midiexplorer 0.0.1a5 MIDI Explorer Yet another MIDI monitor,...
micropythonsamdstubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-samd-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonsamdseeed wio terminalstubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-samd-seeed_wio_terminal-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended...
micropythonsamdminisam m4stubs 1.20.0.post4 micropython-samd-minisam_m4-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonsamdadafruit itsybitsy m4 expressstubs 1.20.0.post4 micropython-samd-adafruit_itsybitsy_m4_express-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is...
micropythonsamdadafruit feather m4 expressstubs 1.20.0.post4 micropython-samd-adafruit_feather_m4_express-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is...
micropythonrp2stubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-rp2-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonrp2rpi pico wstubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-rp2-rpi_pico_w-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended...
microversionparse 1.0.1 A small set of functions to manage OpenStack microversion headers that can be used...
micropythonesp8266stubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp8266-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonesp8266esp8266 genericstubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp8266-esp8266_generic-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonesp32stubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp32-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonesp32s3stubs 1.20.0.post1 micropython-esp32-s3-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonesp32otastubs 1.20.0.post2 micropython-esp32-ota-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to be...
micropythonesp32generic spiramstubs 1.19.1.post1 micropython-esp32-generic_spiram-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonesp32generic s3stubs 1.20.0.post2 micropython-esp32-generic_s3-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonesp32generic otastubs 1.20.0.post2 micropython-esp32-generic_ota-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonesp32esp32 genericstubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp32-esp32_generic-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended to...
micropythonesp32esp32 generic s3stubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp32-esp32_generic_s3-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended...
micropythonesp32esp32 generic c3stubs 1.23.0.post1 micropython-esp32-esp32_generic_c3-stubs This is a stub-only package for MicroPython. It is intended...
mglib 1.3.9 Python Package containing modules shared across all Papermerge Project project. Installation...
MGLEX 0.2.1 This Python Package provides a probabilistic model to classify nucleotide sequences in metagenome samples....
mfuldev 0.4.1.dev202204251650943961 Masterful is the training platform for computer vision models. Pass in your model architecture...
microbootstrap 0.2.4 microbootstrap assists you in creating applications with all the necessary instruments already set up....
mfn 0.1.0 mfn Implementation in Python of the MFN method to measure complexity & entropy of...
mfiletypestest 0.1.11 Thư viện kiểm tra file type. Cà i đặt: $ pip3 install m-filetype...
mfiletypes 0.1.9 Thư viện kiểm tra file type. Cà i đặt: $ pip3 install m-filetype...
mfaliquot 0.0.1.post2 This is a suite of various semi-related software concerning MersenneForum’s Aliquot sequences forum. Of...
mfalgorithms 0.2.2 MF Algorithms MF Algorithms contains various matrix factorization methods utilizing...
mice 0.1.31 Multi-iteration Stochastic Estimator The Multi-Iteration stochastiC Estimator (MICE) is an estimator of gradients to...
meza 0.46.0 meza: A Python toolkit for processing tabular data Index...
mext 2.0.10 MEXT - Manga/Manhua/Manhwa Extractor A simple manga extractor. Extracts any comic info, chapter list...
mewicli 0.1.1 Mewicli Mewicli is simple...
metrictime 1.0.8 metric-time Implementation of decimal time and French Republican calendar. During the French Revolution,...
metisai 0.3.2 Metis Python Client This Python client is designed to provide developers with a seamless...
metainfoyaml2py 0.0.12 metainfo-yaml2py A program for converting NOMAD metainfo YAML schemas into Python class definitions....
meteoqc 0.4.2 meteo-qc meteo_qc is a customizable framework for applying quality checks to meteorological data....
messages 0.8.0 Messages: Create and send messages fast! ...
mesoprc 0.7.2rc0 # Mesop Mesop is an open-source package to build UIs in Python. Source...
