k8scollector 0.0.8 k8s-collector collect k8s objects, parse them with jmespath and send them to sink...
k3addons 0.0.2 k3-addons: Additional multi-backend functionality for Keras 3. Installation pip install k3-addons
k0s 0.0.1 https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/ https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/pyproject-toml/#declaring-project-metadata-the-project-table https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/pyproject-toml/#pyproject-toml-spec https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/writing-pyproject-toml/ https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/pyproject_config.html https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/pyproject_config.html#dynamic-metadata ##...
jyg 0.1.2 jyg demo docs install build
jx3api 2024.8.15 jx3api-py The Python SDK to the JX3API. Installation From pypi pip...
jwtemailauth 0.11.5 JSON Web Token Email Authentication
jwtauthapi 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
jwst 1.15.1 JWST Calibration Pipeline
jwplatform 2.2.2 A Python client library for accessing JW Platform API. Visit JW Player Developer site for...
jwodderps1 0.7.2 GitHub | PyPI | Issues jwodder-ps1 is yet another program for Git-aware...
jwnx 2.1 jw-nx About package This package provides an authentication mechanism for Django Rest Framework...
jwm.robotstxt 1.0.8 jwm.robotstxt Python Wrapper for Googles Robotstxt Parser Provides python access to Googles parser...
jwhzeep A Python SOAP client Highlights: Compatible with Python 3.7,...
justpfm 1.0.0 justPFM A small Python module to read/write PFM (Portable Float Map) images Install
jupyternbdoublequotetosinglequote 0.1.4 jupyter-nb-double-quote-to-single-quote Convert double quotes ("") to single quotes ('') in Jupyter notebook code cells
jupyter micropython kernel Jupyter MicroPython Kernel Jupyter kernel to interact with a MicroPython ESP8266 or...
jupyterlabfonts 3.0.0 jupyterlab-fonts Data-driven Style and Typography for JupyterLab powered by JSS.
jupyterlabdeck 0.2.0 jupyterlab-deck docs install extend demo
junkaptor 0.0.5 junkaptor - Python module for sanitizing data -- Garbage in, sanitized data out... --
jump and run game 0.0.1 Your Jump-and-Run Game Welcome to jump_and_run_game – a fun and exciting...
jtypes.pyjava 0.1.5b6 jtypes.pyjava A Python to Java bridge. Overview
jtune 4.0.1 A high precision Java CMS optimizer
jsonschemars 0.18.1 jsonschema-rs Fast JSON Schema validation for...
jsrm 0.0.9 JAX Soft Robot Modelling This repository contains symbolic derivations of the kinematics and dynamics...
jsonschemacli2 1.3.1 This is based on the frok from jsonschema-cli. JsonSchema CLI A thin wrapper...
jspcap 1.0.0 jspcap The jspcap project is an open source Python program focus...
jsonype 0.1.0 jsonype Usage See documentation. Similar tools typedload is also...
json write JSON write tools Installation You can install from pypi pip install...
jsonwebtoken 1.0.0 A Python implementation of RFC 7519. From from @jpadilla. Original implementation was written by @progrium.
jsonvisitor 1.0.0 PyJsonVisitor Implements a JSON parser using the Visitor pattern. Table of Contents...
jsonliteral 1.1.0 Use JSON literal on Python code By importing this package in wildcard, JSON data...
jsonqueries 0.1.16 json-queries Nowadays, communication between API infrastructures commonly uses JSON data. This library aims...
jsonprotobuf 2.0.1 json-protobuf provides a Json interface to Google's Protocol Buffers compiled in C++ code. The...
jsoninja 1.0.3 Jsoninja A library that allows you to generate JSON's from
jsoni18n 1.0.0 py-jsoni18n A simple i18n system using json + pycountry alpha_3 ISO codes
jsonobjectcouchdbkit 1.1.0 About the jsonobject fork of couchdbkit jsonobject-couchdbkit is a fork of couchdbkit that replaces...
