sftdyn 0.10 dyndns.org-like service that accepts update requests via HTTP(S) and forwards them to a locally running...
SFOpenBoson 0.3.0 This Strawberry Fields plugin library allows Strawberry Fields to interface with OpenFermion. Strawberry Fields...
sfc 0.1.365 Service Function Chaining=========================Service Function Chaining provides the ability to define an ordered list of anetwork...
setlistfmclient 0.4.0 setlist-fm-client setlist-fm-client is a python client for the setlist.fm REST API. Installation...
blis 1.0.1 Cython BLIS: Fast BLAS-like operations from Python and Cython, without the tears This repository...
bitprim 1.1.94 bitprim Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin development platform for Python applications ...
bitnfly 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
bitis 0.12.3 Bitis is a python module that implements a full set of operators over binary...
birdhousefinch 0.12.1 Finch Finch (the bird) Finch is a bird that...
biosemirealtime 1.0.9 This package provides a real-time averager which allows time- and frequency-domain averages. Data are averaged
BioPathAI 0.1.0 BioPathAI A Python tool for the analysis of biological pathways with machine learning techniques
bionmrutils 0.2.0 An aggregate package of bio NMR utils To install from master branch run command
bionicwriter 0.1.0 Bionic Writer Bionic Writer...
serializegpio 0.1.0 Serialize Gpio Serialize Gpio is a Python library that provides tools for manipulating Raspberry...
serialfingerscontrol 0.0.2 Serial-fingers-control
serialenum 0.3 A cross-platform serial port enumerator utility function. Use with pyserial to automatically detect available...
serfpluginhandler 0.2.0 False
serf membership 1.2 Serf Membership=======This is very simple script for election a leader (primary) from all members...
serendipyty 0.0.8 A Python library for learning and teaching Geophysics. The focus of this template is...
serdenumpy 0.3.0 serde-numpy serde-numpy is a library for efficient deserializing of various file formats directly into...
serdemol2 0.2.4 serde_mol2 Python/Rust module for mol2 format (de)serialization Installation Install from PyPi (required...
serbus 1.0.5 # Serbus Copyright (c) 2015 - Gray Cat Labs - https://graycat.io Serbus provides...
sequenoscope 0.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sequencetools 0.0.7 Bioinformatic tools for manipulation, filtering, and statistics based on seqtools In honor of...
sequencer 1.8.4 The sequencer is an engine used by system administrators for the computation and execution...
sep241 0.4.5 2for1separator 2for1 separator is an algorithm to deconvolve CUT&Tag2for1 data. It uses
seopositiontracker 1.5.1 Sponsor of the project: API to...
sentryzendesk 1.0.0 Plugin for Sentry which allows linking Zendesk tickets to Sentry issues DISCLAIMER: Sentry API...
sendsmtp 1.0.0 CLI SMTP client in pure Python. Installation: python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade...
bgspace 0.6.0 BG-Space Anatomical space conventions made easy.
bgspace 0.2.0 BGSpace provides a neat way of defining an anatomical space, and to operate stacks...
betterargs 0.0.3 betterargs A tool to create a command-line interface for your app using python...
bfabio.pymodbus 1.3.1 Pymodbus aims to be a fully implemented modbus protocol stack implemented using twisted. Its...
BetterLoader 0.2.2 Making it harder to do easy things, but easier to do harder things with the...
bent 0.0.67 Python Library for Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Linking (NEL) in the biomedical domain....
benniebash 0.1.0 Description My personal shell with my nickname
bennellickeng.kitdrivers 2018.4 Bennellick Engineering Limited Kit Drivers This python package consists of various driver classes used...
berrysuite 1.0.2 berry Berry extracts the Bloch wavefunctions from DFT...
beprof 0.1.4 beprof Overview
BenchExec 3.25 BenchExec A Framework for Reliable Benchmarking and Resource Measurement ...
bearface 0.0.1 :bear: bearface :bear:
bed2seq 0.3.3 bed2seq From a BED file, return the sequences according to the genome supplied...
beckemulticenterintegration 0.0.2 Numerical Molecular Integrals on Multicenter Grids (Becke’s Integration Scheme) This python package computes molecular...
beautyprint 0.0.1 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs beautyprint
BEATTEST 0.13.1 EconML: A Python Package for ML-Based Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Estimation EconML is a Python...
bearlibterminal 0.15.8 Contents About Installation Requirements License
beakercommon 29.1 Common components for Beaker packages
searchcommon 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
seamless 0.1.0 seamless provides an easy way to obtain an https session token via ssh. It...
sdynpy 0.11.0 This repository houses SDynPy, a Python module built for doing structural dynamics analysis using Python.
sdrterm 0.4.1 Installation pip install sdrterm *NOTE: Unless you intend use code on the bleeding-edge,...
