mask text input formatter mask_text_input_formatter # The package provides TextInputFormatter for TextField and TextFormField...
internet connection checker 🌍 Internet Connection Checker # ...
googleapis auth Provides support for obtaining OAuth2 credentials to access Google APIs. This package also provides...
syncfusion flutter datepicker Flutter Date Range Picker # The Flutter Date Range Picker is a lightweight...
flutter stripe Flutter Stripe # The Stripe Flutter SDK allows you to build delightful...
infinite scroll pagination Chosen as a Flutter Favorite by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee
flutter keyboard visibility Flutter Keyboard Visibility # React to keyboard visibility changes.
built value Built Values for Dart - Introduction # Built Value provides: Immutable...
cloud functions Firebase Cloud Functions for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the...
image Dart Image Library # Overview # The Dart Image Library...
chewie chewie # The video player for Flutter...
visibility detector VisibilityDetector # A VisibilityDetector widget wraps an existing Flutter widget and fires a...
xml Dart XML # ...
pull to refresh flutter_pulltorefresh #
json path RFC 9535 - JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON in Dart #
archive archive # Overview # A Dart library to encode and...
flutter cache manager BREAKING CHANGES IN V2 CacheManager v2 introduced some breaking changes when configuring a...
syncfusion flutter pdfviewer Flutter PDF Viewer library # The Flutter PDF Viewer plugin lets you view...
email validator Email Validator.dart # A simple Dart class for validating email addresses without using RegEx....
flutter markdown Flutter Markdown # A markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the...
in app review in_app_review # Description # A Flutter...
sentry flutter Sentry SDK for Flutter # package build
flutter easyloading Flutter EasyLoading # English | 简体中文 Live Preview #
dropdown search Flutter DropdownSearch Flutter simple and robust DropdownSearch with...
app links app_links # Android App Links, Deep Links, iOS Universal Links and Custom URL schemes...
open file open_file # A plug-in that can call native APP to open files...
animations High quality pre-built Animations for Flutter # This package contains pre-canned animations for commonly-desired effects....
just audio just_audio # just_audio is a feature-rich audio player for Android, iOS, macOS, web, Linux...
flutter map flutter_map # A versatile mapping package for Flutter. Simple and easy to learn, yet...
firebase performance Firebase Performance Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Performance...
flutter typeahead Flutter TypeAhead # A TypeAhead (autocomplete) widget for Flutter, where you can show suggestions...
path A comprehensive, cross-platform path manipulation library for Dart. The path package provides common operations for...
mobile scanner mobile_scanner # A universal scanner for...
flutter lints This package contains a recommended set of lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins...
dartz dartz # Functional programming in Dart Type class hierarchy in...
rxdart RxDart #
flutter widget from html Flutter Widget from HTML # Flutter...
screenshot A simple package to capture widgets as Images. Now you can also capture the widgets that...
html A Dart implementation of an HTML5 parser. Usage # Parsing HTML is easy!...
firebase database Firebase Database Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Database...
printing Printing # A plugin that allows Flutter apps to generate and print documents to...
encrypt encrypt # A set of high-level APIs over PointyCastle...
qr code scanner Project in Maintenance Mode Only # Since the underlying frameworks of this package,...
get storage get_storage # A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value in memory, which backs up...
flutter facebook auth Features # Login on Android, iOS, Web and macOS. Express...
process Process # A generic process invocation abstraction for Dart. Like dart:io, package:process supplies a...
app settings app_settings # A Flutter plugin for opening iOS and Android phone settings...
sync http A Dart HTTP client implemented using RawSynchronousSockets to allow for synchronous HTTP requests....
pdf Pdf creation library for dart/flutter # This library is divided into two parts:
hive Fast, Enjoyable & Secure NoSQL Database Hive is a lightweight and blazing fast...
collection Contains utility functions and classes in the style of dart:collection to make working with collections...
freezed annotation Annotations for freezed. This package does nothing without freezed.
page transition Flutter Page Transition Package # This package gives you beautiful page transitions.
easy localization Easy and Fast internationalization for your Flutter Apps ...
webdriver Provides WebDriver bindings for Dart. These use the WebDriver JSON interface, and as such, require...
firebase remote config Firebase Remote Config Plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use the...
google mobile ads Google Mobile Ads for Flutter # This repository contains the source...
flutter image compress flutter_image_compress #
dtd package:dtd # A package for communicating with the Dart Tooling Daemon. What is the...
sqflite sqflite # SQLite plugin for Flutter. Supports iOS, Android and MacOS....
local auth local_auth # This Flutter plugin provides means to perform local, on-device authentication...
flutter staggered grid view flutter_staggered_grid_view # Provides a collection of Flutter grids layouts. Getting started...
syncfusion flutter charts Flutter Charts library # The Flutter Charts package is a data visualization library...
badges Installing: # In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: badges: ^3.1.2 copied to clipboard...
flutter animate Flutter Animate # A performant library that makes it simple to add almost any...
json annotation Defines the annotations used by json_serializable to create code for JSON serialization and deserialization.
yaml edit A library for YAML manipulation while preserving comments. Usage # A simple usage...
pin code fields A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful...
flutter rating bar A simple yet fully customizable rating bar for flutter which also include a rating...
qr flutter QR.Flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast QR code rendering via a Widget...
extension discovery A convention and utilities for package extension discovery. What's this? # A convention...
vm service interface package:vm_service_interface # A library providing an interface to implement...
hive flutter Extension for hive please go there for documentation. #
logger Logger # Small,...
flutter spinkit ✨ Flutter Spinkit # A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter....
dropdown button2 Flutter DropdownButton2 #
flutter dotenv flutter_dotenv # Load configuration at runtime from a .env file which can...
mustache template Mustache templates # A Dart library to parse and render mustache templates. See...
flutter launcher icons Flutter Launcher Icons # A command-line tool which simplifies...
dotted border Dotted Border # A flutter package to easily added dotted borders around...
json rpc 2 A library that implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec. Server # A JSON-RPC...
percent indicator Percent Indicator # Circular and Linear percent indicators
timeago timeago # timeago is a dart library that converts a date into a humanized text....
flutter slidable Slidable is a Flutter Favorite package! flutter_slidable # A Flutter implementation of slidable...
smooth page indicator smooth_page_indicator #
location location # This plugin for Flutter...
shelf proxy Proxy for Shelf # shelf_proxy is a Shelf handler that proxies requests to an...
photo view Flutter Photo View # A simple zoomable image/content widget for Flutter....
table calendar TableCalendar # Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter....
sign in with apple Sign in With Apple # Flutter bridge to Sign in with Apple.
audioplayers A Flutter plugin to play multiple simultaneously audio files, works for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows,...
flutter html flutter_html # A Flutter widget for...
sse This package provides support for bi-directional communication through Server Sent Events and corresponding POST requests.
native assets cli This library contains the CLI specification and a default implementation for bundling native...
geocoding Flutter Geocoding Plugin # A...
flutter screenutil flutter_screenutil # A flutter plugin for...
flutter riverpod A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a...
standard message codec An efficient and schemaless binary format used by the Flutter SDK. Features #
completion Add shell command completion to your Dart console applications. ...
native stack traces This package provides libraries and a utility for decoding non-symbolic stack traces generated...