weatherapplet 1.1.0 weather-applet Weather system tray applet for X11, written in Python 3 and PyQt 6....
web3pitunnel 0.1 WEb3Pi Tunnel PoC Python implementation of a basic TCP tunnel. Primary purpose: provide a...
web3piproxy 0.4 RPC Reverse Proxy A reverse proxy for Geth intended for use within Web3Pi ecosystem.
weaswidget 0.1.3 Welcome to WEAS Widget! A widget to visualize...
wdpass 0.1.0 wdpass WD Passport Ultra Complete Utilities for Linux. Thanks to: ...
wdextractor 0.0.0 extractor for whosisdumping Free software: Apache license Documentation:
wdapython 0.0.3 Documentation in <>
wdapy 0.2.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
waylonwalker 0.4.6 Waylon Walker cli My personal business card. pipx run waylonwalker # alternatively...
waveglowcli 0.0.2 waveglow-cli
waveformsmath 1.0.0 waveforms Reporting Issues Please report all issues...
waveforms 1.9.4 waveforms Form waveforms used in experiment. Installation
watchlogs watchlogs watchlogs is a simple command line utility for watching multilpe log files and...
watchghost 0.3.0 Your invisible but loud monitoring pet Quickstart pip install watchghost...
watchertempestplugin 3.2.0 Description Please fill here a long description which must be at least 3 lines...
WassersteinTSNE 1.1.1 WassersteinTSNE This package provides the methods described in the Wasserstein t-SNE paper on
wasserstein 1.1.0 Wasserstein Python/C++ library for computing Wasserstein...
wasmfunc 0.0.1 wasmfunc wasmfunc is a Python to WebAssembly Compiler built for converting a typed subset...
warpbeacon 2.0.10 warp_beacon Telegram bot for external social networks media links expanding. Works with a...
warm 0.3.1 Warm - To setup simple OpenStack environments from template=========================================================== Warm exposes APIs on Yaml files...
walsteam 1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
walscript 0.2.4 a browser automation tool with a yaml front end and selenium/python/phantomjs bacd end
keymon 1.20 Key-mon is useful for teaching since it shows the current status of your keyboard...
KerasJukeBox 0.0.3 Acknowledgement This project is supported by Segmind keras JukeBox This is a...
kerascortex 0.0.8 Keras :brain: Cortex Keras Implementations of Goal-driven models of (parts of) cortex Currently...
Keno 1.2.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kenjycolibs 0.0.10 Install Options Use pip to install kenjyco-libs, ideally to a virtual environment
kelectric 0.1.24rc8 kElectric kElectric es una librerĂa hecha en el lenguaje de programaciĂłn Python y fue...
kdematerialyoucolors 1.9.3 🎨 KDE Material You Colors Automatically generate light/dark color themes for KDE...
kconmd 1.0.17 kconMD (k-Bags Convolutional Neural Network Molecular Dynamics)
kcfconvoy 0.0.5 # KCF-Convoy: efficient Python package to convert KCF chemical substructure fingerprints KCF-Convoy is a...
kaviyesutil 2.1.2 A standard kaviyes utility for python thats ideal for small projects and prototypes. Installation
karabodata 0.8.0 Python 3 tools for reading European XFEL's HDF5 files. karabo_data has been renamed to
kaidoku 1.0.1 Kaidoku can solve sudoku puzzles as shown in the figure, play with the puzzles and...
kailobeewelldashboard 0.3.4 kailo-beewell-dashboard: tools to support creation of #BeeWell survey dashboards for the Kailo project.
k2hash 1.0.1 Overview k2hash_python is an official python driver for k2hash. ...
KADAI 1.0.0rc2 KADAI Simple wallpaper manager for tiling window managers. This...
jupyterkernelinstall 2407.0.1 Install Kernel Specifications into userspace This...
jupyterkernelgen 0.1.0 jupyterkernelgen Generates a jupyter kernel from a given conda environment while ensuring that...
jumpdir 0.7.5 UNKNOWN
jsonupdater 0.0.6 json-updater Setup To import this library to your environment: pip...
jsondt 1.0.0 JSON with datetime support. This module is a light shim around the existing standard...
jsonschematosqlalchemyflask 0.1.4 Idea The main idea behind this project is to get a simple web based...
