tauruspyqtgraph 0.9.3 taurus_pyqtgraph is an extension for the Taurus package. It adds the taurus.qt.qtgui.tpg submodule which...
taurexemcee 0.4.0rc1 taurex-emcee Introduction taurex-emcee...
tapexchangeratehost 0.1.2 tap-exchangeratehost A Singer tap to extract currency exchange rate data from exchangerate.host....
tapbigquery 0.3.9 tap-bigquery Extract data from BigQuery tables. This is a Singer tap that produces...
tanos 0.0.1b7 TANOS: TAxon jackknife for NOdal Stability Table of Contents I. Introduction II....
tanmatsu 0.1.1 :~^:. :YJ?! .Y&J?^ %@@P! :GG&! ~@@&: .PGP? B@&~. !@@% :&@J ^@@? .#@B. G@#...
talkey 0.1.1 Simple Text-To-Speech (TTS) interface library with multi-language and multi-engine support. ...
talbots 1.1.0 TALBOTS PYTHON LIBRARY Talbots is a simple Python library for understanding, analyzing, and evaluating...
talan 0.1.5 Utility funcitions for financial analysis
tagui 1.50.0 RPA for Python’s simple and powerful API makes robotic process automation fun! You can use...
tako 0.0.26 Tako is a distributed key-value data store. It aims to provide high scalability and...
gitjock 0.2.1 Git Jock Cli Much like this image, the tool is under construction.
githubbackuptool 0.0.5 github-backup-tool BIG NOTE: This is a work-in-progress. A crunchy tool for backing up...
t4 geom convert 1.1.1 t4_geom_convert This repository contains the development version of t4_geom_convert, a...
systemquery 0.3.1 Comprehensive and concise system information querying tool.
SystemLogger 0.1.9 SystemLogger ..image:: https://pyup.io/repos/github/d9pouces/SystemLogger/shield.svg :target: https://pyup.io/repos/github/d9pouces/SystemLogger/ :alt: Updates Create and configure a...
systemdwatchdogthread 1.1 systemd-watchdog-thread Runs systemd notifies in thread. When run() is called it sends the...
systemdpy 0.3.3 Systemd-py systemd-py is a library which helps you to create systemd services in python.
systemdgpio 0.1.0 NAME systemd-gpio - run commands when a button on a GPIO pin is pressed
systemcalls 6.11.1 System calls table on different architectures What and why? Linux kernel has a...
SysScribe 0.1.2 Records system setup as a python dictionary without requiring elevated privileges Tested platforms:...
sysprober 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
sysmontask 1.1.1b25 SysMonTask
sysmonmq 0.0.1 sysmonmq Daemon that monitors status of system metrics, services and containers, and execution of...
syseleven.cloudutilslibs 0.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
syseleven.cloudutils 0.1.3 python-cloudutils=========This repos contains several useful library to talk to OpenStack APIs and has some wrapper...
syrah 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Synx 0.0.3 Synx Python GUI Framework Updates shareWithSynx() has been depreciated. Use Synx('windowVarString',windowVar)...
syntheticstellarpopconvolve 0.3 Synthetic Stellar Pop Convolve (SSPC) This repository contains the code and documentation...
syntheticfaker 1.0.7 SYNTHETICFAKER Introducing "Synthetic Faker", the new Python library for generating realistic and business-specific fake...
synapseformation 0.0.3 synapseformation Client for using Synapse Formation Templates. Given one of...
synapseclient 4.5.1 Python Synapse Client Branch Build Status...
symmetr 0.9.8 Python package for determining symmetry properties of crystals. See bitbucket repository for more details.
SWANi 0.1.18 The author of this package has not provided a project description
genshinaccountswitcher 1.2.2 genshin-account-switcher Simple account switcher for Genshin Impact on Linux. Installation You need...
genosolver The GENO solver GENO is a solver for non-linear optimization problems. It...
geocat.f2py 2023.3.0 CI Docs
geocam 0.0.1 geocam Camera control software for geotechnical research applications.
genome info 1.0.5 genome_info_ A package to work with genomic intervals....
genologics sql 0.0.2 A basic module for interacting with the Clarity LIMS server via its postgres database.
geno The GENO solver GENO is a solver for non-linear optimization problems. It can solve...
geoakima 0.20 Akima - This package allows to perform an Akima interpolation This package allows to...
genwal 0.0.1 genwal Little python script to generate Gentoo wallpapers Notice wallpaper.svg is modified...
swiftscalitybackend 0.4.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
swiftonhpss UNKNOWN
swiftkerbauth 1.0.1 Kerberos Authentication filter for Openstack Swift Carsten Clasohm implemented a new authentication filter for...
swiftblock 0.3.1 Swift-Block Version:0.3.1(beta) About: Swiftblock is a...
swiftbackmeup 0.0.5 # swiftbackmeupAn utility that allows one to create items backups and upload them toOpenStack Swift...
swiftautomime 0.1 UNKNOWN
swidgenerator 1.1.0 A small application for Python 2 and 3 which generates SWID tags from Linux package...
