sleipnir.frontends.handset 0.0.91 Add Here a a description to this package
sleepgraph 5.6 This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing their linux...
slopping 1.0.0 slopping A script to make cropping easy when ffmpeg'ing. Needs slop, xdotool, and xwininfo.
slogging 1.2.1 slogging is a stats and logging tools for OpenStack Swift. License: Apache...
slbackup 2.0 UNKNOWN
slagit 2.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
slacksend 0.1 CLI tool to send messages to the Incoming webhook of Slack ( ...
slackfix 0.1.2 Slackfix Wrapper script, attempts to execute Slack with the correct URI argument. The...
skqulacs 0.5.0 scikit-qulacs scikit-qulacs is a...
callattendant 1.1.0 Call Attendant pip install callattendant The Call Attendant (callattendant) is an...
calibratereceiver 0.8.0 Calibrate-multifeed-receiver Download This project is written in Python3 (3.8), so make sure you...
calendariUS 0.2.1 Generate calendar for Help Desk shifts
c14jpictest 0.0.2 This module is a python wrapper around the C14 storage solution. This module...
c14jpic 0.0.2 This module is a python wrapper around the C14 storage solution. This module...
calcam 2.13.0 Calcam Python Package Calcam is a Python package providing tools for "spatial calibration" of...
CALB 0.0.2 This is a verys simple calculator which we have named as basiCAL that takes 2...
calamardolauncher 0.1.2 # Calamardo Launcher
cairotypehints 0.1.7 Cairo type hints Add type hints to your Cairo-lang files and feed the generated...
cairotft 0.1.2 cairotft cairotft is a small module for Python...
cairocffi 1.7.1 cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo, a set of Python bindings and...
cagen 0.1.0.post3 cagen About cagen is a static site generator intented for cmpalgorithms project. So...
sixty 0.1 sixty A simple python wrapper for SIXTE, a software package for X-ray telescope observation...
sinkpypi 1.19.0 Sink Custom Python Title 3 API library The Sink Custom Python Title...
sinkhornrebasin 0.0.2 Re-basin via implicit Sinkhorn differentiation Implementation of paper Re-basin via implicit Sinkhorn differentiation (Accepted...
singularitypipeline 0.2.1 singularity-pipeline Description singularity-pipeline is a Python-based tool for describing, building and running Singularity...
SimpliPyTEM 1.0.11 SimpliPyTEM is a python package to make python-based analysis of Transmission electron microscopy images easier...
simplezfs 0.0.3 A thin wrapper around ZFS from the OpenZFS project. The library aims at providing...
simplexsolver 3.0.18 SIMPLEX UI For Artitsts Simplex aims to...
simplexers 1.0.0 Euclidean Projections onto Positive and Capped Simplices
simulaix 0.0.2 Simulaix An efficient synthetic data framework Introduction to Simulaix:
simpyple 0.1.10 A bunch of utilities and convenience methods for [simpy]( The name “simpyple” stands for “simpy...
SimplyPrintRPiSoftware 2.5.2 SimplyPrintRPiSoftware The SimplyPrint software used to communicate with the platform at Needs...
simplesds011 0.0.7 simple-sds011 A minimal library for reading samples from a Nova Fitness SDS011 particulate sensor.
SimpleSchemaGenerator 0.12.4 SimpleSchemaGenerator Tool that generates code based on a defined schema. Overview TODO:...
simplerun 0.3.2 About Running shell in a Pythonic way. Installation...
simplelogfactory 0.0.1 Simple log factory This package is a wrapper for a simple log factory....
simpleregex 0.1.10 Simple RegEx ...
simplei18n 0.1.2 i18n Lightweight simple translation JavaScript module 'i18n' in Python implementation. Install Please...
simpleheader 0.1.1 Generate ready-to-use headers for a web request with the least chance of being blocked...
simplemonitoralert 0.2.4 Simple Monitor Alert A simple monitor with alerts for Unix/Linux under the KISS philosophy....
simple model 1.3.0.post5 As the name suggests, this is a very simple model framework. It can be...
simpcalci 0.0.2 simpcalc A pip package which uses math.js api for calculations Usage from...
simpbot 1.0 # SimpBotSimpBot es un bot muy simple, y solo eso, hecho en python, funcional en...
simpledraw 2.9.0 # simple_draw Pygame-based package for drawing graphical primitives for tutorial purpose.  framework.## How to...
sim800lgsmmodule 1.0.1 Raspberry Pi SIM800L GSM module SIM800L GSM module library for Linux systems like the...
sigmatch 0.0.4 sigmatch: check function signatures ...
