gradleshizhan 2024.3.4.0 Gradle 实战 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/gradle-shizhan docker run -tid -p...
gradiotoggle 1.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Checkbox, gradio] title: gradio_toggle short_description: Gradio custom component colorFrom: gray
gradiotextwithattachments 0.0.4 gradio_textwithattachments A Custom Gradio component. Example usage import gradio as gr...
graphqlresponsevalidator 0.0.1 A tool for validating GraphQL responses against their respective queries. This package is work-in-progress.
graphqlrequests 0.3.1 GraphQL client, high performance, easy to use, sync/async support
graphqlquery 1.4.0 graphql-query graphql_query is a...
gradiosbmppromptableimage 0.0.3 gradio_sbmp_promptable_image A webcam-compatible Gradio input image component enabling prompting with the most recently drawn...
gradiorichtextbox 0.4.2 gradio_rich_textbox Gradio custom component for rich text input Installation pip...
gradiorangeslider 0.0.6 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Slider, leaderboards, forms, filtering, slider] title: gradio_rangeslider short_description: 🛝 Slider component...
gradiopromptweighting 0.0.2 gradio_promptweighting Simple component for creating prompt weighting for real-time generation. Installation
gradiopointpromptableimage 0.0.3 gradio_point_promptable_image A webcam-compatible Gradio input component enabling point-based prompting. Installation...
gradiopdf 0.0.13 gradio_pdf Easily display PDFs in Gradio Installation pip install gradio_pdf
graphqlcore 3.2.3 GraphQL-core 3 GraphQL-core 3 is a Python 3.6+ port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript...
graphonedrive 0.4.0 Graph-OneDrive Interact with Microsoft's OneDrive service using the Graph API. The Graph-OneDrive package...
graphnet 0.1.2 Graphnet A lightweight python library for graph and networks manipulation and visualization
graphml 0.0.1 GraphML TBD
gradiohdrimage 0.0.1 gradio_hdrimage Component to load and display HDR images Installation pip...
gradiogrcalendar 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gradiogradiodatetime 0.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, DateTime, datetime, safari] title: gradio_gradio_datetime short_description: datetime for safari colorFrom:...
gradiogptchatbot 0.0.4 gradio_gptchatbot A Custom Gradio component. Example usage import gradio as gr...
gradiofrp 3.41.0.post1 Build & share delightful machine learning apps easily ...
gradiofolium 0.0.6
gradio_foliumA Custom Gradio component for displaying maps built with Folium.Example usageimport gradio as grfrom gradio_folium import Folium
tags: [gradio-custom-component, SimpleTextbox] title: gradio_fep_result_table short_description: colorFrom: blue colorTo: yellow sdk: gradio pinned: false
graphenedjangoqueryoptimizer 0.9.0 Graphene Django Query Optimizer ...
graphenedjangopermissions 1.0.0 graphene-django-permissions A performant, holistic view-permissions layer...
graphenedjangohook 1.0.0 graphene-django-precommit-hook pre-commit hook to generate .graphql | .json graphql schema for graphene-django. As...
graphenedjangoextensions 0.4.5 Graphene Django Extensions
gradioclickablearrowdropdown 0.0.3 gradio_clickable_arrow_dropdown Dropdown component where clicking arrow on the side displays dropdown options Installation
gradiocategoricalslider 0.0.4 tags: [gradio-custom-component, Slider] title: gradio_categoricalslider short_description: colorFrom: blue colorTo: yellow...
gradiocalendar 0.0.4 gradio_calendar Gradio component for selecting dates with a calendar 📆 Installation
graphenechainmutation 1.1.0 graphene-chain-mutation Provide feature to allow chaining mutations using Graphene-python I created this package...
gradientcentralizationtf 0.0.3 Gradient Centralization TensorFlow
gradgpad 2.1.0 gradgpad 🗿 👉 The GRAD-GPAD framework is a comprehensive and modular framework to evaluate...
gradechangeemailer 0.1.5 This is a simple python script that checks for new grades at the FH...
gracy 1.33.0 Python's most graceful API Client Framework ...
gracefulsigterm 0.1.1 graceful-sigterm Receive the kill signal from the operating system and gracefully wait for the...
gracefulexit 1.0.0 Python Graceful Exit Context Manager A flexible context manager for python to handle graceful...
gqlactioncable 0.0.2 gql-actioncable This is a graphql-python/gql transport for the ActionCable websockets protocol. Installation
gql 3.5.0 GQL This is a GraphQL client for Python 3.7+. Plays nicely with graphene,...
gpuhub 0.0.1 CodeWithGPU is a community that focuses on the reproducible AI algorithms. It has close links...
gppt 4.1.0 gppt: get-pixivpy-token Get your Pixiv token (for running upbit/pixivpy)...
gpmapi 0.3.0 📦 Welcome to GPM-API ...
gpip 0.4.7 gpip is a package installer utility for GitHub public and private repositories, is a way...
gowebkaifashizhanbeegokuangjiashixianxiangmu 2024.3.5.0 GoWeb开发实战(Beego框架实现项目) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/goweb-kaifa-shizhan-beego-kuangjia-shixian-xiangmu docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
govukbankholidays 0.14 This library loads the official list of bank holidays in the United Kingdom as supplied...
