xxcmd 0.10.1 xxcmd xx is a Linux shell command. xx remembers other shell commands,...
xxc 4.0 xxc
xrosfs 0.1.1 Mount a Running Docker Container File Sytem via FUSE. No requirement to...
xrcat 1.0.0 xrcat This is a small package for getting resources from Xresources. It can be...
xthonny 4.1.6 Thonny is a simple Python IDE with features useful for learning programming. See https://thonny.org for...
xtgeoviz 0.1.3 xtgeoviz Utility functions for...
xtgeo 4.1.1 Introduction XTGeo is a LGPL licensed Python library with C backend to support...
xtesting 1.0.0 Xtesting have leveraged on Functest efforts to provide a reference testing framework:
xtermutil 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
XtermGUI 0.1.2 A lightweight, expressive GUI framework for compatible terminals Explore the docs ยป
xpymon 1.27 NAME xpymon - A versatile WiFi/network/battery/CPU/video system monitor on Linux SYNOPSIS
xproc 1.4.1 xproc Install pip install -U xproc Support commands
xmppcat 0.1.1 A unix command line program that works like cat but sends its output through XMPP.
xmmsclient 0.8.1 Xmms2 python native client. It allows you to build applications for xmms2 which is a...
xmlplain 1.6.0 xmlplain XML as plain object utility module Synopsys This module...
xmlparsing 0.0.1 XMLParsing is an easy-to-use Python 3 parser for compiling, transforming, encoding and decoding XML files...
xpdt 0.3.1 xpdt: eXPeditious Data Transfer About xpdt is...
xotl.tools 3.2.1 xotl.tools is a collection of disparate utilities that does not conform a framework for...
xor string 0.2.3 # xor_string  Python doesn't support (natively) XOR on everything...
languagedet 0.1.1 What is this package The languagedet package implements language detection using stopwords and trigrams....
LandSeed 1.0.13 LandSeed LandSeed is a python library used to generate fragments shaders computing procedural terrains.
landlock 1.0.0.dev4 ๐๐ Landlock for Python ...
lakeshore336 0.2.1 README Lakeshore336 Temperature Controller...
xdptestharness 0.1.4 XDP test harness A test harness that can be used to test the implementation...
xdgterm 0.0.2 # xdgterm Script to launch the userโs preferred terminal using the XDG terminal intent...
xdgenvpy 3.0.0 xdgenvpy xdgenvpy is yet another Python...
xdducklake 0.0.0 dbt-duckdb DuckDB is an embedded database, similar to SQLite, but designed for OLAP-style analytics.
xdat 0.1.229 What is xdat? xdat (eXtended Data Analysis Toolkit), is a set of utilities that...
xdaemonocle 0.8.1 daemonocle is a library for creating your own Unix-style daemons written in Python. It solves...
xarraypickler 0.1.2 Simple package to speed up โmulti-file openโ operations for xarray datasets. Uses a cache of...
xanespy 0.3.3 Xanespy is a library for analyzing X-ray absorbance spectroscopy data for materials science, chemistry...
xclean 0.0.2 xclean File de-duplication utility usage: xclean [-h] [-m MAIN] [-t TARGET] [-a ARCHIVE_TO]...
x84 2.0.17 An experimental python 2 Telnet (and SSH) BBS this project is abandoned, so please...
x52control 1.0.0 Logitech X52/X52Pro module Most of the information about how to configure the devices comes...
wunderkafka 0.16.1 Wunderkafka The power of librdkafka for humans pythons Wunderkafka...
wudder 3.2110.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
wtools 1.0.13 Summary This package contains a collection of tools for the [waf](https://waf.io) build environment intended...
wst 1.0.18 Workspace tool ws is a lightweight tool for managing a collection of code repositories....
wslpy 0.0.13 wslpy wslpy is far from complete. the API will change...
labeeb 0.0.1 labeeb
labdooraccess 0.2.0 Laboratory access door system System service to control access to the Laboratory door. Use...
labdatalogger 0.5.2 Lab Data Logger โ A (distributed) CLI data logger for the (physics) lab.
kwalletdump 1.0.2 About A Python script to dump contents of a .kwl kwallet file for accessing
l3ns 0.0.1 L3 Network Simulator PyPI description WIP
kvs3 0.0.5 kvs3 kvs3 is a tool for managing environment configuration values. It is intended for...
l2q 1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kvhot 2024.9.12 kvhot Automatically restarts the Kivy application whenever files within the project directory change....
wrecked 1.0.20 wrecked_bindings Python bindings for the wrecked terminal interface library. ...
wrandai 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
workshopdemo 0.0.2 workshop-demo A...
wpyscan 1.0.1 Search exploits on exploit-db, wordpressexploit.com and wpvulndb.com according to recon informations (version, modules and theme).
wputils 0.2.11 Loco-Utils A small set of C/C++ helper functions and macros that I used alongside...
workgraphcollections 0.1.6 workgraph-collections This repository offers a variety...
workerbunch 1.0.5 Worker-Bunch ... is a tasks/jobs/rules engine, primarily intended for use in a smarthome environment.
wonderful bing 0.10.0 __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ | | / \ |\ |...
