pacup 2.1.1 Pacup
packagecake 1.0.2 Package Cake 🎂 Package Cake is a simple utility that takes your package and...
packagebuilder 0.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
packrect 1.0.5 This is a python binding to the public domain stb_rect_pack. See
packagingutils 0.2.5 A bunch of scripts I use for keeping track of packages I maintain and for...
packaginglegacy 23.0.post0 Legacy Packaging This library provides support for "legacy" Python Packaging functionality removed from...
P5Canvas 1.0.0 P5Canvas Helper Class 概要 P5Canvasはp5.jsをPyScript(ブラウザ上で動くPython)で使うためのヘルパーライブラリです。 使い方 import P5Canvas ...
p5250 0.1.0 A Python library that provides an interface to communicate with IBM hosts: send commands and...
packaging 24.1 Reusable core utilities for various Python Packaging interoperability specifications. This library provides utilities...
ovnbgpagent 2.0.1 The OVN BGP Agent allows to expose VMs/Containers through BGP on OVN ...
oxypy 1.0.1 oxypy Fully-featured ports of several essential structs from Rust into pure Python
oxlogger 1.0.1 OX Security Dependency Confusion prevention for oxlogger package
oxfordpy 1.0.0 oxfordpy oxfordpy is a python library...
owoifier 0.1.1 This is a translator that translates English text to OwO using magic. Why?...
owattr 0.10.0 owattr overwrites attributes. Example import sys ...
outlookcalendarsync 0.0.5 CLI interface to scrape outlook calendar events from the webapp and insert them to a...
otelextensionspytest 0.2.1 otel-extensions-pytest: A pytest extension for OpenTelemetry otel-extensions-pytest is a pytest plugin that will automatically...
otelextensions 1.0.2 otel-extensions-python: OpenTelemetry Extensions for Python OpenTelemetry Extensions for Python is a collection of helper...
otcapiref 0.2.0 os-api-ref Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack This project is...
outgoingmailgun 0.3.0 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog outgoing-mailgun is an extension...
outgoing 0.6.1 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog outgoing...
outflow 0.7.0 Outflow is a framework that helps you build and run task workflows. The api...
outband 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
osustreamspeed 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
osustreams 1.1.1 OSU-STREAM-DETECTOR An osu tool for finding stream maps in your map library
osuplaylist 3.1.0 osuplaylist Extract all osu songs, collection,run a regex search in...
osugame 0.0.0 An all-encompassing osu! package
osstatus 1.0.5 OSStatus Query os status codes directly from your shell, based on the amazing...
osscrapyipfilterresolver 0.0.4 os-scrapy-ipfilter-resolver This project provide a DNS...
osscrapycookiecutter 0.0.13 os-scrapy-cookiecutter Cookiecutter for Scrapy. Usage
osscrapyaioresolver 0.0.3 os-scrapy-aio-resolver This project provide a async...
osscrapy 0.0.8 os-scrapy Ozzy's Scrapy scaffold. Requirements
osrqscrapy 0.0.7 os-rq-scrapy A framework for Scrapy working...
osresourceclasses 1.1.0 A list of standardized resource classes for OpenStack. A resource class is a distinct...
osrefreshconfig 14.0.0 Team and repository tags os-refresh-config os-refresh-config uses...
ospyata 3.1.4 ospyata
osprofiler 4.2.0 OSProfiler provides a tiny but powerful library that is used by most (soon to...
otlogginghelpers 0.1.1 ot-logging-helpers This python package provides logging helpers that are used in Orthanc Team projects.
otletcli 1.0.1 CLI tool for querying the Python Packaging Index using Otlet. ...
otlet 1.0.0.post1 Zero-dependency, pure-python wrapper for the PyPI JSON Web API.
oslo.vmware 4.5.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.versionedobjects 3.4.0 Team and repository tags oslo.versionedobjects ...
oslo.utils 7.3.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.upgradecheck 2.4.0 Common code for writing OpenStack upgrade checks This project contains the common code necessary...
oslo.service 3.5.0 Team and repository tags oslo.service – Library for...
oslo.serialization 5.5.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.rootwrap 7.3.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.reports 3.4.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.privsep 3.4.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.metrics 0.9.0 This Oslo metrics API supports collecting metrics data from other Oslo libraries and exposing...
oslo.limit 2.5.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.i18n 6.4.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.db 16.0.0 Team and repository tags oslo.db – OpenStack Database...
oslo.config 9.6.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.concurrency 6.1.0 Team and repository tags ...
oslo.cache 3.8.0 Team and repository tags oslo.cache ...
osism 0.20240825.0 python-osism
osintradar 0.1 How to Install pip install osintradar How to Use It...
orthancapiclient 0.15.3 python-orthanc-api-client A python client to ease using the Orthanc Rest API. Functionalities are...
osctrinoacldsl 0.3.1 osc-trino-acl-dsl A declarative format for configuring Trino access control To operationalize this code...
osctransformerpresteps 0.1.1 OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool This code provides you with an api and a streamlit...
osctransformerbasedextractor 0.1.2 OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool This project provides an CLI tool and python scripts to...
ornitho 0.3.0 The following “ornitho controllers / calls” are implemented: taxonomic groups
ormeasy 0.3.2 Setup SQLAlchemy & Alembic in your application simply. it provides functions that may re-build...
oscdataextractor 0.1.0 osc-data-extractor OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool Notes Placeholder notes content
ormar 0.20.1 ormar
osapplyconfig 14.0.0 Team and repository tags os-apply-config Apply configuration...
osapiref 3.0.0 os-api-ref Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack This project is...
osaiopodchannel 0.1.13 os-aio-pod-channel A os-aio-pod component for transporting.
osaiopod 0.1.40 os-aio-pod A container of AIO components.
osaiohttputils 0.0.6 os-aiohttp-utils Install pip install os-aiohttp-utils
osadlmatrix 2024.5.22.10535 osadl-matrix This is a machine readable version of the OSADL license compatibility matrix as...
orionutils 0.1.7 orion-utils orionutils provides collection generation for testing Galaxy and related projects. Releasing...
opyrator 0.0.12 Opyrator Turns your Python functions into microservices with web API,...
opyoid 2.0.2 Opyoid Dependency injection library using typings, to easily manage large...
origametry 0.0.6 Origametry Python package to perform calculations using the Huzita-Justin axioms for 2-dimensional origami...
orientationpy OrientationPy is the pythonic successor to the well-loved OrientationJ Fiji Plugin (github) from the BIG...
opusfastmosestokenizer opus-fast-mosestokenizer is a fork of fast-mosestokenizer created to ensure compability of the package with...
optunapi 0.1.4 API to distribute hyperparameters optimization through HTTP requests ...
optunahub 0.1.0b0 OptunaHub: Feature-sharing platform for Optuna