pyapikey 0.0.11 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.11 Mark Veltzer...
pyapbeauhurst 0.4.3 Pyap is an MIT Licensed text processing library, written in Python, for detecting and...
pyanyzip 0.0.19 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.19
pyanywhere 0.0.0 pyanywhere This is a wrapper for the PythonAnywhere API that is currently in alpha...
pyamr 0.0.6 pyamr Community...
pyabstractdatatype 0.0.2 PyAbstractDataType A simple library that adds ADTs to Python. Source Code Documentation
PyAltiumRunTop PyAltiumRun A Python interface that can run Delphiscript in Altium Designer....
PyAltiumRun 0.1.5 PyAltiumRun A Python interface that can run Delphiscript scripts in Altium Designer.
pyaltiforce 1.1.0 pyAltiForce Python Parsing for AltiForce GoPro Backpack CSVs The CSV file is processed...
pyabelab 0.0.15 Library that are likely to be used frequently in ABELAB. This software is released...
pyaavso 0.2 pyaavso is a Python library for working with AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star
pyall 0.3.5 Pyall is a linter that tries to keep the __all__ in your Python modules always...
py7zr 0.22.0 py7zr is a library and utility to support 7zip archive compression, decompression, encryption and...
py7zip 0.6.2 py7zip An unofficial, cross platform, lightweight, and easy to use wrapper for 7zip command...
pxblat 1.2.1 PxBLAT An Efficient and Ergonomic Python Binding Library for BLAT
py3s3 0.2.4 Updates Work on this package has ceased. Development efforts have been moved to openS3.
py3html 1.0.2 py3html A very simple tool to generate html with python code....
pwhtmltopdf 0.2.0 Playwright HTML to PDF A modern html to pdf scheme based on...
py2zenodo 0.1.0a1 py2zenodo A Python wrapper for Zenodo REST API Installation We use Poetry...
pvdl 0.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
puppetparser 0.2.14 puppetparser puppetparser is a Python library to parse Puppet scripts. This parser allows the...
pupillabsrealtimeapi 1.3.3 Pupil Labs’ Realtime API Client Documentation
pupillabsdynamicrim 1.0.4 This package allows you to use the Dynamic RIM module in Pupil Labs. This...
pupilinvisiblelslrelay 3.0.2 Pupil Invisible LSL Relay Documentation
pupildetectors 2.0.2 pupil-detectors This Python package contains the standalone 2D pupil detectors for the Pupil...
pupilcorenetworkclient 1.0.0a5 Pupil Core Network API Client This Python module is a client for the Pupil...
pumas 0.0.2 pumas todo
PurpleMicroStar 1.3.0 MultiBody Celestial Motion Simulation Introduction This is a package built for simulating Multibody...
purldbtoolkit 0.1.0 purldb-toolkit is command line utility and library to use the PurlDB, its API and various...
purl2vcs 2.0.0 purl2vcs is an add-on library working with the PurlDB to find the version control system...
purearray 0.1.0 Pure Python array (pure_array) A pure python implementation of the array data structure of...
pubkey 0.9.6 Need to setup private/public key server connections for e.g. password less ssh communications? Tired...
ptudeslab 0.0.3 This is a playground of various experiments with SLAM, mapping and visualization of lidar...
pttmailbackup 0.6.0 一個用來備份 PTT 站內信的 CLI 工具。不會再因為站內信打包失敗而把信箱塞爆一整個禮拜。 Features 使用 SSH 連上...
ptr 22.7.12 🏃♀️ ptr - Python Test Runner 🏃♂️
ptpythonaioipfs 3.0.27 A better Python REPL pip install ptpython Ptpython is an advanced...
ptpython 3.0.29 A better Python REPL pip install ptpython Ptpython is an advanced...
ptipythonmetapackage 1.4.1 ptipython metapackage ptpython + ipython = ptipython Description ptipython-metapackage is a convenient...
ptinaska 0.1.2 pti-naska Text-GUI frontend for rsync application. MIT License Installing build dependencies...
psycopg2yugabytedbbinary Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. Its...
ptee 0.4.1 Introduction ptee (for “Progress Tee”) is a console utility that builds upon the basic
psychopywhisper 0.0.5 psychopy-whisper Speech-to-text transcription plugin for PsychoPy using OpenAI Whisper Installing Install this...
psychopyusbToBNC 0.0.6 psychopy-labeotech Extension to add support for LabeoTech devices such as pump systems for mice.
psychopysounddevice 0.0.1 psychopy-sounddevice Audio playback backend using the SoundDevice library. Installing Install this package...
psychopyqmix 0.0.1 psychopy-qmix Simple interface to the Cetoni neMESYS syringe pump system, based on the pyqmix...
psychopypyo 0.0.1 psychopy-pyo Extension for using Pyo library for audio playback. Installing Install this...
psychopyphotoresearch 0.0.3 psychopy-photoresearch Extension package for PsychoPy which adds support for Photo Research Inc. devices....
psychopyminolta 0.0.1 psychopy-minolta Extension package for adding support for Konica Minolta photometers to PsychoPy....
psychopylabjack 0.0.1 psychopy-labjack Extension package for adding support for LabJack devices to PsychoPy. Installing...