SillyCrossbow 1.1.4 # Silly-Crossbow Python distutils + SWIG + C++ [](
silerovadlite 0.1.0 Silero VAD Lite ATTENTION: Not ready for public use yet. Silero VAD Lite...
SilentDuneClient 0.5.14 A Open Source Multi-Threaded and Modular Linux Firewall Manager Service. Silent Dune is a...
sifparser 0.3.5 sif_parser A small package to read Andor Technology Multi-Channel files. This...
siderpy 0.7.0 SiderPy Minimalistic Python asyncio Redis client library Installation...
Si7021 0.1.1 Driver for the Si7021 humidity and temperature sensor. Usage: Dependencies...
SignalCliAPi SignalCliApi Python 3 API for the signal-cli messaging utility Requires python3, qrencode application,...
shumway 4.0.0 shumway A micro library for sending metrics to a FFWD agent....
shubhankutility 0.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
shubhamp2 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
shortify 0.6.0 Shortify - shorten your URL A simple URL shortening API wrapper library...
shorthanddatetime 0.2.1 Shorthand datetime Simple package to parse shorthand datetime strings ...
shrpid 2.2.4 Sailor Hat for Raspberry Pi: Daemon ...
shoper 1.3.1 shoper Simple shell operator module for Python Installation...
showinbrowser 0.1.6 show_in_browser A simple python package to display pandas dataframes and matplotlib/plotly graphs in...
shotfirst 0.12.3 Overview This is just a very simple inotify monitor for “dropbox” style folders. What...
shmutils 0.0.2 I’ve wondered why isn’t it easier to have multiple processes be able to have a...
shjunitxml 1.0.0 sh_junit_xml This a simple wrapper around the junit_xml python library to allow for...
shellstreaming 0.1.1 A stream processor working with shell commands Tutorial For...
shelloracle 1.5.0 ShellOracle
shellog 1.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
shellcommandlogger 0.4.1 Shell command logger (scl) This program uses the...
shellcmd 1.0.2 shell-cmd Python package Simple wrapper for executing shell commands using just one Python function.
shell49 0.1.10 see
shiboken6 6.7.2 Shiboken6 module The purpose of the shiboken6 Python module is to access information...
shgofast 0.1.3 SHGOFAST A monkey-patched Cython/C++ backend for bottleneck functions and classes of the scipy.optimize.shgo...
shcmdmgr 0.1.1 DISCLAIMER (WORK IN PROGRESS): As of May 2020 this project is work in progress.
sharelatex 1.0.3 Python-sharelatex is a library to interact with It also includes a command line...
shared lock 0.2.1 A python package that provides useful locks. It includes the following functionality:...
shapytc 0.1 UNKNOWN
ShaPy 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
shaponimage 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
shadowsocksmanager 0.1.17 shadowsocks-manager A web-based Shadowsocks management tool. Features: Central user management
shadowsocksgtk 0.1.1 shadowsocks-gtk===============A [ShadowSocks]( Client written with python-twisted and pygtk.Requirements:Debian/Ubuntu/LinuxMint: sudo apt-get python-twisted-core python-gtk2 python-m2cryptoInstall and Run:...
shadowray 0.1.6 Shadowray An useful client of v2ray for linux Simple usage pip install...
sh40slate 0.7.0 Slate A powerful terminal management library. pip install sh40-slate
sh40celadon 0.8.0 Celadon A modern TUI library taking the right lessons from the web. pip...
shaped 0.14.0 Python SDK pip install shaped Rank import shaped
ShapeChecker 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sgtl 0.5.0 This library provides several methods and algorithms relating to spectral graph theory in python....
sgdml 1.0.2 Symmetric Gradient Domain Machine Learning (sGDML) For more details visit: Documentation can...
shakastreamer 0.5.1 Shaka Streamer offers a simple config-file based approach to preparing streaming media. It greatly...
sg2 2.3.3 Solar Geometry 2 Solar Geometry 2 (SG2) is the second generation of library for...