rlpy3 2.0.0 RLPy3 Why Fork? This is my fork of RLPy.
apachebeamli Apache Beam is a unified programming model for both batch and streaming data processing,...
AoikArgUtil 0.3.0 Documentation on Github
aodhclient 3.6.0 Python bindings to the OpenStack Aodh API This is a client for OpenStack Aodh...
ricxappframe 3.2.2 This package is a framework for writing RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) Xapps in python....
ricsdl 3.1.3 RIC SDL Shared Data Layer in the RAN Intelligent Controller Shared Data Layer...
rics 4.1.1 RiCS: my personal little ML engineering library.
richtraceback 1.0.3 Informative Traceback Logging for Python Informative stack traces showing method parameters Simple standalone...
richsmi 0.3.1 Rich-SMI A terminal based graphical GPU...
richcli 1.8.0 Rich CLI Rich-cli is a command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal,...
rich 13.8.1 English readme • 简体ä¸æ–‡ readme • æ£é«”ä¸æ–‡ readme • Lengua española readme
ribfind 2.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rhelliott 2.0.14 Elliott - Errata Tool Automation Elliott is a tool for...
rheioyu58 1.2.0 AS-One : A Modular Library for YOLO Object Detection and Object Tracking ...
rhei 0.5.2 Rhei is a Python 3 package that implements simple stopwatch functionality including pausing, resetting and...
rgbcontrol 0.0.1 RGB control for A4Tech Bloody keyboard for Linux This script allows you...
rfwtools 1.3.0 rfwtools This package provides commonly used functionality around CEBAF C100 RF Waveforms collected by...
rfmonitor 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
rfinder 1.1.0 RFInder Insallation instructions pip install rfinder To create a local...
rfdevices 0.3.0 Introduction High level RF library for interacting with common devices.
restiro 0.19.1 RESTiro RESTful API documentation generator (inline documentation + tests)...
retworkx 0.15.1 retworkx retworkx is the deprecated package name for rustworkx. If you're using the...
restframeworkserializerfactory 0.6.0 Factories for creating instances of restframework.serializers.ModelSerializer on demand. Install $ pip...
resteasy 0.0.1.dev0 Work in progress. Development occurring on GitHub
restd 0.0.5 restd A REST daemon with plugin support for route actions
restclientmicro 0.3.21 RestClientMicro Run REST calls Usage from rest_client_micro import RESTClient as rc...
rest3client 0.7.0 rest3client rest3client...
ressac 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
resotopluginposthog 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-posthog Posthog Collector Plugin for Resoto This collector plugin is used to collect...
resotopluginonprem 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-onprem (WIP) On-Premises Collector Plugin for Resoto License See LICENSE for details.
resotopluginonelogin 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-onelogin OneLogin collector plugin for Resoto This plugin collects OneLogin users as cloud...
resotoplugink8s 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-k8s Kubernetes plugin for Resoto. See Getting Started for more information. License
resotoplugingithub 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-github (WIP) GitHub Collector Plugin for Resoto License See LICENSE for details.
resotoplugingcp 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-gcp An GCP collector plugin for Resoto. License See LICENSE for details.
resotopluginexamplecollector 3.9.0 resoto-plugin-example-collector Example Collector Plugin for Resoto License See LICENSE for details.
resif 2.0.2 This module has been developped by the University of Luxembourg in order to improve the...
researchframework 0.2.29 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rescreen 1.0.4 Display Manager with fractional scaling support for X11 ...
resc 0.1.0 Resource checker Resc check resources(CPU,memory,disk) of target host(local or remote) and execute script....
resampy2 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
rerunanimation 0.1.3 A rerun-sdk plugin and tools for 3D animation ...
Requirementz 0.3.5 Checks requirements.txt against installed packages, or latest versions available on PyPi. Shows latest...
repyt 0.1.1 repyt Automatically re-run Python commands when files change. Installation
reportmanager 0.8.0 Report Manager Version: 0.8.0 Manage your reports Merge reports based...
ReprDynamics 0.1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
repoolforked 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
repool 0.3 UNKNOWN
remoshock 0.82 remoshock Quick links: ...
remodep 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
remindr 0.3 Automatically get data from a list and send messages to social networks to remind people...
remarkableupdateimage 1.1.3 reMarkable Update Image Read a reMarkable update image as a block device. Known...
remarkableupdatefuse 1.2.2 reMarkable Update FUSE Mount remarkable update files using FUSE Usage pip install...
repcloud 0.1a1 repcloud repcloud is a...
relshell 0.3.3 relshell========.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/laysakura/relshell.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/laysakura/relshellA framework to manage shell commands' inputs/outputs as relational data... contents::...
repast4py 1.1.6 Repast for Python (Repast4Py) Build Status Master
relogged 0.1.0 Relogged Python logging, remastered.
