uptime 3.0.1 This module provides a cross-platform way to retrieve system uptime and boot time. See...
upswingutil 2.6.1 Utility package for upswing applications
upstreet 1.13.2 Upstreet is a multiplayer world designed for AI agents and humans to interact seamlessly. The...
uraniumplus 2.1.1 uranium-plus: opinionated usage of uranium uranium-plus is an alpha project. use at your own...
upgradepip 0.1.4 UPGRADE-PIP this is packages for upgrade all packages python if packages has been outdated
uolgradescalculator 0.13.1 Grades Calculator This tool is all about getting information and generating insights...
upepper 0.1.3 Pepper contains a Python library and CLI scripts for accessing a remote salt-api instance.
UPDIAN 0.6 RobHost GmbH [support@robhost.de], 2007-2013 License: GPLv2+ PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITH...
updater4pyi 0.7 UPDATER4PYI===========Updater4pyi is a simple, lightweight, flexible python library to enable yourapplications packaged with pyinstaller to...
updater 0.3.2 Version updater for components in your codebase Problem to solve In the project...
unstractsdk 0.49.0 Unstract No-code LLM Platform to launch APIs and ETL Pipelines to structure unstructured documents
unstractclient 0.1.0 unstract-python-client Python client for the Unstract LLM-powered structured data extraction platform Installation...
unstractadapters 0.22.0 Unstract No-code LLM Platform to launch APIs and ETL Pipelines to structure unstructured documents
unstdio 0.0.4 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs unstdio manipulate stdio from unstdio.unstdio...
unsatfit 5.2 unsatfit unsatfit is a Python library for optimizing parameters of functions of soil hydraulic...
unsafe 1.2.71 Unsafe (Advanced Penetration Testing Module) An Advanced Module for Penetration Testing. Using This...
unpythonic 0.15.2 Unpythonic: Python meets Lisp and Haskell In the spirit of toolz, we provide missing...
unoserverfork 1.3.1 Using LibreOffice as a server for converting documents. Overview Using LibreOffice...
unoserver 2.2.2 Using LibreOffice as a server for converting documents. Overview Using LibreOffice...
unixreg 0.1.2 unixreg why While working on porting a python application to Linux I came...
unireedsolomon 1.0.6 UniReedSolomon is a pure-Python universal Reed-Solomon error correction codec with fully documented code and mathematical...
unitycatalog 0.1.1 Unitycatalog Python API library The Unitycatalog Python library provides convenient access to...
unipicontrol 3.1.0 Unipi Control Unipi Control use Modbus for fast access to the I/O and provide...
uniphy 0.0.3 [](https://badge.fury.io/py/uniphy)[](https://travis-ci.org/Phynix/uniphy)[](https://landscape.io/github/Phynix/uniphy/master)[](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/5967cb390fb24f004276ac8c)# uniphyUniphy stands for "**Uni**versity **Phy**sics". The package focuses on specialised...
UnionFindPy 0.2.1 Introduction C++ implementation of the Union-Find decoder arXiv:1709:06218. Python interface is also...
unittestassertions 3.1 unittest_assertions Thin wrapper around the python builtin unittest allowing developers to use the builtin...
unitpropagation 0.1 Author: Ken Kundert Version: 0.1 Released: 2024-03-01 This...
unishox2py3 1.0.0 unishox2-py3 This package enables Python projects to easily...
unishark 0.3.2 INTRODUCTION unishark extends unittest (to be accurate, unittest2) in the following ways:...
uniset 0.1.0 uniset Pre-generated sets of Unicode code points uniset is...
unasync 0.6.0 unasync Welcome to unasync, a project that can transform your asynchronous code...
unassigner 1.0.0 Unassigner
umtools 0.1.5 umtools Unofficial Unified Model (UM) tools License umtools...
uniclip 0.2.0 Uniclip Uniclip is a clipboard synchronization tool that allows you to share clipboard content...
ultyas 1.0.9 Ultyas - UltiSnips to YASnippet Conversion Tool Ultyas is a command-line tool...
ultralyticsyolov10rknn 8.1.34 YOLOv10: Real-Time End-to-End Object Detection Official PyTorch implementation of YOLOv10.
ultralyticsthop 2.0.8 🚀 THOP: PyTorch-OpCounter Welcome to the THOP repository, your comprehensive solution for profiling PyTorch...
ultralyticsrknn 12.0.1 Get model optimized for RKNN Exports detection/segment model with optimization for RKNN, please refer...
ultralyticsnogui 8.2.52 ultralytics-nogui This is a fork of the Ultralytics library. The only difference is that...
underpants 0.2.4 underpants - Or, using Pants as an embedded rules engine For Pantsbuild version: 2.14.0
UncertainPythonSDP 1.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ulidrspy 0.2.1 ulid-rs-py Python wrapper for Rust ulid crate ...
ukkonenrs 0.1.0.post1 ukkonen Implementation of a bounded Levenshtein distance by Esko Ukkonen in "Algorithms for approximate...
uestcct 0.0.1 # uestc course table把电子科大课程表导入到 google calendar。配合这个使用:https://gist.github.com/helloqiu/6055929ac8a15af2e50a5ba02885dafd# Usage``` bashpythonsetup.pyinstall uestc --helpusage: uestc [-h] [-c position] [-d...
ueberzugbak 18.2.1 NOTE: This is a fork of the original ueberzug project. I did not write this...
udt4pyng 1.0.0 udt4py libudt4 Python wrapper written with Cython. Tested with Python 2.7 and Python...
