matplotgl 0.1.0 matplotgl Matplotlib style plotting library for Jupyter that uses WebGL via pythreejs
matosawsprovider 1.0.10 matos-aws-provider The 'matos-aws-provider' is an open-source python package for developing security tools to identify...
mathinspector 0.9.4 Math Inspector Math Inspector is a visual programming...
mathuslatracker 0.0.2 MATHUSLA Particle Tracker a time-based tracking library for particle physics experiments...
matchcodetoolkit 5.1.0 MatchCode toolkit is a Python library that provides the file and directory fingerprinting functionality...
math2 0.0.2.dev4 Math2 is a Python package for various math functions. License MIT
matchbox 1.2.1 matchbox Matchbox is a...
MarsRouter 0.40 MarsRouter MarsRouter is a lightweight and flexible dynamic routing system for Python. It...
marshmallow geojson 0.5.0 marshmallow_geojson 🌍 GeoJSON Objects Status ...
marketprices 0.12.4 market_prices A python library to create meaningful OHLCV datasets for financial instruments.
marketplacesdk 0.5.0 MarketPlace SDK Python Software Development Toolkit (SDK) to communicate with the Materials MarketPlace platform.
marketplacehpc 2.0.0 MarketPlace HPC Gateway app Interact with HPC through MarketPlace proxy using SDK This...
marketanaly 0.5.2 market_analy A python package for interactive charting and analysis of financial instruments.
marker 2.1.5 Marker A marking utility to help automate code testing, and interfacing with the submission...
markdowntopresentation 0.0.34 markdown-to-presentation A build tool to turn markdown into an html presentation and then publish...
marcsync 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
marchie 0.3 MarChie: a Compact Open Source Tool for Analyzing Discrete Markov Chains
markdowncodeblocks 3.1.0 markdown-code-blocks A stupid simple bit of code which combines mistune and pygments to...
Markdown 3.7 Python-Markdown This...
markata 0.8.0 Markdown to site, plugins all the way down A static...
markarth 0.0.5 markarth markarth is a library to automatically cythonize python code. It...
mappgene 1.4.0 mappgene mappgene is a SARS-CoV-2 variant calling pipeline designed for high-performance...
mapmatching 0.1.5 My implementation of the map matching algorithm from this article (Althought with some modifications). The...
maplestorysdkpy 1.0.1 MapleStory OpenAPI Python Client Library A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the MapleStory...
maplestorypy 1.0.1 MapleStory OpenAPI Python Client Library A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the MapleStory...
MapleStory 1.0.1 MapleStory OpenAPI Python Client Library A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the MapleStory...
mapintel 1.0 MapIntel Category Tools
manylinuxmax 1.0.1 manylinux-max dynamically cap the version of manylinux when installing from pip installation...
ManufacturingNet 0.0.1 # ManufacturingNet [Website]( | [Documentation]( ManufacturingNet provides a sustainable, open-source ecosystem of modern...
manparams 1.0.1 manparams main: prod: Management...
manot 0.8.6 manot The manot SDK is a wrapper on...
managefastapi 1.1.1 manage-fastapi manage-fastapi Project generator and manager for FastAPI
malwarebazaar 0.2.6 malwarebazaar A MalwareBazaar and YARAify API wrapper and CLI This python module provides...
malexport 0.1.5 malexport This uses multiple methods to save your personal data from a MAL (MyAnimeList)...
malee 0.0.4 Malee The malee package contains a collection of financial modeling functions. The major...
malcontent 0.0.0 A cross-platform content editor. Malcontent requires Python 3 THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER PROJECT
mangoodm 0.4.1 Mango 🥭 带有类型提示的 Python 异步 MongoDB 对象文档映射器 ...
makomailer 0.0.2 makomailer makomailer is a tool that can send emails from the command line easily...
makegif 0.1.0 make-gif Make gif from images. Install pip install makegif ...
maildirwatch 0.2.0 maildirwatch - Watch Maildir for new mail and display notifications This program allows you...
mailbits 0.2.1 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog mailbits provides a small...
mahadevadd 3.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
magstarclient 0.1.0 magstar-python-client A Python client library for Computational Physics Inc.'s Magstar magnetometer networks. Installing
mailtools 3.0.1 Mailtools Writing a web application? Want to send some emails from it? Mailtools can
magnumcapihelm 1.1.0 OpenStack Magnum driver using Helm to create k8s clusters with Cluster API. The...
magnum 18.0.0 Team and repository tags Magnum Magnum is...
magnopy 0.0.0 Magnopy is a Python package for the magnons. Planned. To be released soon.
magicstorage 1.1.0 Magic Storage cooler than you think! ...
magicspecs 0.0.8 Magic value specification utilities ...
maghilchiplusplus 0.0.2 Maghilchi Maghilchi is a interpreted language with a natural language-like syntax with tamil words.
macrometasourcepostgres 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
macrometasourcemysql 0.0.18 The author of this package has not provided a project description
macrometasourcemssql 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
macrometasourcemongo 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
macq 0.3.9 MAcq: The Model Acquisition Toolkit This...
maestralqt 1.9.4 Maestral Qt A Qt user interface for the Maestral Daemon.
maestralgui 0.1 Maestral GUI A user interface for the Maestral Daemon. This package currently install...
maestralcocoa 1.9.4 Maestral Cocoa A Cocoa user interface for the Maestral Daemon.
maestral 1.9.4 Maestral A light-weight and open-source Dropbox client for macOS and Linux. About...
madonna 0.2.0 Madonna A...
madness 0.7.0 madness: a method for your madness It is built upon WSGI and the fabulous...
madforhooks 0.4.1 MadForHooks Random assorted pre-commit hooks. Usage Put this in the repos section...
madeleine 0.1.0 Generate random text in Python using configuration files. Browse documentation TODO
madbg 1.3.2 madbg A fully-featured remote debugger for...
madato 0.7.0 madato madato is a library and command line tool for working tabular...
m3umaker 0.1.4 m3u maker Installation This script doesn't have any dependencies except from python, so...
m3uipytv 0.2.11 ipytv: A python3 library to parse IPTV playlists in the M3U Plus format. iptv2json:...
lunespy 2.3.0 LunesPy 📦 Library for communication with nodes in mainnet or testnet of the lunes-blockchain...
lwsampleproject 3.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
lunasync 0.1.4 lunasync Use lunafind to download and keep...
lwc 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
LW 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
lunafind 0.5.5 lunafind Search, filter, inspect, download posts from Danbooru/Safebooru...
LunaDB 0.5.2 LunaDB LunaDB is a document oriented file based database written in Python. It's designed...
lumipallo 0.0.2 lumipallo is the Finnish word for snowball (lumi = snow, pallo = ball). Learning...
lume 0.9.8 lume 🔥 ...
luckleesample 1.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
luigisoftfailures 0.1.1 Provides a decorator for Luigi tasks that allows them to fail softly. Tasks that fail...
luicalculator 0.1.1 LUI-calculator LUI-calculator is a calculator for Low User Interactivity environments, so basically you input...
luarestyfastutils lua-resty-fastutils Collection of simple utils. Install pip install lua-resty-fastutils ...