lightprotobufgen 1.0.dev2 lightprotobufgen Introduction lightprotobufgen is a commandline tool based on antlr4.5 to...
lightprotobuf 1.0b5 lightprotobuf Introduction lightprotobuf is a full Python 3 implementation of the Protocol Buffers...
limesqueezer 1.0.13 Limesqueezer Limesqueezer is a toolkit where NumPy array are lossily compressed using spline fitting.
limepress 0.3 LimePress is a simple static side generator, inspired by Pelican and Flamingo
limedev 0.6.1 LimeDev LimeDev is collection tools for Python development. These tools are more or less...
lilya 0.9.1 Lilya 🚀 Yet another ASGI toolkit...
lifetimer 0.1.0 Lifetimer This is a lifespan timer...
lidtk 0.3.0 lidtk lidtk - the language identification toolkit - was written in order to...
libtapedrive 0.1.1 libtapedrive — Podcast client library for feed parsing Fundamental component of Tape Drive.
libtakiyasha 2.1.1.post1 LibTakiyasha LibTakiyasha 是一个 Python 音频加密/解密工具库(当然也可用于加密非音频数据),支持多种加密文件格式。LibTakiyasha 不提供任何命令行或图形界面支持。 使用前必读 本项目是以学习和技术研究的初衷创建的,修改、再分发时请遵循 License。 本项目的设计灵感,以及部分解密方案,来源于同类项目:...
libt3 0.0.1
libsodium 2.7.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
licenseexpression 30.3.1 license-expression is a comprehensive utility library to parse, compare, simplify and normalize license expressions...
libsassbin 0.23.0 This package provides a simple Python extension module sass which is binding LibSass (written...
libsass 0.23.0 This package provides a simple Python extension module sass which is binding LibSass (written...
libsan 0.5.6 LibSAN Python library to manage Storage Area Network devices Installation Dependencies...
libtemplate 0.0.2 Template for python packages generated with cookiecutter-pylibrary Installation pip install libtemplate
librarypaste 3.10.0 Usage Launch with the librarypaste command or with python -m librarypaste. The library...
libpcap 1.11.0b10 libpcap Python binding for the libpcap C library. Overview
libmercury 0.84 Mercury Mercury is a batteries included framework like Django, but with the simplicity of...
libertywrapper 1.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
libedooon 0.2.3 UNKNOWN
libdnf5shim 0.1.0 libdnf5-shim libdnf5 shim module for usage in virtualenvs. Inspired by
libcurlct 7.84.0a2 libcurl-ct Python binding for the libcurl C library. Overview
libcstmypy 0.1.0 libcst-mypy
libcgroupbind 1.0.7 libcgroup - low level Python binding for libcgroup libcgroup is a library...
libcgroup 0.2.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
LiaoKangSecond 1.0.1 # Example Package This is a simple example package. You can use to...
lessline 0.1.0 LessLine Less line to read&write text file Requirements Python >=...
lesionmetrics 0.1.12 lesion-metrics Various metrics for evaluating lesion segmentations [1]
lerccontrol 0.0.24 Live Endpoint Response Client Control LERC Control provides utilities for interacting and controlling clients...
lender 1.0.3 Lender - memo in everywhere # 提交到pypi python -m twine upload dist/*...
lektorinlinetags 0.9.2 lektor plugin: inlinetags The inlinetags plugin allows you to use tags inside normal text...
len8 0.7.3.post0 len8
lemoncheesecakeselenium 0.1.0 lemoncheesecake-selenium provides logging facilities to the Selenium Python library for tests written with the...
lemoncheesecakerequests 0.4.0 lemoncheesecake-requests provides logging facilities to requests for tests written with the lemoncheesecake test framework.
leclient 0.2 This is yet another ACME/Let’s Encrypt client. It’s inspired by acme-tiny, but does things...
legendpygeomoptics 0.6.4 legend-pygeom-optics
legendpygeomhpges 0.4.6 legendhpges
legendpydataobj 1.9.0 legend-pydataobj
legenddaq2lh5 1.2.2 legend-daq2lh5
learnopenglzhongwenjiaocheng 2024.3.4.0 LearnOpenGL 中文教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/learnopengl-zhongwen-jiaocheng docker run -tid -p...