jsonnumpy 2.1.0 json-numpy Description json-numpy provides lossless...
jsonmodels 2.7.0 jsonmodels is library to make it easier for you to deal with structures that...
jsonmgnt 1.1.1 jsonmgnt A simple JSON parsing tool. Installation Install it via pip:...
jsonapipydantic 0.2.5 jsonapi-pydantic JSON:API implementation with Pydantic. ...
jsonadvanced 0.9.0 Extended JSON Encoder The json-advanced is Python package provides an extended JSON encoder class,...
jsonabler 0.2.2 jsonabler Python package for making your classes easy encodable to JSON string and vice-versa.
json5kit 0.4.0 json5kit A Roundtrip parser and CST for JSON, JSONC and JSON5. JSON5 is...
JSFinder2 0.2 JSFinder2 Find subdomains and urls in js files
jservicepy 1.0 jServicePy API wrapper for jService (comes with a commmand-line game implementation!) ...
jschonshamelessdowngrade 0.7.0 jschon-shamelessdowngrade A fork of marksparkza's excellent jschon, shamelessly downgraded to get Python 3.6 compatibility.
jschon 0.11.1 A JSON toolkit for Python developers. Features JSON Schema...
jrnlmw 1.3.4 jrnl jrnl is a personal journal management application. Usage Setup Set...
jps2sm 1.16 jps2sm A project to migrate torrents from JPopSuki to SugoiMusic jps2sm...
johannpluginexample 0.1.0a0 Johann Plugin Example This repository is an example "plugin" for Johann consisting of the...
johann 0.3.0a0 Johann Johann is a lightweight and flexible “scenario orchestrator”. It makes it easy to
joeflow 1.3.0 joeflow The lean workflow automation framework for machines with heart.
jodium 0.1.0 Jodium Installing Install and update using pip: $ pip install -U jodium
joaodemo123 0.1.2 First python package I am learning how to use Python and following the guide...
jiraprinter 0.0.1 Jira does not provide a nice printable layout for tickets and nicer printing options...
JiraLens 1.0.3 Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA.
jiraclient 0.0.10 This project provides a client library for working with Jira boards, epics, sprints and issues.
jiraagiletoolbox 0.0.13 jira_agile_toolbox A python package...
jira2confluencegantt 0.3.3 Jira to Confluence gantt chart generator Table of Contents...
jira 3.8.0 This library eases the use of the Jira REST API from Python and it has...
jiqixuexixunlianmijimachinelearningyearningzhongwenban 2024.3.3.0 机器学习训练秘籍(Machine Learning Yearning 中文版) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiqi-xuexi-xunlian-miji-machine-learning-yearning-zhongwenban docker run...
jiqixuexinaxieshiliuzhiyuanyi 2024.3.3.0 机器学习那些事(刘知远译) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiqi-xuexi-naxie-shi-liuzhiyuan-yi docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiqixuexijinjiebijidaudejishuketang 2024.3.3.0 机器学习进阶笔记(大U的技术课堂) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiqi-xuexi-jinjie-biji-da-u-de-jishu-ketang docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiqixuexijiaochengshareditor 2024.3.3.0 机器学习教程(shareditor) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiqi-xuexi-jiaocheng-shareditor docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jinjarope 0.11.5 jinjarope
jinja2sql 0.4.0 Jinja2SQL (Jinja To SQL) Jinja2SQL is a simple and efficient library for generating SQL...
