portend 3.2.0 por·tend pôrˈtend/ verb be a sign or warning that (something,...
portalocker 2.10.1 Overview Portalocker is a library to provide an easy API to file locking....
polynom 0.0.3 polynom (Short) Description A package to provide polynomials/polynomial-basis-functions for interpolation provides routines...
polylog 0.1.6 PolyLog PolyLog is a custom logging package designed to support your application development process....
polyforce 0.3.0 Polyforce 🔥 Enforce static typing in...
polartoolkit 0.5.1 Helpful tools for polar researchers Documentation Link ...
polkacurses 1.3.0 Installation Use pip to install the program (Python 3.7 is required): pip install...
polka 2.5.0 ПОЛКА Python модуль для доступа к API образовательного проекта «Полка». Установка Для...
pokerkit 0.5.2 PokerKit is an open-source software library, written in pure Python, for simulating games, evaluating hands,...
pokerface 1.0.2 PokerFace is a Python package for various poker tools. The following features are present...
poetrytorequirements 1.0.1 Pre-commit hooks Poetry to Pip requirements This pre-commit hook can be used to...
poetrysetuptoolsscmplugin 0.2.0 Poetry Setuptools SCM Plugin poetry-setuptools-scm-plugin is a Poetry plugin that uses setuptools_scm to...
points2regions 0.0.6 Points2Regions Points2Regions is a Python tool designed for clustering and defining regions based on...
poetrygitversionplugin 1.0.8 Poetry Git Version Plugin Poetry plugin to set package version based on git tag.
poetrydynamicmetadata 0.1.3 poetry-dynamic-metadata Simple poetry plugin that allows to add dynamic metadata to pyproject.toml...
poetrydockerplugin 0.5.1 Poetry Docker Plugin Poetry docker plugin...
poetryauditplugin 0.4.0 Poetry Audit Plugin Poetry plugin for checking security vulnerabilities in dependencies based on safety.
poetryasterisk 0.1.1 Poetry-Asterisk This library performs auto change dependency version to "*". You can specify...
poetry2conda 0.3.0 A script to convert a Python project declared on a pyproject.toml to a conda...
poemplugins 1.1.8 Poem Plugins A set of plugins for Poetry. How...
podstore 0.2.2 pod-store pod-store is an encrypted CLI podcast tracker that syncs across devices using git....
podmena 0.6.1 podmena
podlocalsync 0.0.1 Pod Local Sync This utility allows you to manage a podcast RSS feed locally...
pocmytooltwo 23.7.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pocmytoolone 23.7.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pocmycommonlibrarytwo 23.7.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pocmycommonlibrary 23.7.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pocmyci 23.7.26 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pms5003 1.0.1 PMS5003 Particulate Sensor Installing Note...
plone.recipe.haproxy 2.0.0 Contents Supported options Example usage Reporting bugs or asking questions
pmlayer 1.0.1 # Partially Monotone Layer Partially monotome layer (pmlayer) is a library for neural network...
pmemo 0.4.0 Pmemo Pmemo is a command-line memo editor designed for seamless editing directly in the...
plz 0.2.1 plz Lightweight...
plybibtexparser 0.1.0 ply-bibtex-parser A simple ply-based parser for BibTeX ply is an easy-to-use, pure-Python parser...
plumes 2.3.2 plumes Simple Twitter CLI for day-to-day social media hygiene ...
plumbum 1.8.3 Plumbum: Shell Combinators Ever wished the compactness of shell scripts be put into a...
plugincode 32.0.0 license: Apache-2.0 copyright: copyright (c) nexB. Inc. and others homepage_url: https://github.com/nexB/plugincode keywords:...
plothelp 0.2 plothelp
plopp 24.6.0 Plopp About Visualization library for Scipp Installation python -m pip install...
plexy 0.1.5 Plexy Your Plex, your way ...
plasticscm 0.3.1a1 plasticscm Python package providing access to the PlasticSCM client API.
plexo 1.0.0 pyplexo pyplexo is the Python implementation of plexo. It aims to be an opinionated,...
plexfootagesorter 4.5.2 Plex Footage Sorter A simple script to process android phone footage default names into...
plantssm 0.0.2 # PlantsSM A pipeline to discriminate Secondary Metabolism enzymes in plants
playwrightapirequestbuilder 1.0.0 :performing_arts: Playwright APIRequest builder Documented Read it...
PL94andTigertoSQLite3 0.1.1 Census PL-94 to SQLite3 Simple tool to build out the Census PL-94 datasets from...
pkutils 3.0.2 Index Introduction | Requirements | Motivation | Usage | Installation | Project Structure...
pkonfig 2.0.0 PKonfig P stands for Python. ...
pixelize 0.0.2 Description Turn images into pixel arts. Documentation Documentation...
pixelforestdrf 0.2.3 PixelForest DRF This repository host the code of...
pixcat 0.1.4 pixcat WORK IN PROGRESS Display images on...
pkglts 7.8.0 Building packages with long term support The rationale behind the creation of...
pkgdepgraph 0.0.1.post1 pkg-depgraph Packaging-oriented dependency graph library Contributing See CONTRIBUTING.md
pjy 0.14.0 pjy is a command-line tool to process JSON data and execute queries on it....
pittgoogleclient 0.3.11 pittgoogle-client Read the docs: mwvgroup.github.io/pittgoogle-client. This is the client...
pitchsqueezer 0.1.0 PitchSqueezer A pitch tracker for speech, using synchro-squeezed stft and frequency domain autocorrelation, designed...
pizazz 1.3.5 Pizazz A utility class to leverage 74HC595 shift register chips with a Raspberry Pi.
pixivtaganalyzer 1.6.0 pixiv-tag-analyzer 任意のpixivユーザの投稿,ブックマークの情報を収集しタグからその人の性癖を暴く 分析データはdata/以下に保存 DEMO
pixivpy3 3.7.5 PixivPy3 Due to #158 reason, password login no longer exist. Please...
pixiv bulk downloader 3.0.0 pixiv-bulk-downloader Pixiv Bulk Downloader Feature Download
pixieverse.pixie 0.0.5 Pixie What is Pixie pixie is a transpiler that transpiles pixie files into...
piquipe 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pipyprereleaseexample 1.7.1 pipy-pre-release-example
pipelit 0.0.1 PipeLit
pipelinetelemetry 1.1.0 docs tests package
pipmanage 1.1.2 pip-manage
piplock 2.11.0 Check for differences between requirements.txt files and the current environment. Installation...
pipkin 2.1b1 Tool for managing distribution packages for MicroPython and CircuitPython on target devices or in a...
pipic 1.1 π-PIC (PIPIC, Python-controlled Interactive PIC) is an open-source collection of relativistic particle-in-cell solvers featuring...
pipgui 1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pipaudit 2.7.3 pip-audit pip-audit...
pipablepytorch3d 0.7.6 Introduction PyTorch3D provides efficient, reusable components for 3D Computer Vision research with PyTorch....
pingpongdatahub 0.8.26 Metadata Ingestion This module hosts an extensible Python-based metadata ingestion system for...
pip 24.2 pip is the package installer for Python. You can use pip to install packages from...
piou 0.14.2 Piou A CLI tool to build...
ping3df 2.4.0.post1 Ping3 is a pure python3 version of ICMP ping implementation using raw socket. Note that...
ping3 4.0.8 Ping3 Ping3 is a pure python3...
pincer 0.16.1 Pincer
pinaxnotifications 6.0.0 Pinax Notifications ...
pimoroniioexpander 1.0.1 IO Expander IO Expander Breakout uses...