galileo data loader data_loader # Batch and cache database lookups. Works well...
galileo json god galileo_json_god # The new and improved definitive solution for JSON in Dart....
galileo body parser body_parser # Parse request bodies and query strings in...
togboard togboard.dart # A package "Togyz Kumalak" written in Dart by Yernar Shambayev. Togyz Kumalak...
galileo websocket galileo_websocket # WebSocket plugin for Galileo. This plugin broadcasts...
a icons test aguila_icons # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
route pattern generator route_pattern_generator # A Dart static code generator that produces matchers and builders from...
twig dart twig_dart # A simple server-side HTML templating engine for Dart. Installation #...
twig dart preprocessor twig_dart_preprocessor # Installation # In your pubspec.yaml: dependencies: twig_dart_preprocessor: ^2.0.1
galileo validate validate # Validation library based on the matcher library, with galileo support. Why...
galileo user agent user_agent # Middleware to inject a User Agent object into requests. For...
gesture detector custom long tap duration gesture_detector_custom_long_tap_duration # A GestureDetector where you can set the Duration...
galileo typed service typed_service # Galileo services that use reflection (via mirrors or codegen) to (de)serialize...
galileo sync sync # Easily synchronize and scale WebSockets using package:pub_sub....
welcome screens Welcome_Screen # First Open Source Flutter based material design of Walk_Throughs with with customizable...
galileo shelf shelf # Shelf interop with Galileo. This package lets you...
galileo seo seo # Helpers for building SEO-friendly Web pages in Galileo....
galileo sembast sembast # package:sembast-powered CRUD services for the Galileo framework....
galileo seeder galileo_seeder # Straightforward data seeder for Galileo services. This...
galileo redis redis # Redis-enabled services for the Galileo framework. RedisService...
galileo security security # Galileo middleware designed to enhance application security by...
galileo proxy proxy # Galileo middleware to forward requests to another server...
galileo poll poll # package:galileo_client support for "realtime" interactions with Galileo via...
galileo mongo galileo_mongo # MongoDB-enabled services for the Galileo framework. Installation...
prompter sggg my name is akin
yt bakuhator yt_bakuhator # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
resample plugin resample_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter bean plugin flutter_bean_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
like sealed gen like_sealed_gen # This package generates utils for comfortable work with sealed classes...
dm gen dm_gen # Dependency manager like dagger from android. This package can also create...
galileo cache cache # Support for server-side caching in Galileo. CacheService...
effect bloc effect_bloc # A new Flutter package project.
flutter effect bloc flutter_effect_bloc # A new Flutter package project.
twig dart web twig_dart # Experimental virtual DOM/SPA engine built on twig....
galileo message builder message_builder # Generate serializable Dart classes from a schema
galileo dart language server Dart Language Server # Wraps the dart analysis server and adapts its...
galileo twig dart twig_dart # galileo support for twig....
dslgen Dart Code Conversion To DSL Json # A small command line utility to generate a...
foree business onboarding Foree Business Onboarding # Package to use Foree Onboarding package # Usage...
random character example # 生成随机字符,包括汉字,八卦符或emoji description # 练习用
paystack plus paystack_plus # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
quick pay Flutter QuickPay # A Flutter plugin for QuickPay payments in your mobile application....
static postgres orm A library for create a static ORM for postgres tables. Created from templates...
immaculater dart immaculater_dart # Dart-language code encapsulating Immaculater's mergeprotobufs API for reading and writing...
swipe card stack swipe_card_stack # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
bixolon printer plugin bixolon_printer_plugin # Bixolon printers flutter plugin Getting Started # A plugin...
flutter package allion flutter_package_allion # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
easy duration easy_duration # Usage # Duration can be declare using an int and double...
nymea network manager nymea_network_manager # Flutter package to interact with nymea network manager in BT BLE
json lib Library made to simplify working with Json Data intuitive API no...
sql money A Money Library to replicate functionality of the ms-sql money type, and Delphi Currency type
mechanical counter Mechanical Counter plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for iOS and...
vassoura 🧹 vassoura # What is it? # Find files your project doesn't need anymore...
