peeweegenericfilters 0.2.3 Generic peewee filters. Quickstart Install peewee filters: $...
peeweeextrafields 2.8.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
peewee392zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 Peewee 3.9.2 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/peewee-3-9-2-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
peerlilo 0.0.1 lilo
peerless 1.0.3 Peerless Optimizer Developed by Eve Utils Peerless is a software that...
Peelpreter 1.7.4 Contribution This is my first time having a public repo on github so I'm...
pdmdockerize 0.5.1 pdm-dockerize Help generating docker image from...
pdqhash 0.2.5 pdqhash-python These are Python bindings to the PDQ perceptual hash released by Facebook. Note...
pdlog 0.1.0.post0 pdlog pdlog provides logging for pandas dataframes, to better enable you to monitor and...
pdokgeopackagevalidator 0.10.0 PDOK geopackage-validator Geopackages are a data format that have a deliberately broad...
pdoc3k 0.0.0rc0 Placeholder
pdmwheel 0.1.2 pdm-wheel
pdmvscode 0.1.1 PDM-VSCode A PDM plugin that autogenerates workspace vscode...
pdiffutils 0.0.3 A small package for manipulating powder diffraction data Free software: Apache Software...
pdf2redmine 1.1 pdf2redmine A software tool to automatically read a pdf docuument for annotations (comments)...
pdfss 3.0.0 PDF Scraping System Install $ pip install pdfss ...
pdfoutline 0.0.0 pdfoutline A command line tool for adding an outline (a bookmark, or table of...
pdfminify 0.2.1 pdfminify pdfminify is intended to re-compress PDF images while operating directly at...
pdfly 0.3.3 pdfly pdfly (say: PDF-li) is a pure-python cli application for manipulating PDF files....
pdbnumpy 0.0.11 About PDB-numpy pdb_numpy is a python library designed to facilitate working with...
pdfcollate 0.1.4 What's that When you want to scan documents on both sides but your automatic...
pcrunner 1.0.3 Pcrunner (Passive Checks Runner is a daemon and service that periodically runs Nagios /...
pcaerrors 0.2.0 python-clean-architecture pca-errors is a...
PayNexus 0.2.5 PayNexus 目次 プロジェクトについて インストール方法 環境 モジュールについて
paymentsromania2 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
paymentsromania 1.0 Polls is a Django app to conduct web-based polls. For each question, visitors can...
pbkdf2reboot 1.0 PBKDF2 reboot A modern Python 3 library for PBKDF2 password hashing....
pathlibextensions 0.2.1 Pathlib Extensions – Backported and Experimental Filesystem Path Features for Python The pathlib module...
path ignore pattern 0.0.1 Python path ignore pattern. Installation You can install from pypi...
patchy 2.8.0 Patch the inner source of python functions at runtime. A quick example, making a...
passpls 1.0.4 pass-pls A GTK-based implementation of ssh-askpass. Why? Because ssh-askpass-gnome was asking for a...
passimport 3.5 pass import A pass extension for importing data from most existing password...
passhash 1.0.1 passhash
pastml 1.9.46 PastML PastML provides fast methods for Ancestral Character Reconstruction (ACR) and visualisation on...
pastemecli 1.0.6 PasteMe is a RESTful pastebin service. Install this CLI tool and paste right from...
Paste 3.10.1 Paste is in maintenance mode and recently moved from bitbucket to github. Patches are...
pastastore 1.6.1 pastastore This module stores Pastas time series and models in a database.
passwordlibrary 0.4.2 passwordlib-py utility library to verify, hash, compare and more for passwords ...
PartSegstardist 0.1.0 PartSeg stardist plugin This is plugin which add stardist algorithm as method for segmentation...
PartSegsmfish 0.1.3 PartSeg-smfish PartSeg...
PartSegcellpose 0.1.0 PartSeg_cellpose This is plugin which add cellpose algorithm as method for segmentation nucleus...
PartSeg 0.15.3 PartSeg
ParticleDetection 0.4.2 Particle Detection This repository customizes the training, inference and visualization code of the Detectron2...
particle 0.25.0 Particle: PDG particle data and identification codes
partialwrap 2.0 A a small Python library providing wrappers for external executables to be used easily...
parselebeacon 0.1.0 parse-le-beacon Utility for parsing data from a Bluetooth LE Beacon Used for pen...
parse1099 2.1.2 🍃 1099 Parser Note: Dividend features are in beta. I haven't written...
parsival 0.0.0a3 parsival A class-based language parser.
parsingsteps 0.0.5 Parsing steps A simple helper for data parsing. SimpleParsingStep usage example import...
parsimonious 0.10.0 Parsimonious aims to be the fastest arbitrary-lookahead parser written in pure Python—and the most...
