xactor 0.3.5 XActor is a framework for doing distributed computing in Python, using the actor model...
xact 0.0.3.dev0 Xact is a tool for configuring and deploying software intensive systems, from simulations running...
wyzard 1.0 Wyzard Run...
wsy captcha 1.0.0 wsy_captcha =================== A library that generates image captcha.
wswrapper 0.0.0 Descriptions can be found in the markdown README.
wxrobot 0.13 面向个人账户的微信机器人框架 文档在此: https://sharpdeep.gitbooks.io/wxrobot-document/content/ Usage pip 安装...
wxiconstango 0.1.1 This package provides a wxPython wxArtProvider class with icons from the Tango Icon Theme....
wsql sdk 0.3.17 The chain of tools that make work with SQL procedures easier. ...
brainmaze 0.0.0a0 A toolbox for analyzing brain electrophysiology and behavior in long-term data
breakSeqInNsthentranslate 0.0.1 breakSeqInNs_then_translate 1 Introduction breakSeqInNs_then_translate is a tool to filter the sequences by translating...
breakfastpuzzles 0.2.4 Breakfast Puzzles This is a script for laying out a selection of puzzles from...
brainduck 0.0.1 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs brainduck
brainbase 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
brainatlasapi 0.0.2rc0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bragly 0.1.4 Branch Build Status Coverage master...
bouquet 0.0.1 bouquet reserved for self usage purpose
boundedsubprocess 1.0.1 bounded_subprocess The bounded-subprocess module runs a subprocess with several bounds:
bottlecork 0.12.0 Cork is a simple Authentication/Authorization libraryfor the Bottle and Flask web frameworks.
BorisExt 1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
borgweb 0.3.0 What is BorgWeb? BorgWeb is a browser-based user interface for Borg Backup. The...
bopylib 0.0.1a0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bopycxx 0.0.1a0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bootils 0.1.0.dev4 It is comprised of a bootils Python package with building blocks for process and...
WISDEMpyFrame3DD 1.1.1 pyFrame3DD Python bindings to Frame3DD Documentation Browse the documentation for Frame3DD. This...
wisdem 3.16.4 WISDEM® The Wind-Plant Integrated System Design and Engineering...
WiX.Py 0.1.0 WiX.Py is an open source cross-platform alternative for WiX toolset. Application allows building MSI...
wirescale 0.9.5.post47 Wirescale Welcome...
wiremapper 0.8.0 This is a python GTK3 application that uses the pockethernet library to run various...
wirelesswizard 0.1.1a0 wirelesswizard Description WirelessWizard allows you to use your wireless interface using python....
wirelesssensor 0.4.0 wireless-sensor 🌡 ...
wireguardreconnect 1.0.7 WireGuard Reconnect This program...
wireguardmesh 0.2.5 Automatic L2 Wireguard Mesh Deployment This is a small and opinionated tool that assists...
wintersweet 1.1.4 wintersweet 介绍 基于fastapi高性能web框架,结合aiohttp、aiomysql、aioredis等常用异步库,整合为一套简单易用的二次封装框架,使用者可以通过简单的demo和配置,即可快速搭建web服务,其中还包含各种易用的工具供开发者使用 软件架构 asyncs 异步工具库 ...
winkeyerserial 24.1.23 winkeyerserial Talk to the K1EL WinKeyerSerial, WinKeyerUSB and WKMini....
win32details 0.5.0 Win32 Details Win32 Details is an additional page in Properties...
wimsapi 0.5.11 Python API for WIMS' adm/raw module WimsAPI is an API written in python3 allowing...
windyweathercrawler 1.1 Windy Web Crawler This application is built with scrapy and selenium It takes...
wile 1.0.6 [](https://travis-ci.org/costela/wile) [](https://badge.fury.io/py/wile) # Overview Wile is a simple [Let’s Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org)...
wilddog 0.1.0rc3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
wikimediaspicerack 8.13.1 Spicerack provides an entry point to all the libraries needed to automate and orchestrate tasks...
wikiglot 0.2.1 wikiglot Overview wikiglot parses entries in Wiktionary pages. It...
wikifaces 1.0.8 Wiki Faces: Figure 1: Joko Widodo's Wikipedia page,...
wikitextprocessor 0.4.96 wikitextprocessor This is a Python package for processing WikiMedia dump files for...
wifiroboticia 1.0.0 Wifi management by command line using python
whither 0.3.2 UNKNOWN
whitespace 1.0.0b8 An interpreter written in Python for the imperative, stack-based language called Whitespace. ...
whitening 0.2 Document whitening (foreground separation) This package tries to separate text/line foreground and background by...
whooshigo 0.7 About Tokenizers for Whoosh full text search library designed for Japanese language. This...
wherewasi 0.2.3 Parse Google’s Semantic location into human-readable form Getting Started: To use...
whereval 0.1.8 WherEval Tool for parsing SQL like where expressions and evaluating against live data...
whereis 1.0.1 where-is
bloobs 1.0 Bloobs is an easy shooting game. The goal is to clear the screen of...
blackPantherpydialog 0.9.8 My problem was that the kdialog code is still not ported previously to Qt5...