flutter 3rd flutter_3rd # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter carrotquest flutter_carrotquest # A Carrot quest flutter plugin for Android and IOS. Implementation #
payumoney spectus Payumoney-flutter-pliugin #
flutter zoloz flutter_zoloz # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
f web view f_web_view # A new Flutter web view plugin. Getting Started #...
jeesite des jeesite_des # Jeesite 4 的前端用户名密码的DES算法 使用 # dependencies: jeesite_des: ^<latest-version>...
crypto util crypto_util # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter surface plugin flutter_surface_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
windows soundplay windows_soundplay # 基于WIN32实现的WIndows本地声音播放组建 win32: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard 代码的简单解析记录 #...
ocg login Getting Started # Important # Add Facebook credentials in android otherwise app will...
tellme color picker tellme_color_picker # Semi customizable color picker for flutter. ...
galileo client galileo_client # Client library for the galileo framework. This...
galileo bson objectid bson_objectid # BSON ObjectId implementation in Dart. This package allows...
scrumlab keyboard visibility keyboard_visibility # Notification service for soft-keyboard visibility Usage # Add the...
galileo container generator container # A better IoC container for galileo, ultimately allowing galileo to be...
i18n remote config i18n_remote_config # Integration i18n with Remote Config. The package help you implements remote...
ocg app app # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
bitrise bitrise (EXPERIMENTAL) # Official REST API for This Dart package is automatically generated...
tencent flutter txcloud tencent_flutter_txcloud # *A new Flutter package. *This project is a starting point...
dartspatcher Dispatcher for HTTP server # A simple dispatcher for HTTP server like expressjs using http_server...
snapshot carousel Snapshot Carousel # Flutter package for Image Carousel It is an image carousel...
stack navigation stack_navigation # This packages allows navigation with a history foreach item in the bottomnavigation...
kodora ux kodora_ux # kodora_ux is a new Flutter package to controlthe responsiveness of your interfaces...
spectus payumoney plugin SpectusPayumoneyPlugin #
flutter lua dardo flutter_lua_dardo # This is an extension of the LuaDardo library.LuaDardo library allows Flutter...
scrumlab snack Extensions for SnackBars and other goodies 🍭 Usage # SnackBar().show(context); copied to...
nats dart nats.dart # A Dart client for NATS, a lightweight, high-performance cloud native messaging system
mono state State Management Lib - reactive and less boilerplate Usage # A simple usage...
clean dart cli Clean Dart CLI # This project is one cli for integrate...
custom tab bar custom_tab_bar # 高度自定义TabBar Getting Started # 正常的TabBar方式使用。 HSYCustomTabBar: 自定义的TabBar小部件,内部实现了对TabBar的自定义效果...
custom sliver custom_sliver # 重定义NestedScrollView+TabBarView的滚动效果列表 依赖组件 # extended_nested_scroll_view: ^2.0.1 custom_tab_bar: ^0.1.0 pull_to_refresh:...
wings extensions wings_extensions #
flutter package nimesh flutter_package_nimesh # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
volume flutter volume_flutter # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
push drawer push_drawer # A sliding drawer, pushing the main view away Simply use it...
shift online ui Shift UI # run it with fvm fvm use stable fvm...
numberunit numberunit # 千分位单位工具. Getting Started # This project is a starting point for...
wsgrpc wsgrpc # A gRPC channel base on websocket. Getting Started # For help...
get file contents from Get File Contents From # Easiest Dart Package for Getting all the...
horizontal swipe detector horizontal_swipe_detector # A Flutter package that detect horizontal swipe backward, forward without affect...
flutter social login social_login #
editablegrid EditableGrid # A library written in Dart created to speed up and simplify the process...
palace validators #GazzaUnderAttack # Part of Queen Palace 🏰👑 # Palace Validators #
myq Package myq # This is a dart package that provides an API to interact with...
better iflytek better_iflytek # A iFLYTEK SDK for flutter. Install Started # ...
miaguila kit pub Mi Águila Kit # This project is the dart library where the components,...
flutter du kc flutter_du_kc # KnowChat & Digital Union Flutter plugin. Getting Started #...