Parman 0.4.3 Parman At this stage, Parman is an experimental project, so expect a rocky road...
parsestages 0.1.9 Parse a mini-language for selecting objects by tag or name [Home | GitLab |...
paramspace 2.7.1 The paramspace package is an open-source project and Python package that makes it possible...
paramiko 3.4.1 Welcome to Paramiko! Paramiko is a pure-Python [1] (3.6+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol
parametersvalidation 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
parallelstatistics 0.13 Overview This package collects tools which compute weighted statistics on parallel, incremental data, i.e....
parallels 0.1.0 parallels Parallels is a literary powered library. It provides an async API that...
ParallelRegression 1.0.0b3 ParallelRegression is a set of Python tools for using parallel processes to analyze a data...
parallelabus 0.1.3 Parallel aBUS Table of Contents...
paradoxpay 0.0.15 paradox_pay
paradocx 1.5.0 paradocx builds on the Open Office XML Spec provided by openpack to provide interfaces...
paradise 0.3.0 Paradise A file sharing and media streaming solution for local networks. Using this utility...
paperjsoneditor 0.4.1 paper-jsoneditor JSON input widget for paper-admin. Compatibility
paperuploads 0.18.7 paper-uploads Асинхронная загрузка файлов для административного интерфейса Django.
paperstreamfield 0.8.0 paper-streamfield Implementation of the Wagtail's StreamField block picker for paper-admin.
paperrq 0.8.3 paper-rq An administrative interface for managing RQ tasks in Paper Admin. ⚠ Default...
pandocacro 0.10.1 This filter provides a means to manage acronyms in Pandoc flavored Markdown sources. It...
pandioml 1.0.13 PandioML - Machine Learning This repository contains the PandioML Python library to develop...
pandiet 0.1.9 pandiet A library to reduce memory consumption of Pandas Dataframes Installation
pandaxt 0.1.10 PandaXT A Python 3 "ccxt" wrapper over Pandas lib. Author: Daniel...
pandaswizard 1.1.0 pandas-wizard
pandasvet 2023.8.2 pandas-vet pandas-vet is a plugin for flake8 that provides opinionated linting for pandas code.
pandasstubsfork pandas-stubs: Public type stubs for pandas ...
pandasstubs pandas-stubs: Public type stubs for pandas ...
pandassphinx 0.1.1 pandas-sphinx Render a pandas DataFrame as an opinionated...
pandasdevflaker 0.5.0 pandas-dev-flaker Plugin for flake8 used to contribute to pandas. NOTE: this is not...
pandasdecimal 0.0.1 pandas-decimal Extension array for pandas implementing fixed-precision decimal numbers. Data is stored internally...
pandasdb2 2.0.4 Pandas-DB A lightweight object for analyzing data directly from a Database without having to...
pandasdatacleaner 0.0.1 Pandas Data Cleaner This package is a data cleaning tool for Pandas DataFrames and...
pandascategorical 1.1.0 The package contains just a few features that make using pandas categorical types easier to...
pandarallel 1.6.5 Pandaral·lel Without...
paigramlogger 0.0.2 paigram-logger A logger for PaiGram's projects.
paicorelib 1.3.0 Library of PAICORE 2.0 ...
paibox 1.1.1 PAIBox
pancakekit 0.2.2 Pancake Kit Pancake Kit aims to provide a handy user interface to your Python...
panaetius 2.3.5 Panaetius This package provides: Functionality to read user variables from a...
pamqp 3.3.0 pamqp is a low level AMQP 0-9-1 frame encoding and decoding library for Python 3.
padio 1.0.1 padio Zero pad numeric filenames Turn a bunch of files like this:...
palgen 0.1 # Palgen []( []( []( Palgen is a powerful and modular...
pacwrap 0.6.0 pacwrap Provides single interface to several...
pacup 2.1.1 Pacup
packagecake 1.0.2 Package Cake 🎂 Package Cake is a simple utility that takes your package and...
packagebuilder 0.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
packrect 1.0.5 This is a python binding to the public domain stb_rect_pack. See
packagingutils 0.2.5 A bunch of scripts I use for keeping track of packages I maintain and for...
packaginglegacy 23.0.post0 Legacy Packaging This library provides support for "legacy" Python Packaging functionality removed from...
P5Canvas 1.0.0 P5Canvas Helper Class 概要 P5Canvasはp5.jsをPyScript(ブラウザ上で動くPython)で使うためのヘルパーライブラリです。 使い方 import P5Canvas ...
p5250 0.1.0 A Python library that provides an interface to communicate with IBM hosts: send commands and...
packaging 24.1 Reusable core utilities for various Python Packaging interoperability specifications. This library provides utilities...
ovnbgpagent 2.0.1 The OVN BGP Agent allows to expose VMs/Containers through BGP on OVN ...