sdownloader 0.1.4 Suite Downloader This is a small program that helps you to download given list...
scyan 1.6.2 Scyan stands for Single-cell Cytometry Annotation Network. Based on biological knowledge prior, it provides a...
scvicolab 0.12.0 scvi-colab !pip install scvi-colab from scvi_colab import install ...
scvega 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sctdl 0.0.6 DeepTL_dev Version: 0.0.6_dev 0.0.1_dev update: integrate deeptl with anndata 0.0.2_dev update: support...
scrollphathd 1.3.0 https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/scroll-phat-hd 17x7 pixels of single-colour, brightness-controlled, message scrolling goodness! Installing
scrollphat 0.0.7 Learn more: https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/scroll-phat 0.0.7 Added __version__ to module...
Scripy 0.9.3 The beginning The shell scripting gets to be non-maintainable code; its sintaxis is very
scriptz 0.0.3 Scriptz Scriptz is a CLI tool for managing sequential script execution.
scrimer 1.1 Scrimer is a GNU/Linux pipeline for designing PCR and genotyping primers from 454 transcriptomic data.
scriptharness 0.2.0 Scriptharness*************Scriptharness is a framework for writing scripts. There are threecore principles: full logging, flexible configuration,...
ScriptCollection 3.5.14 ScriptCollection General
screeninfo 0.8.1 screeninfo Fetch location and size of physical screens. Supported environments...
screenbrightnesscontrol 0.23.0 screen_brightness_control A Python tool for controlling the brightness of your monitor. Supports Windows and...
screed 1.1.3 screed -- short read sequence utils in Python. ...
scraperitl 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
scrapeo 0.1.1 Provides a command-line client for scraping and analyzing relevant SEO data from webpages.
scoutostest 0.1.11 Scoutos Python Library The Scoutos Python library provides convenient access...
scoutos 0.1.20 Scoutos Python Library The Scoutos Python library provides convenient access...
scoutapm 3.2.1 Scout Python APM Agent Monitor the...
scotplus 1.0.2 SCOT+ is a compilation of optimal transport tools for application to multi-omic datasets, culminating in...
scrainbow 0.0.2 RAINBOW provides an accurate and efficient way to automatically annotate celltypes in scCAS datasets. All...
scoreredgel2dc 0.0.13 SCORER Edge - Low Latency Data Channels (L2DC) This package contains FlatBuffers schema definitions...
scoreplayerexternal 0.2.11 scoreplayer-external A python module for drawing to the canvas mode of the Decibel ScorePlayer....
scpy 1.1.4 scpy is a command line tool to autosync files and directories to remote servers over...
scorecardai 1.1.0 Scorecard AI Python Library Installation Add this dependency to...
scprep 1.2.3 scprep provides an all-in-one framework for loading, preprocessing, and plotting matrices in Python, with a...
scipp 24.9.1 Scipp See https://scipp.github.io/ for project context and how to use and install the scipp...
SConsider 0.3.21 // If you are reading this in plaintext or on PyPi, checkout the rendered version//...
SCons 4.8.1 What is SCons? SCons is an Open Source software construction tool which orchestrates the...
scmomat 0.2.2 scMoMaT: a unified framework for single cell mosaic integration and multi-modal bio-marker detection scMoMaT...
scmodels 0.3.2 OS Status Linux
scmconfig 1.0.0 SCM Self Managed Configuration Management(SCM) is a simple command line app for configuration management,...
scinstr 0.4.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sciluigi 0.10.1 Note For the latest source, issues and discussion, etc, please visit the GitHub...
scilight 0.6.3 SciLight - Simple task execution in Python scripts A super-simple...
scikitsurgerypclcpp 0.3.0 scikit-surgerypclcpp scikit-surgerypclcpp implements image guided surgery algorithms, using PCL, in...
scikick 0.2.1 Scikick - Notebook-Centric Analysis Workflows Overview
scaleatac 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
scale 1.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sbmlcore 0.2.8 sbmlcore Collection of core classes to help with building structure- and chemistry-based feature datasets...
sc3microapi 0.3.1 sc3microapi Micro web service for SeisComP3 systems Overview In order...
SBCK 1.4.0 SBCK (Statistical Bias Correction Kit) Features python3 and R version...
satyrus 3.0.7 Satyrus3 Please refer to the documentation.
sattoolkit 0.5.0 SAT-toolkit A tool for efficiently handling CNF and DNF formulas in Python Installation
satsuki 0.1.50 Satsuki (pronounced SAHT-ski) is a Python package that helps manage GitHub releases and release...
satpubsub 0.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
saxlib 0.0.0 SAXLIB Library of Neural Network S-parameter compact models for SAX. SAX :: S...
savetheworld 0.1.1 # savetheworld This library contains code to help with code for the raspberry pi...