 1.0.0 MakeFile-Creator MakeFile-Creator is an utility for managing makefiles in C/C++ projects. Checkout project...
make 0.1.6.post2 Source Code: PyPI: License: BSD License ...
majamask 1.0.0 MAJAMASK MajaMask is a small application that lets you create a simplified...
maintboot 0.1.0 maintboot runs commands outside of the current OS, with exclusive access to the system...
maintainnerposition 0.0.2 maintain_ner_position 在做实体抽取相关的任务时,在做预处理、后处理等工作时经常会遇到需要对原始文本做增删改。同时还想要保证对原始文本增删改之后,其对应的实体列表中各个实体起止索引能够同步做更新。 本项目提供几个简单的对原始文本做增删改的函数,同时能够维护其实体列表中的各索引同步修改。 使用说明 数据结构 实体支持两种数据结构:dict 和 tuple; dict...
magicprint 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
magicimpute 3.0.0 Markov Affinity-based Graph Imputation of Cells (MAGIC) is an algorithm for denoising high-dimensional data most...
zypperpatchstatuscollector 0.3.1 This queries the current patch status of the system from Zypper and exports it in...
zxvcv.utilcli 0.2.6 zxvcv.util-cli Plotting data in terminal in multiple virtual screens displayed in single terminal....
zxvcv.util 0.4.1 zxvcv.util Toolbox for other projects. Contain usefull classes, functions and other usefull items,...
zxvcv.cmdutil 0.5.0 zxvcv.cmdutil Commandline toolbox. Setup aliases To use aliases provided with this package:
certbotdnsaliyun 2.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsalidomain 0.1.0.dev1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotdnsactive24 1.5.1 certbot-dns-active24 Active24 DNS authenticator plugin for Certbot An authenticator plugin for certbot to...
certbotdnsacmedns 0.1.0 certbot-dns-acmedns ACME-DNS DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot. This plugin is built from the...
certbotdjango 0.2.0 This is a combined plugin for the certbot ACME client and also a Django-app for...
certbotcpanel 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotazure 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
certbotaliyuncdn 0.1.0 Use the certbot client to install a certificate to a aliyun cdn server
certbotaccessserver 1.0.4 OpenVPN Access Server Installer plugin for Certbot The plugin automates installation of plugin, generated...
certbot 2.11.0 Certbot is part of EFF’s effort to encrypt the entire Internet. Secure communication over the...
cellpiper 0.0.0 Cellpiper Library for orchestrating processing cells using pipes. Quick start You can...
cellphonedb 5.0.1 CellphoneDB What is CellphoneDB? CellphoneDB is a publicly available repository of HUMAN curated...
cellpath 1.0 CellPath(Inference of multiple trajectories in single cell RNA-Seq data from RNA velocity) CellPath v0.1.0