udsvlabipamapi 2.0.20220713 This service replaces the existing static gateway used in vLab. The goal of this...
udsoncan 1.23.1 This project is an implementation of the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol defined by ISO-14229...
uitable 0.0.1 uitable from uitable import UiTable uitable_ins = UiTable() uitable_ins.add_header("name", "age")
uipcli 2.0.0 Universal Integration Platform Command Line Utility Overview uip-cli is...
uioexoplanetgroup 0.6.0 uio-exoplanet-group UiO exoplanet group: data processing tools and knowledge base. Created for Centre for...
uiclasses 3.0.0 Powered by Python 3 Data Classes. Objects optimized for user interfaces. Methods to...
udevmonitor 1.3.0 udev_monitor Monitor linux udev events and execute actions on detection Designed to execute...
udevbackup 1.2.1 UdevBackup On Linux, detects when specified storage devices are connected, then mounts them,...
uhashring 2.3 uhashring implements consistent hashing in pure Python. Consistent hashing is mostly used on distributed...
UGX 6.2 For Details Contact :- https://github.com/Gautam1834 Telegram :- https://t.me/Gautam1834
ugali 1.8.0 Ultra-faint galaxy likelihood toolkit. https://github.com/DarkEnergySurvey/ugali
ucxxcu12 0.39.1 UCXX UCXX is an object-oriented C++ interface for UCX, with native support for Python...
ucxpycu12 0.39.2 Python Bindings for UCX Installing Users can either install with Conda or build...
ucxpycu11 0.39.2 Python Bindings for UCX Installing Users can either install with Conda or build...
ubus 0.1.2 Code in this directory enables a subset of libubus functions to be used directly from...
ubuntureleaseinfo 21.1 Ubuntu Release Info Ubuntu distribution release information Similar to...
ubuntuisodownload 21.1 Ubuntu ISO Download Download the latest Ubuntu ISOs This...
ubuntubugtriage 21.1 Ubuntu Bug Triage Get involved and help fix Ubuntu bugs!...
ubloxlarar2 0.0.1 This python module is for Seeed LTE Pi Hat which uses ublox lara r2 4G...
imgrenamer 2.6.0 Image renamer Production Master Description img_renamer is a Python script to...
iec62056protocol 1.0.1 Python IEC62056 Meter Tools How to use ? Install pip install py-iec62056
tsv2py 0.7.1 Parse and generate tab-separated values (TSV) data Tab-separated values (TSV) is a simple and...
tsururoutertailer 0.4 Send tsuru router log and send to logstash
ttsmostestmturk 0.0.2 tts-mos-test-mturk
ttslearn 0.2.2 ttslearn: Library for Pythonで学ぶ音声合成 (Text-to-speech with Python)
TTS2 🐸TTS is a library for advanced Text-to-Speech generation. It's built on the latest research, was...
ttrun 1.0.5 Simple CLI to run testtools tests In a testrepository based workflow, sometimes you want/need...
ttr 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
ttqakit 1.0.0 🌐Website | 🎥Video | 📦PyPI | 🤗Huggingface Datasets
ttptemplates 0.3.6 Template Text Parser Templates This repository contains a collection of TTP templates. If...
ttp 0.9.5 Template Text Parser TTP is a Python library for semi-structured text parsing using templates.
ttop 0.9.1 ttop ttop is CLI graphical system monitor. this tools is designed for use...
ttlser 1.1.5 ttlser Deterministic turtle serialization for rdflib. Documentation See the docs...
ttcli 1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
tsaug 0.2.1 tsaug tsaug...
tsaopy 0.0.6a6 We are working on a Github page with more info at: https://tsaopy.github.io/. We have...
trVAE 1.1.2 trVAE Introduction A Keras (tensorflow < 2.0) implementation of trVAE (transfer...
truvasqlparser 0.0.6 Blazing fast SQL parsing.
truthometer 0.1.16 The author of this package has not provided a project description
trustflowverification 0.3.0.dev20240801 An attestation report verification library
trustflowsgx2generation 0.3.0.dev20240801 An attestation report generation library for sgx2
trustflowcsvgeneration 0.3.0.dev20240801 An attestation report generation library for csv
trunserver 0.0.3 Contents Overview Install Overview
trufont 0.6.6 TruFont TruFont is a font-editing application written with Python3, ufoLib, defcon and PyQt5.
truckman 0.0.1 Truckman Simpler backing-up of named Docker volumes to tar archives and unpacking of them
trrsheadset 0.0.1a2 Headset Controls 为 PC 提供 3.5mm 耳机线控支持。 Python >= 3.6 项目目前严重缺乏测试,不同设备、不同耳机很可能有不同表现。...
trrex 0.0.5 Efficient keyword mining with regular expressions This package includes a pure Python function that...
trparse 0.3.0 Parses the output of a traceroute or traceroute6 execution into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
trovetempestplugin 2.4.0 Tempest plugin for Trove Project It contains tempest tests for Trove project.
tromeda 0.1.8 The author of this package has not provided a project description
tripleovalidations 16.0.0 A collection of Ansible roles and playbooks to detect and report potential issues during...
tripleorepos 0.1.0 A tool for managing tripleo repos from places like RDO Trunk and Ceph. See:...
hushpush 0.3.0 # hush-push## Installation`pip install --user hush-push`## Usage```usage: hush [-h] [--version] [--execute] [--overwrite] [--verbose] [--remote-endpoint REMOTE_ENDPOINT]Hello...