mesabehaviors 0.1.0
metabook 0.1.1 metabook Updates pdf book filenames and tags with book metadata for easier...
merlindataloader 23.8.0 Merlin Dataloader The merlin-dataloader lets you...
merklezeppelin 0.2.0 merkle-zeppelin Yet another MerkleTree library with implementation aligned to openzeppelin implementation
meritous 1.2.2 Meritous Meritous is an absurdly simply approach to "Models" in Python. It came...
meringue 1.2.0 Meringue
metabasetools 0.16.0 metabase-tools for python Unofficial API wrapper for Metabase plus additional helper tools Docs
metaaiapi 1.2.1 MetaAI API Wrapper MetaAI is a Python library designed to interact with Meta's AI...
merakicommons 1.0.10 The author of this package has not provided a project description
menusys 1.1.9 BRANCH STATUS master
melusine 3.0.0 🎉 **BREAKING** : New major version Melusine 3.0 is available 🎉
mendotapy 1.0.0 mendotapy A Python 3.6+ package for analysis-ready Lake Mendota ice phenology data Installing
mendelopt 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mendeleev 0.17.0 Pythonic periodic table of elements A package with a convenient python API...
meiga 1.9.7 meiga 🧙 ...
MedVol 0.0.15 MedVol A wrapper for loading medical 2D, 3D...
medvlp 0.1 Medical Vision-Language Processing Algorithms and tools for Vision-Language Processing with Deep Learning. Setup...
meduza 20.7.2 Meduza A simple Python module that wraps the meduza.io API. (read about...
MedSim3D 0.0.1a3 MedSim3D: Medical Simulation Framework in the 3D environment The MedSim3D framework provides a general...
medmodels 0.1.2 Using High-End Machine Learning to Enhance Medical Data Analyses
medlyn2002 1.1.0 main: Data and formalisms from Medlyn et al. (2002)
medio 0.4.2 medio Medical images I/O python package This package unifies the io engines of...
md translate 3.2.0 Markdown Docs Translator Markdown Docs Translator is an automated...
mdtex2html 1.3.0 mdtex2html python3-library to convert Markdown with included LaTeX-Formulas to HTML with MathML What...
meator 2.0.1 Meator Python...
meanopinionscore 0.0.2 mean-opinion-score
meaningfulwords 0.0.1a0 Fetch meaningful words from text A toolkit to fetch useful words from text...
mdpeditor 1.2.5 MDP Editor Easily produce molecular dynamics simulation parameter input for GROMACS.
MDBDict 1.0.4 MDBDict MDBDict allows you to access MongoDB databases through an automatically updating dictionary...
mdformathook 0.0.5 md-format A pre-commit hook that formats .md files. It automatically adds reasonable spaces between...
mckitnuclides 0.3.3 Contents Description Installation Examples Contributing Notes References
mckit 0.8.1 MCKIT: MCNP model and results processing utilities The mckit package provides a programming framework...
mcinstall 0.3.1 A script to quickly make/provision a fresh Miniconda installation from scratch. The goal of...
mcstatuswebhook 0.4.0 Minecraft server status webhook for Discord Poll a server and send customizable webhook embed...
mcda 1.0.0 Package for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis named mcda. Package description This package is used...
mcp990x 1.1.0 python-MCP990x-sensor Python module for MCP990x family temperature sensor reading. It uses I2C to talk...
mcp4161 0.0.0.dev6 A Python driver for Microchip Technology MCP4161 7/8-Bit Single/Dual SPI Digital POT with Non-Volatile Memory
mbsimcore 1.0.1 mbsim-core Core package for mbsim to deal with some of the boiler plate necessary...
mbsim 0.1.2 mbsim A Modbus Simulator This is the command line...
matrixmdpgym 1.1.1 Matrix MDP Easily generate an MDP from transition and reward matricies....
matthewfleggmbti 0.0.2 MBTI Predictor Predicting someone's MBTI type based on their online posts, using AI....