autopahe 2.3.2 Autopahe This is a Python script that can be used to search and download...
automatelifxplugin 0.9.1 automate-lifx-plugin The Lifx plugin for the automate-home project.
automateknxplugin 0.9.1 automate-knx-plugin The KNX plugin for the automate-home project.
automatehomeassistantplugin 0.9.1 automate-home-assistant-plugin The Home Assistant plugin for the automate-home project....
automatehome 0.9.1 Automate home Yet another home automation...
autokernel 0.9.9 Quick start guide | Documentation | Gitter Chat ...
autodynatrace 2.1.1 autodynatrace - OneAgent-SDK-Python-AutoInstrumentation Dynatrace provides a powerful SDK that can...
AutoGitSemVer 0.7.8 AutoGitSemVer Generate a semantic version based on commits made to a git repository....
autocodepy 0.0.1.post9 autocode Auto Code Improvement by Metrics Optimization. Description Autocode selects the best...
samlib 1.290.1 samlib Samlib is a high-level Python wrapper to the SAM SSC library from...
salvus 0.1.14 In-memory credential store with yubikey authorization. Stores a set of ID and VALUE for...
salusts 2.8.2 Salusts A Python package for SaluSTS workflow.
saltnornir 0.21.0 Salt Nornir Nornir centered SaltStack modules: salt-nornir proxy minion module...
salavatfasthist 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
salarytimetrackersqlite 0.2 A handy tool with a command line interface for logging time worked. At any...
salarytimetracker 0.6 A handy tool with a command line interface for logging time worked. At any...
saintBioutils 0.0.25 saintBioutils Repository containing utility and miscellaneous scripts and functions for...
sahaba 0.1.0 Sahaba Installation : pip install sahaba --upgrade ...
Sagittariusapitest 0.13 Sagittarius Gene expression time-series extrapolation for heterogeneous data Introduction Sagittarius is a...
Sagittariusapi 0.17 Sagittarius Gene expression time-series extrapolation for heterogeneous data Introduction Sagittarius is a...
safety 3.2.7 [!NOTE] Come and join us at SafetyCLI. We are hiring for various roles....
safet 0.1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
safepysha3 1.0.4 SHA-3 wrapper (keccak) for Python. The package is a wrapper around the optimized Keccak...
safep 0.1.3 SAFEP SAFEP-related scripts and tools These scripts and notebooks are broadly applicable to...
safelogging 0.1.0 A simple python library that adds some additional logging functionality on top of the...
safelock 1.3.3 Safelock Mutually exclusive locks are usually the simplest way to get safe concurrent access...
safetywrap 1.5.0 safetywrap Fully typesafe, Rust-inspired wrapper types for Python values...
sadm 0.21 sadm sysadmin/devops/deployment tools install $ pip3 install sadm
sadic 2.0.0 SADIC v2: A Modern Implementation of the Simple Atom Depth Index Calculator ...
astrologic 0.0.8 Пакет Astrologic содержит ряд инструментов, позволяющих "в рантайме" оптимизировать работу ваших функций или даже конструировать...
astrogdtrxte 1.0.0 The GDT-RXTE is an extension to Gamma-ray Data Tools that adds functions specific to the...
russiannumerals 0.2b0 Пакет Python для работы с количественными числительными русского языка. Установка pip...
ruspy 0.1.1 RusPy - Rust-Powered Data Analysis RusPy is a library implemented in Rust for Python...
rupantar 0.9.5a0 Rupantar No-frills website generation, powered by Python ...
rubberband 1.0.2 Introduction rubberband is a simple Python3 wrapper around the well-known librubberband sound stretching /...
runtimepy 5.5.0 runtimepy (5.5.0) A framework...
ruamel.rmoldkernels 0.1.0 The rmoldkernels utility removes old. no longer used, kernels from on Ubuntu systems, thus...
ruamel.ordereddict 0.4.15 The ordereddict module in short This is an implementation of an ordered dictionary with...
ruamel.browser.server.selenium 0.1.2 selenium firefox browser plugin
ruamel.browser.client 0.2.10 zmq based client to talk with ruamel.browser.server Example from commandline: rbc init abc...
rtxpy 0.0.3 RTXpy Ray tracing using CUDA, accessible from Python. Hardware requirements ...
runloopapiclient 0.1.0a20 Runloop Python API library The Runloop Python library provides convenient access to...
rungs 1.0.11 rungs -- A Tool for Fuzzy Procedures rungs is a tool help navigate "fuzzy"...
runez 5.2.0 Friendly misc/utils/convenience library
runexp 0.1.1 runexp Library to run experiment from argparse or config file with slurm Examples
asalix 0.1.3 ASALIX is a Python package that collects mathematical tools and utilities designed to support Lean...
arxify 1.0.2 arxify - Arxiv Packaging Tool arxify is a command line tool that packs latex...
arraylias 0.1.1 arraylias This repo is still in the early stages of development, there...
rstatmon 1.2.1 Raspberry pi Status Monitor (StatMon) is simple web application that allow you to monitor statistic...
RsCma 4.0.20 Rohde & Schwarz CMA180 Radio Tester Driver RsCma instrument driver. Basic Hello-World code:...
rsbactools For details information about RSBAC visit RSBAC webpage. RSBAC in daily use need some...
rsarmageddon 2.2.0 RSArmageddon Smashing RSA for fun and profit Description RSArmageddon is a free...