blacklinepostgres 0.1.2 blackline-postgres
blacklinemysql 0.1.2 blackline-mysql
blackjunit 0.2.5 black-junit This project is a tool for generation JUnit's report from black/blue output...
weixinpy 0.0.11 The author of this package has not provided a project description
weewx 5.1.0 WeeWX Open source software for your weather station Description The WeeWX weather...
wechatpytornado 1.0.0 Tornado based async WeChat client API
wechatpy pidan 1.1.1 ___ __ _______ ________ ___ ___ ________ _________ ________ ___ ___ |\ \ |\...
wechatdjango 0.3.3 WeChat-Django WeChat-Django旨在为接入微信公众平台的django开发者提供便捷的微信及微信支付功能封装及基本的后台管理支持. 项目官方地址: https://github.com/Xavier-Lam/wechat-django 本拓展基于wechatpy ,支持的最低django版本为1.11. WeChat-Django只是一个预览版本,可能存在较多bug并且有api及数据结构变更可能,请密切关注CHANGELOG)....
wechat3 0.5.0 微信公众号Python-SDK 作者: @jeff_kit 本SDK支持微信公众号以及企业号的上行消息及OAuth接口。本文档及SDK假设使用者已经具备微信公众号开发的基础知识,及有能力通过微信公众号、企业号的文档来查找相关的接口详情。 1. 安装 pip pip...
websubsub 0.9.3 Django websub subscriber. Installation pip install websubsub Add websubsub.apps.WebsubsubConfig to...
WebRequest 0.0.78 WebRequest Like the requests library, but less good. Provides convenience functions for writing...
webparsers 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
webshell 0.0.3 A Python package that helps to add web UI on command line application. Uses
WebScriptsTools 0.1.0 WebScriptsTools Description This package implements tools for WebScripts Scripts. Requirements This...
WebScriptsClient 0.0.4 WebScriptsClient Description This package implements the "official" WebScriptsClient as a python module with...
WebScripts 3.0.39 WebScripts
webdomains 1.0.0b3 webdomains Manage your Web domains served by NGINX. Installation Requirements On...
webdev 1.1.0 About This is a small web server for development or sharing purposes. It...
webfile 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bioTEA 1.1.0 BioTEA, where Tea is short for Transcript Enrichment Analysis, is a pipeline for Differential Gene...
biosmoother 1.6.0 BioSmoother performs on-the-fly analysis and visualization (filtering, normalization, downstream processing, and displaying) of interactome data...
biofluff 3.0.4 fluff See full fluff...
BioFlow 0.2.3 [](https://github.com/chiffa/BioFlow/blob/master/License-new_BSD.txt) [](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2715/) [](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2715/) BioFlow...
bioembeddingsCPCProt 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
BiObjClassification 0.0.1 #boRanking Alpha version with most useful functions implemented. Developed by Overview...
Bigsansar 2.6.6 New update added tutorial about create unlimited users automatically. fixed some...
bigqueryoperator 2.0 Wrapper for usual operations on a fixed BigQuery dataset. Documentation is available at https://bigquery-operator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
bigos 0.0.3 Bigos - do stuff on file change Use the on decorator to run tasks...
bigorna 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bingenerator 0.1.0 Bin generator This repo can now be installed with pip: pip install git+https://gitlab.com/six-two/bin_generator
bicleanerhardrules 2.10.5 bicleaner-hardrules Bicleaner hard-rules (bicleaner-hardrules) is a pre-filtering step for obvious noise based...
bibosutils This directory contains bibos-utils, a Python library which contains client-side utilities for the BibOS...
vropackagediff 2.2.2 Project description vRO-package-diff is a Python package to compare 2 VMware vRealize Orchestrator...
vuepy 0.3.0 vue.py use Vue.js with pure Python vue.py...
vtkvd 0.5.0 vt-kvd About Installing vt-kvd...
VTIL 0.0.3 VTIL Project, standing for Virtual-machine Translation Intermediate Language, is a set of tools designed around...
vtam 0.2.0 VTAM is a metabarcoding package with various commands to process high throughput sequencing (HTS) data...
vsutillib 1.6.4 These are a collection of functions and classes that I use on my applications...
vsucs4900 0.1 This is a simple example package. You can use [Github-flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/) to write...
vstt 1.4.0 Visuomotor Serial Targeting Task (VSTT)
vstatistic 0.1.6 vStatistic vStatistic: A Portfolio analytics for quants This is a forked version of...
vpcrouter 1.8.11 # VPC-router## Introduction### SummaryThe vpc-router implements automatic route failover and backup routes for AmazonVPC environments.vpc-router...
vsphereguestrun 0.0.7 # vsphere-guest-run [](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vsphere-guest-run) [](https://travis-ci.org/vmware/vsphere-guest-run) ## Overview vsphere-guest-run enables executing...
voxel51eta 0.13.0 ETA: Extensible Toolkit for Analytics An open and extensible computer vision, machine...
vsg 3.26.0 Coding style enforcement for VHDL.
vnpyxtp VeighNa框架的XTP底层接口
VOMailer 1.0.0 Volunteer Ottawa Email Application Processor ------------------------------------- Features: --------- * accepts email as stdin * captures...