hx711rpipy 1.65.0 Raspberry Pi HX711 Python Bindings Python bindings for Raspberry Pi HX711 C++...
humongous 1.3.0 What is this? This is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your...
trieres 0.5.26 trieres This is a python module enabling the remote execution of accelerated functions on...
tricycle 0.4.1 This is a library of extensions to Trio, the friendly Python library for async...
tricky 0.0.16 tricky - that's not about python. This Python module named "tricky" is a wonderful...
trick17 0.0.4 trick17 trick17 is a pure python, lightweight package...
transphire 1.5.13 [](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4302359) The documentation of TranSPHIRE moved to [here](https://transphire.readthedocs.io). # Transphire Cryo-EM on...
treefit 1.0.0 Treefit for Python - The first software for quantitative trajectory inference This is an...
transitionneuralparser 0.5.4 Transition-based Neural Parser State-of-the-Art Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing, see papers with code....
trashit 1.5.1 Trash-it - V1.0 A Simple, command line utility to safely put the files/folders to...
TransformerTextAutoEncoder 0.0.4 Transformer-Text-AutoEncoder Transformer Text AutoEncoder: An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used...
transformation3d 2.1.0 python-transformation Provides a Transformation class that represents a transformation in 3D space. Currently,...
trajcontacts 1.0.1 trajcontacts A Package for Calculating Residue-Residue Contacts from MD Trajectories Currently, there are...
traitsstubs 6.4.0 The traits-stubs package contains external type annotations for the Traits package. These annotations can...
tradedatabasemanager 0.0.1.dev4 *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** This package is not in a usable stage. It is...
tractor 0.1.0a5 tractor: next-gen Python parallelism tractor is a structured concurrent, multi-processing...
tradingsystem 0.0.1 TradingSystem An event-driven backtest/realtime quantitative trading system. Architecture Data Handler
toxpytestsummary 0.1.2 Tox + Py.test summary generator
toxcurrentenv 0.0.12 The tox-current-env plugin adds these options: tox --current-env Runs the tox...
tptimesheet 2.1.1 TP-Timesheet Automated submission of TP timesheets.
towncrier 24.8.0 towncrier is a utility to produce useful, summarized news files (also known as changelogs) for...
towelstuffer 0.0.2.dev0 Towelstuff
tpisplines 1.0.1 Introduction The TPI package implements tensor spline interpolation in arbitrary dimensions. The package...
tp2ctl 1.0.1 tp2ctl Simple python tool to allow configuration of the Lenovo Trackpoint Keyboard II /...
tp137 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
tp13 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
torrents dispatcher 0.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
torrentp 0.2.2 TorrentP Wrapped python library for downloading from torrent Download from torrent...
tornadoutils 1.6 A bunch of Tornado specific python utilities originally used on Kwissle.com ...
tornadotransmute 0.0.4 tornado-transmute=================.. warn:: this project is in alpha. APIs may change without warning. Use at your...
tornado thumbor url 0.1.1 tornado-thumbor-url is a python extension to tornado for encrypted thumbor url generation
tornado template gen 1.1.0 UNKNOWN
tornado systemd 1.0.1 See http://github.com/paradoxxxzero/tornado_systemd
tornadoshortener 3.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
torsel 0.4.31 Torsel: Tor and Selenium Automation Torsel is a Python module designed to manage multiple...
tornadomixpanel 0.2 Tornado Mixpanel is an async library for Mixpanel service. This library allows for server-side...
tornadofastrpc 1.0.1 WARNING tornado-fastrpc is deprecated, for XML-RPC use https://github.com/seifert/async-rpc instead of this library....
tornadocors 0.6.0 UNKNOWN
tornado content negotiation 0.2.2 UNKNOWN
toripchanger 1.2.0 TorIpChanger A simple workaround for Tor IP changing behavior: An important...
torchrecord 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
torchmigraphx 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
torchmd 1.0.2 TorchMD About TorchMD intends to provide a simple to use API for performing...
torchlars 0.1.2 torchlars A LARS implementation in PyTorch. from torchlars import...
torchjpeg 0.9.33 TorchJPEG This package contains a C++...
torchbringer 0.5.6 TorchBringer is an open-source framework that provides a simple interface for operating with pre-implemented deep...
TOPSISSANYAMGOYAL102297005 0.0.1 TOPSIS-Python Submitted By: Sanyam Goyal 102297005 What is TOPSIS Technique...
TOPSISSabhya101803456 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
TOPSISRajvir101803685 1.0.0 P-TOPSIS This package is used to find the TOPSIS score and ranking of multiple-component...