SWHT 0.1.2 Spherical Wave Harmonic Transform for radio astronomy visibility data as described by T. Carozzi in...
sweetpotato 0.7.0a0 Sweetpotato 🥔 This project is still...
swaytools 0.1.2 swaytools Collection of simple tools for sway (and i3) Installation Archlinux...
swaysmartworkspace 0.1.4 About Simple program that allows sway to include configurations for several outputs allowing the...
swauth 1.3.0 Swauth An Auth Service for Swift as WSGI Middleware that uses Swift itself as...
swatpy 0.2.0 a set of python modules to work with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT2012),...
excentury 0.2.4 Excentury is a set of libraries written in C++ that enables easy integration of...
gedcomxv1 1.0.23 Kio estas gedcomx_v1 ? Äśi estas biblioteko por manipuli la gedcomx-formaton uzatan en genealogio.
gdsbin 0.1.5.post2 GDScript to Python to C Transpiler ...
gdrivepython 1.0.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
esrlabsautoupdate 0.1.0 esrlabs-auto-update is a service which tracks ESR Labs tools and install updates.
espycli 1.0.0 espy-cli A Command Line application to manage your ESP-IDF projects with ease. Installation
espnetttsfrontend 0.0.3 ESPnet TTS Frontend A tools collection...
espnetmodelzoo 0.1.7 ESPnet Model Zoo
ethexporter 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
etherws 1.3 Introduction etherws is an implementation of software switch with the Ethernet over WebSocket...
ESocketS 3.0.7 Descriptions can be found in the markdown README.
ethbip32 0.1.1 eth-bip32 eth-bip32 is a Python package for deriving Ethereum addresses from HD wallets using...
esiui 0.1.0 OpenStack Horizon plugin that supports ESI Installation Clone the repository:...
etcdcli 0.3 etcd-cli CLI for Etcd based on schemas Install pip install etcd-cli
esgmatching 0.2.0 esg-matching The esg-matching is a library that is part of the Entity-Matching project developed...
esengine 0.1.0 Elasticsearch ODM inspired on MongoEngine
esdao 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
escaping 0.0.14 If you've just confessed and you can't wait to sin again, try this package. It...
esbackup 0.2 Very simple backup tool.
es7s 3.98.0.dev0 es7s system core: installer, CLI entrypoint, config manager, shared code Installation pipx install...
es51922viewer 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
ErwinJr2 2.2.7 A software for Quantum Cascade Laser design and simulation
eruptr 20.12.3 Don't ETL or ELT. LET your data be free. VulknData Eruptr Data needs...
eruptionsdk 0.0.10 Eruption Python 3 SDK This is the documentation of the Python 3 SDK for...
eqdatagenerator 0.0.3 this generates test data for NTU earthquake detector.
eprinttools 0.1.7 eprinttools eprinttools is a collection of command line tools written in Go, a...
EpiNet 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
epikgameringrecaptchasolver 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
fyrd 0.6.2b1 One liner script and function submission to torque or slurm clusters with dependency tracking...
FuzzingTool 3.14.0 FuzzingTool is a web penetration testing tool, that handles with fuzzing. After the test is...
fwljanus 24.9.12 JANUS (1D convective atmosphere model) Generates a temperature profile using the generalised moist pseudoadiabat...
fwgen 0.19.0 Introduction fwgen is a small framework to simplify the management of ip(6)tables based...
funtooboxer 1.0.3 Author: Daniel Robbins <drobbins@funtoo.org>; Copyright 2022, Daniel Robbins, Funtoo Solutions, Inc. ...
fuchsia 16.7.25 Fuchsia reduces differential equations for Feynman master integrals to canonical form. In concrete terms,...
fsqio.pants.buildgen.spindle 1.3.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ftdirf 0.9.7 ftdi-rf Introduction Python module for sending and receiving 433/315MHz LPD/SRD signals with generic...
ftcdocsbootstrapper 0.1.2.post2 ftc-docs-bootstrapper This repository contains the scripts and data used to bootstrap a new translation...
fstk 0.9.2 FSTK Fast Switch Time Keeper - A Time Keeping desktop widget focused on tracking...
fsthist 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
freeipa 4.12.2 Dummy package for FreeIPA
freezer 15.0.0 OpenStack Freezer Freezer is a Backup Restore DR as a Service platform...
foxgloveweb 0.0.39 foxglove Install pip...
FragPELE 2.1.1 FrAG-PELE: A novel fragment-based growing tool for hit-to-lead in drug design ...
fragpele 3.1.4 FrAG-PELE: A novel fragment-based growing tool for hit-to-lead in drug design ...