psychopylabhackers 0.0.1 psychopy-labhackers Extension package for adding support for devices by LabHackers Research Equipment to PsychoPy.
psychopylabeotech 0.0.1.post2 psychopy-labeotech Extension to add support for LabeoTech devices such as pump systems for mice.
psychopyivp 0.0.1a2 psychopy-ivp Extension to add support for iNkawu Vervet Project's devices such as the pellet
psychopyglfw 0.0.2 psychopy-glfw GLFW window backend plugin for PsychoPy This plugin adds GLFW as a...
psychopygammasci 0.0.1 psychopy-gammasci Extension package for PsychoPy which adds support for Gamma Scientific Inc. devices....
psychopyeyetrackersrresearch 0.0.4 psychopy-eyetracker-sr-research Extension for PsychoPy which adds support for SR Research eyetrackers (via ioHub)
psychopyeyetrackerpupillabs 0.2.1 psychopy-eyetracker-pupil-labs Extension for PsychoPy which adds support for Pupil Labs eyetrackers (via ioHub)
psychopyeyetrackergazepoint 0.0.2 psychopy-eyetracker-gazepoint Extension for PsychoPy which adds support for Gazepoint eyetrackers (via ioHub)...
psychopyeyetrackereyelogic 1.1.13 Psychopy Integration of EyeLogic Eye Tracking Devices Extension for PsychoPy which adds support for...
psychopyeyelinkcoregraphics 2.1.762.0 psychopy-eyelink-coregraphics This package from SR Research Ltd. provides an implementation of the EyeLink Core...
psychopyeyelink 2.1.762.2 psychopy-eyelink PsychoPy Builder plugin package for supporting various EyeLink eye tracker devices from SR...
psychopyemotiv 0.1.1 psychopy-emotiv Extension package for PsychoPy which adds support for various hardware devices by...
psychopycurdes 0.0.1 psychopy-curdes Extension package for adding support for devices by Current Designs Inc. to...
psychopycrs 0.0.2 psychopy-crs Extension package for PsychoPy which adds support for various hardware devices by...
psychopyconnect 0.0.2 psychopy-connect Extension package for adding support to PsychoPy for connectivity i.e. serial and parallel...
psychopybrainproducts 0.0.1 psychopy-brainproducts Extension package for PsychoPy which adds support for Brain Products GmbH devices....
psychopy bids 2023.2.0 psychopy_bids A PsychoPy plugin to work with the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
pstockpython 0.2.0 Pstock Disclaimer You should refer to Yahoo!'s terms of use (here,...
pssfleetdataclient 0.4.1 Pixel Starships Fleet Data API client ...
psmbclient 0.3.2 重置版本的Asyncio PSMB Client 同步的Guardian from import SyncGuardian import asyncio
psaw 0.1.0 Detailed documentation for PSAW is available at: Installation pip install...
ps3updatedl 0.3.0.post2 ps3-update-dl Downloads all updates for a given title directly from the PlayStation...
proxyenabledapi 0.0.3 async-api
proxytv 1.0.2 proxytv Robot for (ProxyBot) pip install proxytv ...
proteuslib 0.2.0 ProteusLib is an open-source, integrated suite of predictive multi-scale models for design and optimization of...
protes 0.3.8 PROTES Description Method PROTES (PRobabilistic Optimizer with TEnsor Sampling) for derivative-free optimization of...
proteinworkshop 0.2.5 Protein Workshop ...
proteinturnoverwebsite 0.4.1 Protein Turnover Pipeline More documentation soon. \lambda λ
proteinturnover 0.4.8 Protein Turnover protein turnover computations Install with: pip install protein-turnover #...
properlyrets 1.0.26 Python 3 client for the Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS) Version 1.7.2
propercli 1.4.1 Proper CLI Proper CLI is a Python library for creating composable, nestable, and ridiculously...
propan Propan Propan - just an another one HTTP a declarative Python Messaging Framework. It's...
proofaday 0.2.18 proofaday Print random proofs from ProofWiki
promypy 0.3.0 promypy
promqlhttpapi 0.3.4 PromQL HTTP API This python package provides a Prometheus HTTP API client library....
promptogen 0.0.6 PromptoGen Bridging LLMs and Python Seamlessly.
promptflowcore 1.15.0 Prompt flow core Introduction The...
promptflowazure 1.15.0 Prompt flow azure Introduction
promptflow 1.15.0 Prompt flow ...
prompt 0.4.1 Python Prompt Package Prompt and verify user input on the...
projectdilemma 1.1.0 Project Dilemma Project Dilemma is a simulation tool for testing algorithms in the prisoner's...
progserver 1.6.0 Prognostics As-A-Service (PaaS) Sandbox The NASA Prognostics As-A-Service...
progressivemypy 0.0.0 progressive-mypy
progressbar3 4.3.4 Build status: Coverage: Install The package...
proclip 0.2.0 Proclip A...
progmodels 1.5.2 Prognostics Model Python Package The NASA...
processq 0.0.1 processq package This library allows you to do your tasks in multiple processes easily.
processpy 0.1.0 Python Process Manager (processpy) processpy is simple process manager for python. If you...
process plot 0.5.2 process-plot Create plots of resource usage for a process...
probably 1.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
probs 0.0.6 probs Probability is a...