Reloadr 0.4.1 Reloadr Python hot code reloading tool. pip install reloadr
reloadex 0.6 reloadex Restart wsgi server on Python code changes. Works on Windows and Linux....
rendersvgicons 0.1.0 render-svg-icons is a python script for rendering SVG icons to PNG icons in various sizes....
releasebot 0.7.1 Release bot Automate releases on Github and PyPi. Description This is a...
remotephonecontrol 0.1.0 Remote Phone Control - v0.1.0 Some SIP hardphone brands support the features Action URIs...
remotemicroscope 2.0a3 UNKNOWN
remoteio 1.0.12 remoteio A Raspberry Pi GPIO remote control based on gpiozero https://github.com/gpiozero/gpiozero Install...
remoteexecapi 1.13.3 Remote The remote CLI lets you...
Refrapt 0.4.10 Refrapt What...
RegNet 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
regmitter 1.0.2 regmitter Description This utility is designed for transferring docker registries data.
regexreplacer 0.1.1 Regex Replacer This is simple package for fast replace texts with regex. Support...
regexbuild 1.0.1 regex-build Build complex one-line regex strings. The preferred way of building is using...
regexapp 0.3.8 regexapp Regexapp is an application to generate a regular expression pattern. Disclaimer: This...
reedsshepp 1.0.7 # Reeds Shepp Path Library Forked from the [repository](https://github.com/ghliu/pyReedsShepp) of [Guan-Horng Liu](https://github.com/ghliu>). Modified...
RedWebDashboard 1.7.1 Red-Dashboard (Fork of Neuro's Dashboard) An easy-to-use interactive web Dashboard to control your Red-DiscordBot...
reds 0.1.9 reds Request/Response library on top of Redis. Simple Client/Server example Client:...
redPacket 0.1.1 fix the dependency install package problem.
aiidavibroscopy 1.1.1 aiida-vibroscopy AiiDA plugin that uses finite displacements and fields to compute phonon properties,...
aiidasssp 0.1.2 aiida-sssp This project is archived and has been fully superseded by aiida-pseudo which you...
aiidashell 0.8.0 AiiDA plugin that makes running shell commands easy. Run any shell executable without writing...
aiidaoptimade 1.2.0 OPTIMADE API implementation for AiiDA The compatibility matrix below assumes the user always install...
aiidanwchem 3.0.1 aiida-nwchem AiiDA-NWChem is the AiiDA plugin for the NWChem code. The plugin provides...
ahvl 1.2.1 ahvl Base libraries for the Ansible HashiCorp Vault Lookup (AHVL) Plugin by Netson...
RecoVoc 1.0.5 .. raw:: html <h1 align="center">RecoVoc.. raw:: html </h1>.. raw:: html <h4 align="center">Projet de reconnaissance vocale...
RecordFluxparser 0.13.0 RecordFlux Parser This is the parser for the RecordFlux language which is based on...
recommenderblackboxes 0.0.2 recommender-blackboxes Easy to use free python recommendation package (under development)
reciprocal smallest distance 1.1.7 UNKNOWN
rechub 0.0.5 RecHub Implementations of some methods in recommendation. Models ...
rebasehelper 0.29.2 Welcome to rebase-helper There are several steps that need to be done...
reaver 2.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
realreq 0.7.4 realreq: real requirements for real projects realreq is the lightweight tool that...
realPython 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ReadWriteMemory 0.1.5 ReadWriteMemory Description The ReadWriteMemory Class is made on Python for reading and writing...
readmehelper 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
readdat 2.6.13 ReadDat Read/write various data file formats in python. 1. Installation instructions Download...
readcsvturbo 0.0.6 Improved method for reading the first/last/specific line from csv into a DataFrame Ever deal...
reactiveuart2ip 0.2.1 reactive-uart2ip Application that works as a "bridge" between the Sancus FPGA (through UART) and...
reactiveplatform 0.3.0 Reactive Markets Platform SDK Python The Reactive Platform SDK for Python. Getting Started
reactivepapi 2.0.0 Reactive papi python Reactive Platform flatbuffer python generated package.
reactivenet 0.3.5 reactive-net Python library for managing network communications Network messages are of three types:
reacnetgenerator 1.6.13 ReacNetGenerator An automatic reaction network generator for reactive...
ReachSample 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ReachAnnotation 0.1.0 ReachAnnotation GUI-based annotation tool-tip designed to be used for data collected using the ReachMaster...