TOPSISHarshit4101803010 0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
TOPSISHarshit3101803010 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
TOPSISHarshit2101803010 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
TOPSISHarshit1101803010 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
TOPSISHarshit101803010 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
toolforgeweld 1.6.1 toolforge_weld Shared Python code for Toolforge infrastructure components.
topologydocker 1.8.1 Topology Docker its a plugin (called a Platform Engine) for the Topology Framework that...
tongsuopy 1.0.1 tongsuo-python-sdk Tongsuo-Python-SDK基于Tongsuo密码库, 为Python应用提供密码学原语和安全传输协议的支持,目前以支持中国商用密码算法和安全协议为主。 SM2签名和验签,详见sm2_sign_verify.py from tongsuopy.crypto import hashes, serialization from tongsuopy.crypto.asymciphers...
topi 1.1.0 Topi Topi ("TIND Object Python Interface") is a Python package for getting basic data...
tona 0.1.0 TONA What's TONA? It is an ALL IN ONE tool that will help...
topcoderdl 0.0.3 Downloads Topcoder data-science tutorials and save as PDF Installation ...
TopasOpt 0.4.5 TopasOpt This code provides a framework for performing optimisation on monte carlo...
topacedo 0.2.10 # TopACeDo #### Topology Assisted Cell Downsampling Topacedo works with Scarf to perform...
tomodachi 0.27.2 tomodachi ⌁ a lightweight µservice lib ⌁ for Python 3 tomodachi [友達]...
tomli 2.0.1 Tomli A lil' TOML parser Table of Contents generated...
tomekmarstomek 0.0.6 # Example Package This is a simple example package. You can use [Github-flavored...
tomatocooker 0.4.0 cooked-tomato Timetable scheduler for phone attention turns in Som Energia History This...
hent 1.0.5 Hent Neofetch alternative built in python Usage: $ hent .. Distro:...
hemlockrest 0.1.6 Hemlock-REST [](http://badge.fury.io/py/hemlock-rest) [](https://travis-ci.org/Lab41/Hemlock-REST) [](http://crate.io/packages/hemlock-rest/) [](https://coveralls.io/r/Lab41/Hemlock-REST?branch=master) Hemlock REST Server. Same functionality...
heratda 0.0.2 Hera-TDA Python bindings for...
hellopypiyue 0.1.1 Just Readme Thank you for your looking
hellopypa 0.0.11 Hogyan készítsünk python csomagot 1. Bevezetés 2. Könyvtárszerkezet 3. Környezet
hellopi 1.0 Hello Pi Hello Pi is a program that identifies the ip address of Raspberry...
TMC2209RaspberryPi 0.5.4 TMC_2209_Raspberry_Pi This...
tmblr 2015.12.14 A command line tool to post audio, video, photos, links quotes or text to your
tkfilebrowser 2.3.2 tkfilebrowser tkfilebrowser is an alternative to tkinter.filedialog that allows the user...
tlv 1.5.3 tlv Too less variation - A...
tltkmtl 0.0.27 #Description TLTK is a tool for computing Metric Temporal logic robustness. This is done...
tlr 2.1.0 tlr Overview tlr is a package that act as a service for VOGAMOS...
tlpconfig 0.2 TLP Configuration Tool========================[](https://snap-ci.com/fholiveira/tlpconfig/branch/master)========================A GTK+ 3.10 app to configure [TLP](http://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html).
tlog 1.0 Various packet-parsing, network traffic monitoring utilities in Python.
tlinharthttpbin 0.0.0 version 0.0.0 Tomáš Linhart’s python client to httpbin.org, open sourced under the MIT license
tldr.py 0.8.0 Yet another python client for tldr. Intro tldr.py is a...
tldrman 1.5.2 tldr-man A tldr-pages client that works just like man tldr-man is...
tkxterm 1.0.3 TkXTerm - XTerm in Tkinter TkXTerm makes available a Terminal Ttk frame,...
tinycm vim 0.1.4 UNKNOWN
tinycm 0.1.29 UNKNOWN
tinycal 0.3.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hawking 0.1.63 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hashcopy 1.0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
harzvatool 2.6 harzvatool torch and will requirement no need to have torch to write your...
harstatsgraphite 0.1.1 This is a python module/script for parsing and summarizing HTTP Archive (HAR) files. Its...
harshawesome11 0.0.2 Welcome This is my basic package Change Log 0.0.1 (30/07/2020)
handoff 0.4.1 handoff core 👉 For a fully managed service, checkout handoff.cloud website ...
harmonyTS 0.1.5 Harmony Harmony is a unified framework for data visualization, analysis and interpretation of scRNA-seq...
harmonytools 0.1 Harmony tools Library with musical harmony objects with basic cli Modules guitar...
hamsterctrl 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Hal9kAPI 0.1.2 Hal9k-Overmind-API The HackerLab 9000 Overmind API server. What is Hal9k-Overmind-API? This is...
hackme 1.0.0 Hack Me A collection of scripts that implement...
hairgapbinaries 1.1.0 hairgap-binaries Provide compiled binaries of hairgap under the form of a Python package....
tifft 0.1.2 tifft Technical Indicators for Financial Trading Installation