govsic 1.1.5 A lightweight library to parse and interface Standard Industrial Classification instances using the current UK...
govendortools 0.6.0 go-vendor-tools (@go-sig/go-vendor-tools-dev) Tools for handling Go library vendoring in Fedora...
googlefontsmarkup 0.4.0 Warning This is alpha library Overview This is...
gotranx 1.1.1 gotranx gotranx is the next generation General ODE translator. The general idea is that...
gotran 2023.1.0 Gotran - General ODE TRAnslator Gotran: provides a Python...
gothon 0.5.0 # GothonPython 3 modules written on pure Go. No CFFI, no CTypes, no CGo, no...
GOSTrocks 0.2.0 GOSTrocks This repository includes support functions for a number of geospatial tools used by...
googletakeoutparser 0.1.9 google_takeout_parser Parses data out of your Google Takeout (History, Activity, Youtube, Locations, etc...). This:
googlesheetslib 0.4 An opinionated library for accessing Google Sheets documents
googlesearching 0.8.1 Google_searching search results. Install pip install -U google_searching ...
googlesearcher 1.0.4 Usage: from googlesearcher import * results =, num="10") for result in...
googleauthplugins 1.0.1 Google Auth Plugins Python Library This...
godm 0.1.0 GODM GODM is a data augmentation package for supervised graph outlier detection....
goodadviceyamlconf 1.1.1 goodadvice_yaml_conf
gongyekongzhiwangluoanquanjichuv2 2024.3.3.0 工业控制网络安全基础 v2 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/gongye-kongzhi-wangluoanquan-jichu-v2 docker run -tid -p...
goamazondownloader 0.1.4 Go Amazon Downloader Data A Python Library for download data from campaign...
go2rpm 1.14.0 go2rpm go2rpm is a Python application designed to assist in the creation of RPM
golangshixianwangluopachong 2024.3.5.0 golang实现网络爬虫 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/golang-shixian-wangluo-pachong docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
golang101hacks 2024.3.3.0 Golang 101 hacks 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/golang-101-hacks docker run -tid...
gnocchiclient 7.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gnocchi 4.6.3 Gnocchi is an open-source time series database. The problem that Gnocchi solves is the...
GLUtf 0.1.0 GLU
gluepy 1.3.0 gluepy The python framework for building workflows, pipelines and DAGs designed for Data Scientists...
glone 0.2.0 glone A CLI to back up all your...
glomtf 0.1.1 GLOM TensorFlow ...
glob pattern 0.0.1 Python shell glob pattern. Installation You can install from pypi pip...
globlocks 1.2.3 globlocks Block/Widget library to make your Wagtail site more complete TODO
glmnet2 1.4 This is a Python wrapper for the fortran library used in the R package...
glmnet 2.2.1 This is a Python wrapper for the fortran library used in the R package...
glmdisc 0.1.2 Feature quantization for parsimonious and interpretable models Table of Contents Documentation
GlitchArt 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
glassjar 0.1.1 Pickled database that provide Object-Relational Mapper. ...
glacierbackup 1.2 A Python client for performing backups to AWS S3 Glacier
glabpkg 4.2.0 main: prod: template for python packages hosted on gitlab
gitpw 2.6.0 Git-Patchwork integration tool
gitprprod 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gitprivacy 2.3.0 git-privacy: Keep your coding hours private git-privacy redacts author and committer dates to keep...
gitorade 1.0.8 gitorade background Tired of dummy commit messages like "fix bug" or "update readme"?
gitwatch 0.1.0 gitwatch Short blurb about what your product does.
gitmoji 0.1.0 gitmoji
gitminglingdaquan 2024.3.5.0 Git 命令大全 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/git-mingling-daquan docker run -tid -p...
gitmetheurl 2.1.0 Git me the URL! A python package that translates references in a local git...
gitmatch 0.2.0 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog gitmatch...
gitlabmultigrouprunner 0.1.2 GitLab Multi Group Runner Overview Until the creation of this README (July 2021),...
gitlabdataexport 0.4.0 GitLab Data Export gitlab-data-export is a simple utility that exports data from GitLab's REST...
githubsshauth 1.0.2 GitHub-SSH-Auth About If...
gitfame 2.0.1 Pretty-print git repository collaborators sorted by contributions. ~$...
giteway 0.2.0 Git repos manage
gitease 0.0.11 GitEase A tool to...
githubdownloadcount 0.0.1 Display download counts of GitHub releases. Usage usage: github-download-count [-s] USER...
gitdmb 1.0.0 git-dmb A convenient command-line tool helping you keep repositories clean. git-dmb on PyPI...
githubbinaryupload 0.1.10 GitHub Binary Upload Introduction github-binary-upload is a script for creating GitHub releases from...
githubactionutils 1.1.0 GitHub Action Utils
githubactionscicdexample 0.0.1 Example repo: using GitHub Actions for CI/CD for a Python project This is a...
gitcoin 0.1.0 Gitcoin Python API Client This Python package provides the bounties endpoint of...