jinja2simpletags 0.6.1 jinja2-simple-tags jinja2-simple-tags is a library that provides a simple way to create custom template
jingduyitaifangyuanma 2024.3.4.0 精读以太坊源码 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jingdu-yitai-fang-yuanma docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiyushenduxuexidetuijianxitongyanjiuzongshuhuangliweideng 2024.3.4.0 基于深度学习的推荐系统研究综述(黄立威等) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiyu-shendu-xuexi-de-tuijian-xitong-yanjiu-zongshu-huangliwei-deng docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiyuqukuailianjishushixiandexuelixinxizhengxinxitong 2024.3.4.0 基于区块链技术实现的学历信息征信系统 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiyu-qukuai-lian-jishu-shixian-de-xueli-xinxi-zhengxin-xitong docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiyuethereumdewuzhonglianhuanjingdajianfangshi 2024.3.4.0 基于ethereum的五种链环境搭建方式 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiyu-ethereum-de-wuzhong-lian-huanjing-dajian-fangshi docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiyueosnodejsdedappgongchengxiangmushizhanquzhongxinhuajiaoyisuo 2024.3.4.0 基于EOS-Node.js的DApp工程项目实战---去中心化交易所 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiyu-eos-node-js-de-dapp-gongchengxiangmu-shizhan-qu-zhongxinhua-jiaoyisuo docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiuliaozhengqiandiyiqijinghuadianzishu 2024.3.4.0 「就聊挣钱」第一期精华电子书 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiu-liao-zhengqian-diyiqi-jinghua-dianzishu docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiucaideziwoxiuyang 2024.3.4.0 韭菜的自我修养 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiucai-de-ziwo-xiuyang docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiexijuanjishenjingwangluoshenduxuexishijianshouce 2024.3.3.0 解析卷积神经网络——深度学习实践手册 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiexi-juanji-shenjingwangluo-shendu-xuexi-shijian-shouce docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
jiemicsswaibowang 2024.3.3.0 揭秘 CSS(歪脖网) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/jiemi-css-wai-bowang docker run -tid -p...
jiavbackendcommand 0.2.0 jiav-backend-command [!WARNING] This backend is risky since it allows users to...
jiavbackendansible 0.2.0 jiav-backend-ansible [!WARNING] This backend is risky since it allows users to...
jiav 0.3.1 jiav [!NOTE] This repository is a Proof of Concept.
jenni 0.0.1 Placeholder for jenni package
jellyfishchat 0.0.3 Usage Set env variables for chat service Run python run.py on...
jdtt 1.2.5 json-data-type-transcompiler CLI tool for transpiling JSON into a programming language data model.
jdTranslationHelper 3.3 jdTranslationHelper With jdTranslationHelper you can translate your programs. The translation files are .lang files...
jdTextEdit 11.2 jdTextEdit jdTextEdit is a powerful texteditor with a lot of...
jestimator 0.3.3 Amos and JEstimator This is not an officially supported Google...
jdEolConverter 1.2 jdEolConverter Converts End of Line of all files in a directory ...
jdDiff 1.4 jdDiff A graphical cross platform diff viewer ...
jdDesktopEntryEdit 1.4 jdDesktopEntryEdit A graphical Program to create and edit Desktop Entries
jdDBusDebugger 4.0 jdDBusDebugger An advanced D-Bus Debugger jdDBusDebugger allows...
jcof 1.0.1 pyJCOF A Python implementation of JCOF: JSON-like Compact Object Format
jasmin 0.11.1 Jasmin - Open source SMS gateway Introduction Jasmin is...
jasmcaer 0.0.9 A Computer Vision library in Python with powerful image processing operations, including support for Deep...
jasanpy 0.0.4 JasanPy JasanPy is a package that allow you to easily access APIs...
jarexps 0.1.26 jarexps Setup a simple Open RPC server to export services from a jar file.
jaraco.zstd 1.1.1 Extract files from a .tar.zstd: python -m jaraco.zstd --extract filename.tar.zstd Usage: python...
jaraco.xonsh 0.11.0
jaraco.xkcd 3.0.3
jaraco.windows 5.9.0 A pure-python interface to Windows APIs using ctypes. This package is not designed to...
jaraco.video 4.0.2 jaraco.video implements a framegrabber inteface for Windows Video Capture devices. jaraco.video is a...
jaraco.versioning 1.1.0