lwc 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
LW 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
lunafind 0.5.5 lunafind Search, filter, inspect, download posts from Danbooru/Safebooru...
LunaDB 0.5.2 LunaDB LunaDB is a document oriented file based database written in Python. It's designed...
lumipallo 0.0.2 lumipallo is the Finnish word for snowball (lumi = snow, pallo = ball). Learning...
lume 0.9.8 lume 🔥 ...
luckleesample 1.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
luigisoftfailures 0.1.1 Provides a decorator for Luigi tasks that allows them to fail softly. Tasks that fail...
luicalculator 0.1.1 LUI-calculator LUI-calculator is a calculator for Low User Interactivity environments, so basically you input...
luarestyfastutils lua-resty-fastutils Collection of simple utils. Install pip install lua-resty-fastutils ...
luaprotobuf 2.0.3 lua-protobuf provides a Lua interface to Google's Protocol Buffers. Producing Code lua-protobuf provides...
luaproject 0.3.3 luaproject Use python package to manage lua&kong plugin, so that the plugin can be...
luapatt 0.9.0b5 A Python 3.3+ implementation of the Lua language’s pattern matching functions. Lua’s pattern matching...
luamb 0.5.0 (🌑) luamb Lua environment manager built on top of hererocks and inspired by virtualenvwrapper.
luafastutils lua-fastutils Collection of simple utils. Install pip install lua-fastutils ...
lucyna 0.11.2 Lucyna Lucyna is a library that tries to help you with your...
lthonny 4.1.2 Thonny is a simple Python IDE with features useful for learning programming. See https://thonny.org for...
lscl 0.2 lscl is a Python module for parsing and rendering Logstash configurations in its own...
lrung 2.0.0 The C-extension module lru_ng provides a class LRUDict that is compatible with a large subset...
lppa 0.3.0 DISCONTINUED This has been discontinued in favor of ppa-dev-tools. While this is...
lsm303d 1.0.0 lsm303d Accelerometer And Compass Installing...
lslrelay 3.2.3 Pupil Labs LSL Relay for Pupil Invisible Documentation Note: the Neon...
lpaste 5.3.0 A command-line client for librarypaste. The client can paste code or attachments.
lovecraft 0.1.1 Lovecraft RAG - The Resurrection This is a project to use generative AI to...
lotide luna 0.7.1 Luna Luna is a web client for lotide. Trivia In Latin...
lorem 0.1.1 Python Lorem Package Summary Generator for random...
lookatme.contrib.render 1.1.0 lookatme.contrib.render This is a lookatme extension that renders code blocks of supported languages...
lookatme.contrib.qrcode 2.2.0 lookatme.contrib.qrcode This lookatme extension adds QR code rendering capabilities to the code blocks.
lookatme.contrib.imageueberzug 1.1.0 lookatme.contrib.image_ueberzug This is a lookatme extension that uses ueberzug and urwid-ueberzogen...
lookatme 2.5.5 lookatme lookatme is an interactive, extensible, terminal-based markdown presentation tool. TOC...
logscheckplugin 1.4.0 Logs monitoring plugin Checks an url raise an alert if some problem is found.
logratelimit 1.4.1 log-rate-limit - limit excessive log output ...
logpilot 0.2.1 logpilot logpilot is a project to extend python standard logging to offer customizing ability.
lokaliseexporter 0.18 Utility tool to export localization strings from one or multiple lokalise.co projects at once for...
loid 0.1.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
logziostructloghandler 0.1.1 logzio-structlog-handler Handler to send structlog logger to logzio All logs have host, pid...
logycapostgres 0.1.5 LOGYCA public libraries
logycapagination 0.1.2 LOGYCA public libraries
logycaazurestorageblob 0.1.2 LOGYCA public libraries
logycaai 0.1.1 LOGYCA public libraries
logyca 0.1.18 LOGYCA public libraries
logwrap 11.0.0 logwrap
logitechflowkvm 1.2.0 Quickly switch between paired devices when using a Logitech mouse and keyboard that supports connecting...
logsprometheus 1.1.2 Logging prometheus Poetry plugin to set package version based on git tag.
loggia 0.3.1 Loggia The documentation is available on Github Pages Read...
loggext 0.1.0 loggext-py logging extensions for pythons logging library loggext-py...
loggertools 1.0 A Python port of the Control File Functions of the Logger Tools Software of Olaf
loggingutilities 4.4.1 Python logging utilities This package implements some useful logging utilities....
loggingreporter 1.0.0 Lightweight logger decorators for python License: MIT
loggedfs 0.0.6 Synopsis LoggedFS-python is a FUSE-based filesystem which can log every operation that happens in...
logfire 0.51.0 Pydantic Logfire — Uncomplicated Observability
logdensity 0.1.dev0 logdensity Downsample a density. Installing and running Install the latest release from...
locloc 0.0.4 locloc Online...
lodge 0.1.0 lodge A structured logging package in Python simple to use. Features
loadenvvarsatstartup 0.1.0 load-env-vars-at-startup
loadconfig 0.2.0b6 Load Config ...
