pixcat 0.1.4 pixcat WORK IN PROGRESS Display images on...
pkglts 7.8.0 Building packages with long term support The rationale behind the creation of...
pkgdepgraph 0.0.1.post1 pkg-depgraph Packaging-oriented dependency graph library Contributing See CONTRIBUTING.md
pjy 0.14.0 pjy is a command-line tool to process JSON data and execute queries on it....
pittgoogleclient 0.3.11 pittgoogle-client Read the docs: mwvgroup.github.io/pittgoogle-client. This is the client...
pitchsqueezer 0.1.0 PitchSqueezer A pitch tracker for speech, using synchro-squeezed stft and frequency domain autocorrelation, designed...
pizazz 1.3.5 Pizazz A utility class to leverage 74HC595 shift register chips with a Raspberry Pi.
pixivtaganalyzer 1.6.0 pixiv-tag-analyzer 任意のpixivユーザの投稿,ブックマークの情報を収集しタグからその人の性癖を暴く 分析データはdata/以下に保存 DEMO
pixivpy3 3.7.5 PixivPy3 Due to #158 reason, password login no longer exist. Please...
pixiv bulk downloader 3.0.0 pixiv-bulk-downloader Pixiv Bulk Downloader Feature Download
pixieverse.pixie 0.0.5 Pixie What is Pixie pixie is a transpiler that transpiles pixie files into...
piquipe 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pipyprereleaseexample 1.7.1 pipy-pre-release-example
pipelit 0.0.1 PipeLit
pipelinetelemetry 1.1.0 docs tests package
pipmanage 1.1.2 pip-manage
piplock 2.11.0 Check for differences between requirements.txt files and the current environment. Installation...
pipkin 2.1b1 Tool for managing distribution packages for MicroPython and CircuitPython on target devices or in a...
pipic 1.1 π-PIC (PIPIC, Python-controlled Interactive PIC) is an open-source collection of relativistic particle-in-cell solvers featuring...
pipgui 1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pipaudit 2.7.3 pip-audit pip-audit...
pipablepytorch3d 0.7.6 Introduction PyTorch3D provides efficient, reusable components for 3D Computer Vision research with PyTorch....
pingpongdatahub 0.8.26 Metadata Ingestion This module hosts an extensible Python-based metadata ingestion system for...
pip 24.2 pip is the package installer for Python. You can use pip to install packages from...
piou 0.14.2 Piou A CLI tool to build...
ping3df 2.4.0.post1 Ping3 is a pure python3 version of ICMP ping implementation using raw socket. Note that...
ping3 4.0.8 Ping3 Ping3 is a pure python3...
pincer 0.16.1 Pincer
pinaxnotifications 6.0.0 Pinax Notifications ...
pimoroniioexpander 1.0.1 IO Expander IO Expander Breakout uses...
pimoroniencoderwheel 0.0.1 RGB Encoder Wheel Breakout RGB Encoder...
pimoronibme280 1.0.0 BME280 Temperature, Pressure, & Humidity Sensor ...
pimoronias7343 0.0.1 AS7343 Spectral Sensor Suitable for detecting...
pilotforwarjiang 0.0.2 balabala
pilotbywarjiang 0.0.1 balabala
PillowSIMD 9.5.0.post1 Pillow-SIMD repo and readme Pillow-SIMD changelog Pillow documentation
pillowmbm 0.1.3 Pillow-mbm Pillow-mbm is a plugin for pillow that adds support for KSP's proprietary...
piemodules 0.12.3 pie-modules
piedatasets 0.10.3 pie-datasets
picto 0.1.4 Picto Take bookmarks.json, a URL list (newline delimited), or a single URL - convert...
picopins 1.2.0 Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Pinout A beautiful GPIO pinout and pin function guide for...
PIconnect 0.12.1 A python connector to the OSISoft PI and PI-AF databases This connector allows access...
picodetection 0.1 unit tests python -m unittest discover -s tests -t numericGrobidApp/
pick3letters 1.0.0 Pick3letters Pick3letters is a program to help inspire you to create poetry or...
pichromecast 0.6 PiChromecast Library for MicroPython to communicate with the Google Chromecast. Install Tools...
phylodeep 0.6 PhyloDeep PhyloDeep is a python library for parameter estimation and model selection from phylogenetic...
picaibaseline 0.8.5 Baseline AI Models for Prostate Cancer Detection in MRI This repository contains utilities to...
photoshop 0.21.9 Python API for Photoshop. The example above was created with Photoshop Python API. Check...
phpkuozhankaifarumen 2024.3.3.0 PHP 扩展开发入门 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/php-kuozhan-kaifa-rumen docker run -tid -p...
photoshoppythonapi 0.22.4 Python API for Photoshop. The example above was created with Photoshop Python API. Check...
pherosensor 0.1.1 Toolbox for the inverse problem solution to identify sources of pheromone emission. ...
phomo 1.1.1 Python package and CLI utility to create photo mosaics.
pheatmap 1.0.1 pheatmap pheatmap for Python. You can create a heatmap with its...
