aadhaar offline ekyc Deepvue Aadhaar Offline e-KYC Flutter SDK # Aadhaar Paperless Offline eKYC is a...
aadhaarpy 2.0.2 aadhaar-py 🐍 ...
aadict 0.2.3 An aadict is a python dict sub-class that allows attribute-style access to dict items,...
aadiscordannouncements 2.1.0 AA Discord Announcements
aadiscordnotify 2.0.0 Discord Notify Forward Alliance Auth notifications to users on Discord
Test module for testing Composer dependencies
aadrifters 0.4.3a0 Drifters for Alliance Auth Drifter wormhole tracker/manager plugin for Alliance Auth. ...
A plugin for shortcode doppelgangery.
A custom installer to install the WordPress core phpunit library
A CLI to collect metadata about an applicaton on every run from the command line
aaexampleplugin 0.0.9 Example Plugin App for Alliance Auth (GitHub Version) This is an example plugin app...
Architect Application Framework v2
aafastapitemplate 0.25.0 AA FastAPI Template A robust and sensible baseline for kick-starting any new FastAPI application....
Provides a set of shared specs and base generators to ensure that all AAF ruby applications follow the same basic...
aafleet 1.2.0 Fleet plugin app for Alliance Auth This is an fleet plugin app for Alliance...
aafleetfinder 2.1.0 AA Fleet Finder
aafleetpings 3.2.0 AA Fleet Pings
aafleettools 0.1.0 aa-fleettools
aaf rapid connect Australian Access Federation Rapid Connect # A Dart package for implementing AAF Rapid...
aafreight 1.12.0 Freight for Alliance Auth Freight is an Alliance Auth (AA) app for running a...
Laravel Shoppingcart
Demo content, tests and more for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Calculate Seanie's amino acid similarity score between multiple genomes/bins.
aainactivity 1.1.1 AA Inactivity This is a player activity monitoring plugin app for Alliance Auth (AA).
aaincursions 0.6.1a0 Incursions for Alliance Auth Incursion Tools for Alliance Auth. ...
aainteltool 2.4.0 AA Intel Tool
Templating engines collection.
Классы для удобного доступа к данным в 1C-Bitrix
aakillstats 0.1.8 Killstats module for AllianceAuth. ...
aakilltracker 0.15.0 Killtracker An app for running killmail trackers with Alliance Auth and Discord.
aakr 0.0.1a0 aakr (Auto Associative Kernel Regression) aakr is a Python implementation...
aakrab 0.0.1 Fittings A wormhole krab fleet management...
aaledger 0.5.9 Ledger module for AllianceAuth. ...
Portable ASCII art graphics library
a graphics context and input library for text terminals
aaltoboss 1.11.0 Bayesian Optimization Structure Search (BOSS) is a general-purpose Bayesian Optimization code. It is designed to...
aamailrelay 1.4.0 Mailrelay An app for relaying Eve mails to Discord. ...
aamarketmanager 1.0.2 Market Manager for Alliance Auth Market Manager and Market Browser plugin for Alliance Auth.
aamarpay aamarpay # aamarPay is an online payment gateway service for Bangladesh. Committed to provide best...
aamasecuregroups 1.1.0 Member Audit Secure Groups Integration for Alliance Auth ...
Renders mathematical expressions as ASCII art
game app built from pragmatic studio ruby course... nothing special here.
aamemberauditdashboard 1.0.4 MemberAudit Dashboard Addon module for AllianceAuth. ...
aamemberauditsecuregroups 1.0.1 Member Audit Secure Groups Integration for Alliance Auth This is an integration between Member...
aametenox 0.1.8 Metenox AA module for Metenox management. This module is still under active development...
AAmiles 0.1.2 # AAmiles Check changes in the miles required to obtain a ticket from the...
aaminingtaxes 1.4.18 Please join the miningtaxes thread in the Community Creations section on the Alliance Auth Discord...
aamoonmining 1.11.1 Moon Mining An Alliance Auth app for tracking moon extractions and scouting new moons.
aamoonstuff 2.0.4 Moonstuff Contents Overview
aamras 0.0.3 .. image:: https://github.com/allekmott/aamras/workflows/build/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/allekmott/aamras/workflows/build/badge.svg :alt: build status .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/aamras/badge/?version=latest...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Whenever you need assign an association by its attribute,
like name, this gem comes to business.
RCov for CSS
Merb plugin that provides hoptoad exception notification
Haskell-style monad do-notation for Ruby
Data URI Parser
aaopcalendar 3.0.0 Operation Calendar An operation calendar app for Alliance Auth to display fleet operations and...
aapa TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
aapackagemonitor 1.19.1 Package Monitor An app for keeping track of installed packages and outstanding updates with...
aapackagemonitor 2.0.0 Package Monitor An app for keeping track of installed packages and outstanding updates with...
Parser fro AA
aapclientpython 0.1.4 Overview This library can be used to interface with the AAP, although it is...
aapg 2.4.0 AAPG
Easier convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
aapns 23.7 AAPNS Asynchronous Apple Push Notification Service client. ...
More information about the project goes here
Create ascii art quine from image file
aaravworksexporter 0.5.1 AllianceAuth Ravworks Exporter This is a plugin for AllianceAuth that exports ESI data to...
aarcentitlement 1.0.5 This package provides python classes to create, parse and compare entitlements according to the...
aarcg002entitlement 0.3.2 AARC G002 Entitlement Parser Deprecation warning The newer AarcEntitlement supports AARC-G002 and...
Tired of writing Ruby in Ruby? Now you can write ARM64 assembly in Ruby!
Utilities to aid shell scripts or command-line users
aargul core aargul_core
aargul crud aargul_crud # Aargul CRUD plugin Installation # First depend on the library...
aargul licence aargul_licence # Aargul Licence plugin Installation # First depend on the library...
aargul local file aargul_local_file # Aargul Local File plugin Installation # First depend on...
A simple, powerful argument parser for Ruby
Make it easer to integrate with Aarin
aaron 0.0.2 Introduction Install pip install aaron How to use