JSONRPCBase 0.2.0 JSONRPCBase Intro Simple JSON-RPC service...
jsonnn 1.0.0 JSON-NN JSON parsing, powered by neural networks. What could go wrong? Requires Tensorflow...
jqed 0.1.4 json interactive stream editor A tool inspired by Ultimate Plumber that uses jq to...
joyitmfrc522 0.1.0 joyit_mfrc522 A python library to read/write RFID tags via the MFRC522 RFID module....
jdMinecraftLauncher 6.0 jdMinecraftLauncher jdMinecraftLauncher is a OpenSource Minecraft...
vdatafeed 1.1.4 vDatafeed vDatafeed: A Python wrapper for Viet Nam Datafeed API
vcsSHARK 2.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
vboxsdk 5.1.180 Oracle provides this SDK to interface with VirtualBox. In the main branch, everything is...
vbmfa 0.0.1 Variational Bayesian Mixture of Factor Analysers for dimensionality reduction and clustering. Factor analysis...
varianttools 3.1.3 Variant Tools A command line tool for the manipulation, annotation, and analysis of genetic...
vaultiansible 0.1.1 Vaulti Utility to edit, create, encrypt and decrypt ansible-vault in-line encrypted variables in yaml...
VaultAPI 0.1.0 VaultAPI Lightweight API to store/retrieve secrets to/from an encrypted Database Platform...
varboxes 1.0 varboxes A varbox is an object to store permanently objects between python session. It...
varbio 2.0.0 varbio (various bioinformatics) is a bioinformatics utility library, not recommended for public use due...
vappman 0.9.2 vappman vappman presents a visual (curses) interface to appman. Install vappman...
VASPsol 0.1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
van.reposync 1.0.1 Mirror a pypi-style egg repository from a debian APT repository Disclaimer...
vanqc 0.1.0 vanqc Variant Annotator and QC Checker for Human Genome Sequencing
van.pydeb 1.3.3 Tools for introspecting Python package metadata and translating the resulting information into Debian metadata....
valkkaonvif 1.6.7 Onvif python dependencies for libValkka
valkkamultiprocess 1.6.1 Valkka multiprocessing classes as separate package
iteriocommons 0.2.0 The name may not be very specific, but it’s totally adequate. It’s the common stuff...
IsoMarker 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
itchcraft 0.4.1 Itchcraft Itchcraft is a technology demonstration for Linux-based smartphones to interface with commercial...
isocrypt 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
isvd 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ismlab2 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
isdttool 1.0.1 isdttool Important Notes This software is not sponsored by ISDT, or...
isda 1.0.24 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ironfalcon 1.2.2a0 Embrace the power of marshmallow with falcon speed.
userstorage 0.5.1 userstorage Helper for setting up storage for tests. Overview Some tests need...
ustudiotornadocors 0.7.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
userconfig 1.0a10 user_config Manage user configuration for python projects. For easy and well-documented user-defined configuration.
USSZmqTools 0.1.0 This package provides a basic implementation of a broker-worker pattern using ZeroMQ (ZMQ) for communication....
USSCameraTools 0.1.2 USSCamera is a Python package that provides functionality to interact with GigE cameras using the...
urwidreadline 0.15.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
urwidgets 0.2.1 urWIDgets A collection of widgets for urwid Contents Installation...
usbwdemccrab 2021.1.1 # usbwde Python client library for ELV’s USB-WDE1 receiver.
usbsecuritymonitor 4.1.0 How usbsecurity-monitor is the program to control USB ports. Installation pip3 install...
usbsecuritygui 4.1.0 How usbsecurity-gui is the program for the graphical interface of USBSecurity. Prerequisites...
usbscanner 0.0.4 USB Scanner Package allowing to read a barcode or QR-code from USB scanner listed...
usbrelaypy 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
usbmonitor 1.21 USBMonitor USBMonitor is a versatile cross-platform library that simplifies USB device monitoring for Windows,...
usbinfo 1.1.2 usbinfo is a Python module for performing introspection on endpoints attached to the USB...
USBImager 2.2.2 USB-Imager is a GUI tool to write bootable disk images to USB keys.
usbid 2.2 USB file system abstraction API This module provides a USB file system abstraction API...
usbfccid 0.2 Contents Requirements Usage Userland USB Gadget...
usbcloner 0.1.0 USB Cloner USB Cloner is a Python library for rapidly replicating the contents of...
usbadc10 1.0.1 USBADC10 This is a python binding for usbadc10 cross-platform library for USBADC10 - a...
usb1208fs 0.2.0.post1 Python wrapper of the C-driver of MCC USB1208FS data acquisition card written by Warren Jaspers.
urlscraper 1.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
URLRakshak 0.0.4 URL Rakshak
upydevice 0.3.8 uPydevice Python library to interface with MicroPython devices through REPL*:
urlfetch 2.0.1 urlfetch is a simple, lightweight and easy to use HTTP client for Python. It...
uptime 3.0.1 This module provides a cross-platform way to retrieve system uptime and boot time. See...
upswingutil 2.6.1 Utility package for upswing applications