learningsparkzhongwenban38zhang 2024.3.5.0 Learning Spark 中文版 3-8 章 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/learning-spark-zhongwenban-3-8-zhang docker...
learningscrapyzhongwenban 2024.3.3.0 Learning Scrapy 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/learning-scrapy-zhongwenban docker run -tid...
learningrust 2024.3.3.0 Learning Rust 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/learning-rust docker run -tid -p...
leetcodetest 0.0.1 Leetcode Test A package that allows you to test leetcode answers with minimal setup.
LEDSerialExpander 0.2.2 Python Raspberry Pi Serial Expander Board driver This is a driver written in python...
ledgerblue 0.1.54 Ledgerblue - Python tools for Ledger devices This package contains Python tools to communicate...
ldappool 3.0.0 A simple connector pool for python-ldap. The pool keeps LDAP connectors alive and let...
ldap3directories 0.2.8 Includes some enhancements to the contents of the ldap3 module and adds some functionality to...
ldap0 1.4.10 Module ldap0 Module package ldap0 provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory...
leak 1.6.0 leak
leaguetools 0.2.0 league-tools WAD、BIN、BNK、WPK文件简单处理 介绍 安装 使用 问题 维护者
lcsdkpython 0.3.9 LiveChat Platform API SDK for Python3 This Software Development Kit written in Python3 helps...
leaffocus 0.6.2 leaf-focus Extract structured text from pdf files. Install Install from PyPI using...
leadgurujobs 0.651.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
lcgneuroplx 0.3.1 Documentation Issue tracker Repository contents History...
ldis 0.0.1 ldis ldis. One to two paragraph statement about your...
lazyqa 0.0.1.dev9 Free software: MIT license Installation pip install lazy-qa...
lavadnf 0.3.0 Dynamic Neural Fields Introduction Dynamic Neural Fields (DNF) are neural attractor networks that...
lazycon 0.6.3 Easy config files in pure Python! What you can do directly in your configs:
lazi 1.9.161 Lazi: Lazy Imports Everywhere An easy way to implement and track lazy imports globally.
latticecryptography 0.0.3 Introduction This repository contains an implementation of a lattice-based one-time signature scheme (similar to...
latticealgebra 0.1.1 lattice-algebra This library is a fundamental...
latinscansion 0.1.3 🏛️ Latin scansion engine 🏛️ This library uses finite-state grammars...
latextractor 1.0.0 La TeXtractor – Get your LaTeX zipped up! Do you find yourself sometimes in...
latexpaibanxindelidongfeng 2024.3.5.0 LaTeX排版心得(李东风) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/latex-paiban-xinde-li-dongfeng docker run -tid -p <port>:80... 1.0.12a0 Support Guild | Examples...
lavaplayer 1.0.11a0 Renamed & moved to No Updates in the future will be upload here.
lavaperipherals 0.1.0 Lava Peripherals Lava-peripherals is a library to the open-source framework Lava that adds support...
lavaoptimization 0.5.0 Neuromorphic Constrained Optimization Library A library of solvers that leverage neuromorphic hardware for constrained...
latestuseragents 0.0.4 Installation To install via pip: pip install latest-user-agents Or download the source...
langscikw 0.0.1 Keyword extraction from langsci publications langscikw is a Python package and command line tool...
larqzoo 2.3.2 Larq Zoo For more information, see Larq Zoo is part...
larq 0.13.3 Larq is an open-source deep learning library for training neural networks with extremely low precision...
larkambigtools 1.0.0 lark-ambig-tools lark-ambig-tools is a collection of utilities for lark's ambiguous parse trees[^1]....
lark2ldap 0.1.0 Poetry Template Django app template, using poetry-python as dependency manager. This project is...
LargeImageViewer 1.1.0 Large-Image-Viewer A...
laravelyuanmajiexi 2024.3.3.0 laravel 源码解析 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/laravel-yuanma-jiexi docker run -tid -p...
laptools 0.2.6 laptools is currently unstable. Fast Assignment Problem Solvers