philipstvgui 1.2.0 PhilipstvTV GUI GUI remote...
philipstv 2.1.1 Python package providing CLI and library for interacting with Philips Android-powered TVs. Features:...
phevaluator PH Evaluator Python package (phevaluator) Description
phammseqs 1.0.4 PhaMMseqs The PhaMMseqs package facilitates pham assembly using MMseqs2. Default parameters have been...
phamerate 1.0.2 phamerate The phamerate package facilitates pham assembly using MMseqs2. Default parameters have been...
pgxsq 0.2.0 pgxsq pgxsq simplifies writing Postgres extensions (especially those relying on procedural languages) by...
pgfutil 0.0.1 TITLE Generated from the Pimoroni Python...
pgflux 1.1.0 pgflux pgflux is a Python utility to send PostgreSQL metrics to InfluxDB. The...
pgreshape 0.0.6 reshape
pg query 0.29 This has been superseded by pglast, please use that instead. ...
pgqb 0.1.0 PostgreSQL Query Builder Typed...
pgcs 0.1.2 Pgcs Pgcs is an intuitive TUI tool designed to simplify your interaction with Google...
pgcopyinsert 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pfbtoolkit 0.1.11 Portable Framework for Building Applications - PFB-Toolkit What is it? portable-app-framework...
pgbutils 0.2.7 Query, download, and process the data This package facilitates access to data products from...
pettifogger 0.5.0 pettifogger pettifogger (noun) pet·ti·fog·ger | \ ˈpe-tē-ˌfȯ-gər, -ˌfä- \ Definition of pettifogger
pesapalv3 1.0.0 pesapal Unofficial SDK wrapper for the pesapal v3 payments API. Requirements
personaednd 0.1.6 personaednd (0.1.6) 1. Introduction "plural personae : a character...
persistentdatatools 2.2.13 BRANCH STATUS master
persisted 1.0.0b2 Persisted Persisted is a two-way code/data persistence framework. It can update a variable...
perceiver 0.1.2 Perceiver
pepubot 0.1.0 PePuBot is a Slack bot that can arrange Friday bottle lotteries on a Slack...
peptidy 0.0.1 peptidy Welcome to peptidy — a tiny and tidy python library to vectorize peptide...
perimeter 0.14 This package now requires Python 3.7+ and Django 2.2+. For previous versions please refer to...
pep621 0.4.0.post2 pep621 DEPRECATED! The project...
pent 0.2 Mini-language driven parser for structured numerical (or other) data in free text Current...
pennylanesnowflurry 0.3.0 pennylane-snowflurry The PennyLane-Snowflurry plugin provides a PennyLane device that allows the use of Anyon...
PennyLaneSF 0.29.1 ❗ This plugin will not be supported in newer versions of Pennylane. It is compatible...
PennyLaneRigetti 0.36.0 The PennyLane Rigetti plugin allows different Rigetti devices to work with PennyLane — the...
pennylanequlacs 0.36.0 The PennyLane-Qulacs plugin integrates the Qulacs quantum computing framework with PennyLane’s quantum machine learning...
pennylanequantuminspire 0.4.1 The PennyLane-QuantumInspire plugin integrates the Quantum Inspire quantum computing backends with PennyLane’s quantum machine...
PennyLaneqsharp 0.19.0 The PennyLane Q# plugin integrates the Q# quantum computing framework with PennyLane’s quantum machine...
PennyLaneQchem 0.23.0 Deprecated: PennyLane-Qchem has been deprecated The PennyLane-Qchem package is deprecated as Qchem is now...
PedPy 1.1.2 PedPy: Analysis of pedestrian dynamics based on trajectory files. PedPy is a python module...
pelicanfs 1.0.2 PelicanFS Overview PelicanFS is a file system interface (fsspec) for the...
peanutsh 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
peakrdlverilog 1.0.0 PeakRDL-verilog Generate Verilog register model from compiled SystemRDL input Installing Install from...
peakrdluvm 2.3.0 PeakRDL-uvm Generate UVM register model from compiled SystemRDL input. For the command line...
peakrdlsystemrdl 0.3.0 PeakRDL-systemrdl Export a compiled register model into SystemRDL code. Useful when converting from...
peakrdleuvm 1.2 PeakRDL-euvm Generate eUVM register model from compiled SystemRDL input. For the command line...
peakrdlcheader 1.0.0 PeakRDL C Header Generate C Header files from a SystemRDL register model. For...
peakrdlbeam 0.1.1 PeakRDL for BEAM languages Generate Erlang or Elixir modules from a SystemRDL register model.
peakrdl 1.1.0 PeakRDL PeakRDL is a free and open-source control & status register (CSR) toolchain....
peakpicker 0.0.1 Peak Picker / Peak Detection / Peak Finder Need to find peaks in your...
peakipy 1.1.3 Peakipy - NMR peak integration/deconvolution using python peakipy documentation Description...
peakina 0.13.0 Pea Kina aka 'Giant Panda' Wrapper around pandas library, which detects separator, encoding...