RsAreg800 5.30.49 Rohde & Schwarz AREG800A automotive radar echo generator RsAreg800 instrument driver. Basic Hello-World code:
RSSPoddl 1.0.2 RSSPod-dl Python-based CLI tool for downloading and managing podcast episodes from RSS feeds....
RsSmcv 5.20.44 Rohde & Schwarz SMCV100B Vector Signal Generator RsSmcv instrument driver. Basic Hello-World code:...
RsSmbv 5.30.48 Rohde & Schwarz SMBV100B Vector Signal Generator RsSmbv instrument driver. Basic Hello-World code:...
rrec 0.1.1 rrec - automatically record your favourite program from WDR radio This script will download...
rpweibo 0.2.2 rpweibo=======cURL + Python Weibo Wrapper.## Installing```bashsudo python3 install```## Usage### Initialize```pythonimport rpweiboexample_app = rpweibo.Application(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET,...
rppatil 0.0.2 This is initial package for testing purpose only which reads and writes json files...
rpmostreegui 0.0.2 RPM OSTree GUI GUI application for managing RPMs via rpm-ostree. Installation Note:...
rpmdeplint 2.0 rpmdeplint Rpmdeplint is a tool to find errors in RPM packages in the context...
rpm 0.2.0 rpm-shim Python RPM shim module for use in virtalenvs. Purpose RPM Python...
RPIST7789 0.0.4a0 RPI ST7789 Python library to control an ST7789 TFT LCD display Designed to...
RPiShift 0.2.0 UNKNOWN
RPiGPIOHelper 2.3.0 RPi_GPIO_Helper RPi.GPIO Helper Library. github Installation #...
RPi.GPIO2 0.4.0 RPi.GPIO2 Summary: This project implements a compatibility layer between RPi.GPIO syntax...
RPi.GPIO 0.7.1 This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi....
rpidoormangammu 0.1.0 RPi.Doorman Gammu#################Door state monitor, with ability to make a phone call completely written in Python......
rpidoorman 0.1.1 Door state monitor, completely written in Python. Doorman is using adafruit magnetic...
rpibadpower 0.1.0 rpi-bad-power A Python library to detect bad power supply on Raspberry Pi. This library...
rpibacklight 2.6.0 rpi-backlight A Python module for controlling power and brightness of the official...
rpacooperativa 1.1.23 Exemplos de utilizacao da bilioteca rpa_coop # linha1: update pip # linha2: install...
rosmodex 0.0.0 ROS Model Extractor (WIP) This project provides a model extraction tool for ROS Launch...
rosie 1.5.0 Prerequisites: Rosie installation (see Rosie and the Rosie...
roseauloadflow 0.10.0 Roseau Load Flow Roseau Load Flow is a highly capable...
rosbagupdate 0.3.1 Rosbag update Updates topic data types on ROS bags, solves checksum errors. Doesn't...
ros2systemmanager 0.1.5 👨💻 ros2_system_manager ros2 system manager for your robot Make available in docker shutdown...
roroaring64 0.1.0 Deserialize 64 bit roaring bitmaps into a Python set of integers. roroaring64 is a lightweight...
rommsglaficplots 0.0.29 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rolluptilelogs 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rogotocore 0.3.0 # Rogoto LibraryRogoto Library to control a BrickPI as a Logo Turtle built out of...
robotpajamas.pants.scie 0.0.3 pants-scie-plugin This plugin provides a scie_binary target that can be used to create a...
robotmonitor 0.1.0 robotmonitor Maintain datalake to monitor robot real time situation Project Setup Instructions...
roboticmanipulatorrloa 1.0.0 robotic_manipulator_rloa robotic_manipulator_rloa is a framework for training Robotic Manipulators on the Obstacle Avoidance task...
robotframeworkuiautomatorlibrary 0.4 This is a test library for Robot Framework to bring keyword-driven testing to Android apps..
rocksdict 0.3.23 RocksDict / SpeeDict Key-value storage for Python & Wrapper of Rocksdb and Speedb...
rockartexamples 0.2.1 ROCKART EXAMPLES Rockart Examples - collection of Rockart usage examples.
rockart 0.2.3 ROCKART Rockart is a tool for drawing in terminal using Braille characters. Inspired...
robespierre 0.1.1 Robespierre Robespierre is a wrapper for scorch to automate tests and send report per...
roachcase 0.3.5 A match making algorithm The roach case is a match making algorithm to create...
rnr 1.0.10 The RNR File Manager (RNR's Not Ranger) The RNR File Manager (RNR's Not Ranger)...
rnnoisecli 1.0.3 rnnoise-cli A CLI wrapper for the LADSPA plugin at To be used...
RNG 1.9.1 Random Number Generator & Engine for Python3 This project has been rolled into Fortuna...
robophery 0.2 Design and implementation of Python library for interfacing low level hardware sensors and actuators...
RoboKinematics 1.0.0 A Python package for robotic applications, offering tools for forward and inverse kinematics, manipulator Jacobian...
robogif 1.3.0 RoboGif allows you to simply record the screen of your 4.4+ Android device and then...
rmux 1.0.6 rmux rmux allows you to run your local project on multiple remote machines in
rmsvax 1.0.4 Introduction vax is a set of routines for converting between NumPy floating point and...
rmr 4.0.0 rmr-python Summary, Limitations This is a CTYPES wrapper around...
riskdistributions 2.0.17 This library contains various probability distributions, compatible for use with the Vivarium framework You...