lnpluggy 1.4.0 This is the core framework used by the pytest, tox, and devpi projects. Please...
littlebank 0.0.0 little-bank Little Bank is a framework for analyzing...
litexcnc 1.2.4 Welcome to LiteX-CNC! This project aims to make a generic CNC firmware and driver...
livekitpluginsanthropic 0.0.1 LiveKit Pluginss for OpenAI Models and Services
livekitapi 0.7.0 LiveKit Server APIs Access LiveKit server APIs and generate access tokens.
livekitagents 0.8.8 LiveKit Agents The core LiveKit Agents Framework. See top-level README for more information.
livekit 0.14.0 LiveKit Real-time Python SDK The LiveKit Python SDK provides a convenient interface for integrating...
livecheckpython 1.0.2 Quick Start Install the Python package named livecheck_python using pip.
literarybuild 3.0.0 Literary Build Backend A PEP 517 build backend for literary projects. Automates...
literary 4.0.1 Literary TL;DR Literary is a Python tool to make Jupyter (IPython)...
listcondalic 0.1.1 List license information from package specification file Conda For Conda environment:
listools 2.3.3 listools is a Python 3 package of which provides utility functions for dealing with lists...
linkmlowl 0.4.2 linkml-owl Translates between LinkML instance data to OWL (TBoxes and ABoxes) See linkml.io/linkml-owl
lippy 0.0.5 Lippy - solving linear programming problems. ...
lipppsrunmanager 0.3.0 Run Manager used in the LIP PPS software stack for handling data taking and analysis
linkedlistpy 0.0.5 pylinkedlist - a Linked List library This library provides linked lists so that you...
linuxstream 1.1.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
linkbudget 0.1.10 Link Budget A Python-based link budget calculator for...
linuxbasicsforhackerszhongwenban 2024.3.5.0 Linux Basics for Hackers 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/linux-basics-for-hackers-zhongwenban docker...
linuxaiobind 1.0.0 [english] | [한국어 (korean)] linux_aio_bind: Python binding for Linux Kernel AIO ...
linuxaio 0.4.1 [english] | [한국어 (korean)] linux_aio: Python wrapper for Linux Kernel AIO ...
linuxadmin 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
lintilla 0.2.0 lintilla Short blurb about what your product does.
lintel 0.1.0 Lintel is a static analysis tool for checking compliance with Python docstring conventions....
lintcheck 0.3.2 LintCheck Python IDLE extension to perform pylint analysis on an open file
lingtypology 0.8.6 lingtypology Lingtypology is a Python3 tool for linguistic interactive mapping and online linguistic databases...
linenotifysdk 1.0 line-notify-sdk LINE Notify SDK for Pyrhon pip $ pip install line-notify-sdk...
liionpack 0.3.10 Overview of liionpack liionpack takes a 1D PyBaMM model and makes it into a...
lightweightversionedgitlabpages 0.3.2 Lightweight Versioned GitLab Pages ...
linebottool 1.0 line-bot-tool LINEBot用の便利ツール PIP pipからインストール可能 $ pip install line-bot-tool ...
lineartest 0.4.4 LinearTest A testing framework working with Starlette TestClient. Source code: https://github.com/fanyf22/lineartest/
LineageTree 1.4.4 LineageTree This library allows to import and work with cell (but not limited to...
lightshow 1.2.4 Lightshow is a Python library for easily generating computational spectroscopy input files. If you...
lincot 1.0.3 Installation LINCOT requires Python 3.6 or above. LINCOT functionality is provided by a...
lightprotobufgen 1.0.dev2 lightprotobufgen Introduction lightprotobufgen is a commandline tool based on antlr4.5 to...
lightprotobuf 1.0b5 lightprotobuf Introduction lightprotobuf is a full Python 3 implementation of the Protocol Buffers...
limesqueezer 1.0.13 Limesqueezer Limesqueezer is a toolkit where NumPy array are lossily compressed using spline fitting.
limepress 0.3 LimePress is a simple static side generator, inspired by Pelican and Flamingo
limedev 0.6.1 LimeDev LimeDev is collection tools for Python development. These tools are more or less...
lilya 0.9.1 Lilya 🚀 Yet another ASGI toolkit...
lifetimer 0.1.0 Lifetimer This is a lifespan timer...
lidtk 0.3.0 lidtk lidtk - the language identification toolkit - was written in order to...
libtapedrive 0.1.1 libtapedrive — Podcast client library for feed parsing Fundamental component of Tape Drive.
libtakiyasha 2.1.1.post1 LibTakiyasha LibTakiyasha 是一个 Python 音频加密/解密工具库(当然也可用于加密非音频数据),支持多种加密文件格式。LibTakiyasha 不提供任何命令行或图形界面支持。 使用前必读 本项目是以学习和技术研究的初衷创建的,修改、再分发时请遵循 License。 本项目的设计灵感,以及部分解密方案,来源于同类项目:...