integer tool Python functions for integer. Installation You can install from pypi pip...
InterleavePlaylist 1.0.0a8 Interleave episodes of the shows you watch to maximize variety when catching up
intakesqlite 0.2.0 SQLite Driver for Intake Data Catalogs ...
instrumentor 0.0.1 Instrumentor Instrumentation library for python apps. Backed by Redis and exposes to Prometheus...
insilicofatemapping 0.1.2 in silico fate mapping ...
insightworkshopcommons 0.13 Commons is a Django app that includes commonly used serializer, models, pagination and mixins...
instapi 0.3.0 InstAPI
installdist 0.2.1 About installdist is used to ease the installation of local Python packages. It will...
inputmanager 1.0.2 Terminal How to install Simply...
inplace 1.0.0 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog The in_place module provides...
inntinn 1.2.0 inntinn OSINT composite vulnerability database. Inntinn -...
iNNsole 0.0.0 This is a placeholder wheel until we get a usable version of this package working....
innoconv 0.1.3 innoConv Converter for interactive educational content. Please refer to the documentation for installation...
inkawuvppelletdispenser 0.0.1 Pellet Dispenser Python Driver This is a python package to use the pellet dispenser...
inka2 2.4.6 inka2 Automatically extract flashcards from Markdown...
inka 2.2.3 inka Automatically add your...
injectify 0.2.0 Injectify is a code injection library that allows you to merge code that you have...
injected 0.1.1 injected
injectable 4.0.1 Usage Examples 🚩 | Developer Reference 👩💻 | Authors 👫 ...
initigitdoc 0.3.7 docrepo. Documentation How to Install
initfastapi init-fastapi init-fastapi Project generator for FastAPI
initcommerceutils 1.4.0 InitCommerce Common Utilities This project includes common libraries and utilities to avoid depending on
inflect 7.3.1 NAME - Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to...
inflationpy 0.9.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
infiraylrf 1.0.1 InfiRay-LRF Command sender for the InfiRay LR2000 / LR3000 Long Range Finder Instalation
inferencesdk 0.16.3 notebooks | supervision | autodistill | maestro
infozuild 0.8.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
INF367chen 1.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
infolib 0.2.21 infolib simple and complete PandasDataframe's stat overview Installation Only through pip at...
imswaggerspy 0.4.0 im-swagger-spy pytest plugin for matching methods in swagger with those used in tests...
indentify 0.0.1 python-starter A straightforward starter template for Python packages. Includes things like:
incunarequestlogging 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
incunapigeon 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
incoreotp 1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
incolumepy.makefilelicense 0.3.1 Makefile License Incolume Python This software take a License ( and agregate...
includeigen 0.1 includeigen includeigen can be used by Python packages that require the C++...
importgitfiles 0.1.0 import-git-files Read The Docs import-git-files enables defining file imports...
importfutureannotations 0.1.0 import-future-annotations Tool that checks presence of import from __future__ import annotations in python files...
importfiler 0.0.2 importfiler Profile your imports, find what is dragging your module load time. importfiler...
impactfactor 1.1.0 最新SCI期刊影响因子查询系统 已更新2022年数据 包含JCR分区表数据 Installation python3 -m pip...
immutabledict 4.2.0 immutabledict An immutable wrapper around dictionaries. immutabledict implements the complete...
ImmuneScoreProject 0.0.2 This is a empyrt markdown.
immoney 0.10.0 immoney
img2jb2pdf 2023.7.22.0 img2jb2pdf 将二值图像转换为 JBIG2Decode 编码的 PDF 安装 通过pip(推荐): pip install img2jb2pdf...
imagecatalog 0.1.6 imagecatalog
iilogpckg 0.0.4 iilog is an alternative library to logging iilog provides a little more...
igraph 0.11.6 Python interface to the igraph high performance graph library, primarily aimed at complex network...
igqloo 0.1 igqloo A small tool for interacting with GQL APIs Arguments, mutations, aliases are...
ignores 0.0.0 ignores-py library to add any kind of .ignore files to your project
iglsynth 0.2.3 IGLSynth is a package for synthesizing winning strategies in two-player games and hypergames, where...
iGeniuslokaliseexporter 0.22 Utility tool to export localization strings from one or multiple projects at once for...
ifoodkubelogin 1.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
idna 3.8 Support for the Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in RFC...
idms 0.2.7 iDMS Python class to talk to iDMS REST and Search API within...