WordFP 1.0.2 WordFP This application consists of a python package made to encode words and compare...
wopmars 0.1.5 WopMars is a database-driven workflow manager written in python similar to GNU Makefile or Snakemake.
wlsqm 0.1.6 WLSQM (Weighted Least SQuares Meshless) is a fast and accurate meshless least-squares interpolator for Python,...
wllvm 1.3.1 This project, WLLVM, provides tools for building whole-program (or whole-library) LLVM bitcode files from...
wledcast 0.4.0 A cross platform python application for capturing an area of your screen and streaming it...
wisbak 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
wireuiTheTimmoth 0.1.0b4 wireui A tool for creating and managing wireguard configs Version 0.1.0b4 ยฉ...
wirestsdk 1.2.2 WireST SDK WireST SDK is a library for Linux gateways that allows easy access...
kollaansibleplugins 0.0.0 Team and repository tags Kolla-Ansible-Plugin Overview The...
koji 1.35.0 koji - RPM building and tracking system Koji is an RPM-based build system. The...
widediaper 0.0.8 Python/R pipe.See the url for more info.
whiteboxtempestplugin 0.0.3 This is a Tempest plugin for whitebox testing. While Tempestโs scope is limited to...
Wicken 0.1.2 UNKNOWN
WhyXAI 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
whyshift 0.1.3 WhyShift: A Benchmark with Specified Distribution Shift Patterns Jiashuo Liu*, Tianyu Wang*,...
whispercpppy 0.0.23 Pybind11 bindings for whisper.cpp Quickstart Install with pip: pip install...
WhichFile 1.0.3 Basic Operation: This is a combination of the which and file commands. It will
wheelaxleruntime 0.0.6 Axle-Runtime - Python Wheel enhancement library ...
wheelaxle 0.0.9 Wheel Axle - Python Wheel enhancement library
whecho 0.0.5 whecho linux echo but with webhooks! โ Don't guess when a job is...
west 1.2.0 This is the Zephyr RTOS meta tool, west. https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/index.html Installation...
whad 1.2.3 WHAD: Wireless HAcking Devices This framework provides a set of command-line tools...
wgmesh 1.0.2 Wireguard Mesh Tool This is a small project designed to experiment with distribution and...
wgfrontend 1.0.1 wgfrontend A simple web frontend for configuring peers within a WireGuard configuration file to...
welltrajconvertbpamos 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
welltrajconvert 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
wffastapiauth0 1.0.5 Wildflower FastAPI/Auth0 integration Basic token verification for FastAPI and Auth0. Also includes support for...
wfdserver 24.2.19 Winter Field Day log aggregating server ...
wfdlogger 24.2.19 K6GTE Winter Field Day logger (PyQt5) Winter Field Day is a once...
weightlesscore 0.9.4 Weightless presents a way to implement data-processing programs, such as web-servers, with coroutines in Python....
weightedlevenshtein 0.2.2 Use Cases Most existing Levenshtein libraries are not very flexible: all edit operations have...
WebPayloadsEncodings 0.0.2 WebPayloadsEncodings Description This tool encodes Web payloads with some different encoding. Requirements
webobsclient 1.1.0 webobsclient WebObs Python client. Installation webobsclient is available on PyPI. You can...
WebServerIdentifier 1.1.0 WebServerIdentifier Description This package identifies Web servers using an aggressive technique based on...
webminify 1.1.3 About web-minify (version 1.1.2-test-development) web-minify is the all-in-one just-works-out-of-the-box does-what-you-want highly-opinionated web...
webmentiontools 0.4.1 webmention-tools Some simple tools in python to deal with webmentions. Note,...
webiam 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
webhooktofedoramessagingmessages 1.0.1 Webhook To Fedora Messaging messages A schema package for Webhook To Fedora Messaging....
webhookrouter 0.1a2 UNKNOWN
webdav 1.1.7 webdav Release Notes Version 1.1.5...
webfolder 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
webbed 0.0.2 UNKNOWN
webarchiveget web_archive_get a tool to find archived web pages from different websites using multiple different...
webactogram 0.4.2 WebActogram ๐๐Use your browser's history as a novel instantaneous mass screening tool...