huscy.dataacquisitionmethods.mri 0.3.1a9
huscy.consents 0.9.0a23 huscy.consents
huscy.bookings 0.4.1a12 The author of this package has not provided a project description
huscy.attributes 1.0.1 huscy.attributes Huscy...
huscy.appointments 1.3.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hydrarhl 0.2 RHL Kafka Management Tool
hydralink 0.2.8 HydraLink Python module to control dissecto HydraLink on Linux, MacOS and Windows Can...
hurocon 0.6.0 Hurocon Hurocon (huawei router control) - command line interface tool for interacting with Huawei...
hybridcipher 0.1.1 hybrid-cipher Hybrid Encryption Mode with Public-Key Encryption and Symmetric Encryption. Install pip...
hummingbirdjoystick 0.0.5 Support for Birdbrain Technolgies Hummingbird joystick Free software: MIT license
hummingbirddualmotordriver 0.0.5 A dual motor driver for Birdbrain Technologies Hummingbird Free software: MIT license
humanreadable 0.4.0 humanreadable Summary Supported Unites ...
httpxy 0.0.0a1 httpxy HTTP client with yaml support Adds minor convenience features to the excellent...
httpxwithhttpcorewithrandomfeaturebranch 0.25.1 HTTPX - A next-generation HTTP client for Python. ...
httpxsse 0.4.0 httpx-sse Consume Server-Sent Event (SSE) messages with HTTPX.
httpx request httpx request extension. Installation You can install via pypi pip install...
httpxkerberos 0.1.1 HTTPX Kerberos/GSSAPI Authentication Library HTTPX is a fully featured HTTP client library for Python...
httpxieyirfc2616zhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 HTTP 协议 RFC2616 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/http-xieyi-rfc2616-zhongwenban docker run...
httpxcli 0.1.2 The HTTPX command line client Installation: $ pip install httpx-cli ...
httpxcaching 0.1a4 Caching for HTTPX.
httpxcache 0.13.0 HTTPX-CACHE httpx-cache is an implementation of the caching algorithms in httplib2 and...
httpx 0.27.2 HTTPX - A next-generation HTTP client for Python. ...
hugo 0.133.1 hugo-python-distributions Classifiers Description
hugmiddlewarecors 1.0.0 # hug CORS middlewareA [hug]( middleware for allowing CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) requests from hug...
huggingfacehubstorjpatch 0.0.6 Monkey patch for HuggingFace Hub to download Git-LFS blobs from Storj This patch aims...
huggingfacehub 0.24.6 The official Python client for the Huggingface Hub. ...
httpsec 0.3.0 HTTP SEC 初衷 作为最原始的http客户端 我希望能获取到最终发送的内容、也希望能获取最初获取到的内容、但是目前没有公开库对这种需求做了兼容 作为网络安全从业者、他们常常会发送一些不符合规则、复杂的url如 http://localhost./../api
hueapi 0.4.8 Hue API Async API and CLI tools for interacting with Hue Lights
HTTPolice 0.9.0 HTTPolice is a validator or “linter” for HTTP requests and responses. It can spot...
HttpMax 1.2 HttpMax HttpMax is a simple, asynchronous, fast and beautiful HTTP library. import HttpMax
httplogging 2.0.0 Asynchronous HTTP Logging Non-blocking HTTP handler for Python logging with local SQLite buffer/cache....
httpj 0.27.0 HTTPJ -A fork of httpx with support for a custom JSON serializer. ...
httpfilepy 0.1.3 Python httpfile import loader How to use? Create http...
html2image PyPI Package GitHub Repository A lightweight Python...
httpcore 1.0.5 HTTP Core Do one thing, and do it...
httpbinx 1.6.0 httpbinx HTTP Request & Response Service, written in Python + FastAPI. Reference project
hstspreload 2024.8.1 hstspreload Chromium HSTS Preload list as a Python...
htmltextconvert 0.1.2 htmltextconvert renders HTML to plain text, for example to autogenerate a plain text versions...
hsluvrestored 5.0.2.post1 A Python implementation of HSLuv (revision 4). Installation pip install hsluv Usage
hsluv 5.0.4 A Python implementation of HSLuv (revision 4). Installation pip install hsluv Python...
hsignature 0.0.5 H-Signature A C++ or Python Library for computing the h-signature as defined in [1].
hseruz 2.1.2 Python wrapper for HSE RUZ API. Versions under 2.1.0 are depreciated due to HSE...
hsdetection 0.3.0 hs2-detection Adapted from HS2 To be filled...
htmllistparse 0.6.1 Python parser for Apache/nginx-style HTML directory listing import htmllistparse cwd, listing = htmllistparse.fetch_listing(some_url,...
htmlhyperframe 0.1.7 HyperFrame HyperFrame structures related information in an HTML document by searching for recurrent patterns...
hrefs 0.13 Read a blog post from the library author discussing why this library exists....
hqx 1.0 hqx (high quality scale) is a family of pixel art scaling algorithms that work...
hprint 2.1.0 hprint Print python object as table/json format in an easy way based on python-tabulate.
hpoflow 0.1.4 HPOflow - Sphinx DOC ...