ife 0.0.3 Image Feature Extractor(IFE) What is this
identityclient 1.0.37 identity-client Client lib for the identity service Manual deployment Since we don't...
identity 0.9.0 Identity library This Identity library is an authentication/authorization library that:
identify 2.6.0 identify File identification library for Python. Given a file (or some information about...
icallibrary 0.2.3 Fast, yet simple, iCalendar reader with excellent recurrence support. RFC 5545 compliant. ...
idapythonchuxuezhezhinan 2024.3.4.0 IDAPython 初学者指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/idapython-chuxuezhe-zhinan docker run -tid -p...
id 1.4.0 id id...
ibmodules 0.1.2 Interesting bit operations These modules provide some interesting bit operations which you can perform...
icssplit 1.0.1 Split big .ics/.ical files into smaller ones for import into Google Calendar, which only...
iconsdk 2.5.1 ICON SDK for Python ICON SDK for Python is a collection of libraries which...
iconic 1.0.0 Use icons in your Django and Jinja templates. Requirements Python...
icnsutil 1.1.0 icnsutil A fully-featured python library to handle reading and writing .icns files. Install
icmplibv2 1.0.6 fork from - Features :deciduous_tree: Ready-to-use: icmplib offers...
icmplibs 3.0.4 Features Installation Getting started Documentation Contributing Donate License...
icmplib 3.0.4 icmplib is a brand new and modern implementation of the ICMP protocol in Python....
icml2019notes 2024.3.4.0 ICML 2019 Notes 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/icml-2019-notes docker run -tid...
icml2018notes 2024.3.4.0 ICML 2018 Notes 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/icml-2018-notes docker run -tid...
icm20948 1.0.0 ICM20948 9-DOF Accelerometer, Magnetometer and Gyroscope ...
iclr2019notes 2024.3.5.0 ICLR 2019 Notes 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/iclr-2019-notes docker run -tid...
iclib 0.0.0.dev8 ADC78H89 is a A collection of integrated circuit libraries in pure Python. ...
ichunqiuyuekandiliuqilinuxpwnlingjichurumen 2024.3.4.0 i 春秋月刊第六期:Linux pwn 零基础入门 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/i-chunqiu-yuekan-diliuqi-linux-pwn-ling-jichu-rumen docker run...
ibexblueskycore 0.0.3 ibex_bluesky_core Core bluesky plan stubs & devices for use at ISIS. Not instrument/technique specific.
icePick 0.0.5 IcePick is a All in one Package library for easy Scraping
icemac.songbeamer 1.0 icemac.songbeamer Library to read and write SongBeamer files. This...
iama 0.1.4 iama iama is a classifier for r/relationships titles. Consider the following title:
hypersolver 0.0.8 hyper(bolic partial differential equations)solver help(hypersolver) for use info, etc. — hypersolver revolves...
i2cpy 0.1.1 Python I2C library supporting multiple driver implementations
i2cdevice 1.0.0 i2cdevice i2cdevice is a Python framework...
i18next 0.0.3 i18next i18next is a library facilitating...
hysteria2 2.5.0 hysteria2-python Python bindings for hysteria2. Install Core Building Tools...
hysteria hysteria-python Python bindings for hysteria, a feature-packed proxy & relay tool. This...
hypergrep 3.2.0 HyperGrep
hypothesisrequests 0.1.0 hypothesis-requests Homepage By Alex Brandt Description You can use hypothesis-requests...
hyperborea3 0.6.0 hyperborea3 An app for creating randomly-generated characters for the Hyperborea...
hwt 3.8 HWToolkit (hwt), the library for hardware development in Python ...
hwrt 0.2.1 Handwriting Recognition Toolkit A toolkit for handwriting recognition (HWR). Especially on-line HWR. It...
hydroanalysistoolkit 0.8.0 HAT - Hydrological Analysis Toolkit HAT is a suite of tools to perform data...
huscy.pseudonyms 1.2.2 huscy.pseudonyms
huscy.projects 1.7.1 huscy.projects
huscy.projectdocuments 1.4.1 huscy.project_documents Requirements
huscy.projectdesign 0.5.0b20 huscy.project_design
huscy.projectconsents 1.0.1 project consents
huscy.participations 0.3.0a8 huscy.participations
huscy.emailrecruitment 0.4.0a7 The author of this package has not provided a project description
huscy.dataprotection 0.4.0a9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
huscy.dataacquisitionmethods.questionaire 0.1.2a3