HPO 0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hpmoc 1.0.0 hpmoc: HEALPix Multi-Order Coordinate Partial Skymaps HPMOC is an ultra high-performance, cross-platform toolset for...
hplspecs 1.4.0 HPL - The High-Level Property Specification Language HPL is a minimalistic specification language tailored...
hplrvros 1.1.0 HPL RV for ROS This project provides tools to create and deploy runtime monitors...
hplrv 1.2.0 HPL Runtime Verification This project provides tools from which you can build and manage...
hplib 1.9 hplib - heat pump library Repository with code to build a...
hpcsdk 0.2.1 hpc-sdk sdk for hpc app of EU Materials-MarketPlace Interacte with HPC through MarketPlace...
howtowriteagoodscientificpaper 2024.3.4.0 How to Write a Good Scientific Paper 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/how-to-write-a-good-scientific-paper
hovercraft 2.7 Hovercraft! The merge of convenience and cool! Hovercraft! is a tool to make...
hostedpi 0.3.0 Python interface to the Mythic Beasts Hosted Pi API, developed by the piwheels team...
hotwiredjango 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hors 0.1.5 Hors hors - это модуль python для распознавания даты и времени в...
honesty 0.2.1 Honesty There's a long tail of people doing interesting/sketchy things to packages on...
honcaml 0.2.1 HoNCAML Introduction HoNCAML (Holistic No Code Automated Machine Learning) is a tool aimed...
hoplacli 0.0.41a0 Hopla hopla - a command line interface (CLI)...
homesolar 0.7.20 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hookcheck 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
holidaysru 0.1 A fast, efficient Python library for Russia country, province and state specific sets of...
holidata 2024.8.2 Holidata holidata is a utility for algorithmically producing holiday data. Its purpose is...
holdup 5.1.1 A tool to wait for services and execute command. Useful for Docker containers that depend...
holcstore 0.3.0 HoLcStore HoLcStore is a Django app for creating a simple TimeSeries store in your...
hiyori 0.2.1 Hiyori is an http client for asyncio. Install $ pip install...
hitutilen 0.1.2 hitutil hitutil 基于 requests,是一个与哈尔滨工业大学网络业务相关的支持库。 ids 统一身份认证相关服务 ids.idslogin() 模拟统一身份认证登陆, 返回一个已登陆的 requests.Session....
hitutil 0.5.0 hitutil hitutil 基于 requests,是一个与哈尔滨工业大学网络业务相关的支持库。 ids 统一身份认证相关服务 ids.idslogin() 模拟统一身份认证登陆, 返回一个已登陆的 requests.Session....
hittablehelper 1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
hitalibababishimianshizhishizhengli 2024.3.4.0 HIT-Alibaba 笔试面试知识整理 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/hit-alibaba-bishi-mianshi-zhishi-zhengli docker run -tid -p...
histopatch 0.95 Overview histo_patch is a python library to extract patches from annotated region in WSI...
histoday 0.1.4 histoday A Python curses library based utility to read today in history
hiphp 0.3.6 Hiphp Free & Open source project for create a BackDoor to control PHP-based sites.
hiperccat 0.0.1 Hiperccat 0.0.0.dev0 This is a mirror package! It is recommended to install pyrez instead.
hirezapi 0.0.2 A small python wrapper for the Hi-Rez Studios API. Free software: MIT...
hiredis 3.0.0 hiredis-py Python extension that wraps protocol parsing code...
himawariapi 0.0.2 Welcome to HIMAWARI API - An API to download and search HIMAWARI satellite data....
HierarchiaPy 0.2.6 Introduction HierarchiaPy is an optimized statistical package for hierarchy/dominance analysis methds. It is purely...
hilda 2.0.13 Hilda Hilda Overview Installation How to use
hiddenv 2021.11.8 hiddenv Utility for managing .env-sourced settings across multiple packages.
hicstuff 3.2.3 hicstuff
higrid 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
highwayhashcffi 0.1.6 HighwayHash CFFI HighwayHash is a pseudorandom function (i.e. keyed hash function) optimized for speed...
hhru 0.1.1 hhru wrapper library for Python. There is providers for API and Web...
hhjinpytesthtml 3.1.2.dev11 pytest-html is a plugin for pytest that generates a HTML report for test results....
hgtools 10.1.0 hgtools is defunct, superseded by jaraco.vcs.
HGSpy 1.1 HGSpy This package aims to provide an open source and comprehensive approach to combustion
hftbacktest 2.0.0 High-Frequency Trading Backtesting Tool This framework is designed for developing high-frequency trading and market-making...
hfos 1.3.0 A module to bundle Hackerfleet’s Isomer modules to a ship computer operating system. This...
hfexcel 0.0.17 hfexcel 0.0.17 human friendly excel creation in python development versions of dependencies...
hexfarm 0.0.7 hexfarm Rutgers HEX Computing Utility Library
hexee 0.0.1 Hexee
hexed 0.0.1.dev13 A playground package for exploring hex mapping as described at: Free...
herdingspikes 0.4.3 Herding Spikes 2 Lightning Fast spike sorting for high density multielectrode arrays