termare view termare_view # Language: 中文简体 | English 支持全平台的终端模拟器,使用 Flutter 开发,是一个通过 canvas 渲染的上层组件,不依赖任何平台代码。 终端序列支持文档
flutterpackage01 flutterpackage01 # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
tap payments api tap_payments_api # First version of tap api package.
fson fson # 只用一行命令,直接将Json文件转为Dart model类。 安装 # flutter pub global activate fson 或者 pub...
sample shared icons sample shared icons # A sample Icons for Flutter and Web. Getting...
route transaction route_transaction # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
lottocontract lottocontract # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter facebook image picker flutter_facebook_image_picker # Flutter plugin that allows you to display Facebook...
m2pcarddetails m2pcarddetails # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter appears randomly flutter_appears_randomly # Animation with random gradients 随机渐变出现的动画 使用示例 #
lexpro nullsafety lexpro nullsafety version # Will merge into lexpro 3, support sound nullsafety.
static grpc generator A static grpc generator. Automate you grpc server for relational databases. Usage #
static orm generator A library to generate static_orm automatically. Usage # A simple usage example:
keyboard focus manager Package offering 2 specific solutions to close/unfocus keyboard when it is on focus of...
bdaya utils bdaya_utils # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ecommerce ui kit ecommerce_ui_kit # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
ztexts ztexts # a simple tool for fetching texts and consuming them. The original purpose...
mgc easy ui mgc_easy_ui # 我的EasyUI Getting Started # This project is a starting...
camera works Camera Works # Camera Works is a simple library to handle cameras with an...
flutter stack card plus flutter_stack_card_plus # 一个层叠式可拖动的卡片组件 效果 #
custom alert wwdev custom_alert # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
sign in with kakao Sign in with Kakao # 카카오 SDK를 이용하여 로그인 v2...
native sqlcipher native_sqlcipher # Flutter sqlcipher plugin, for using sqlcipher in both Android and iOS by...
flutter dnd windows flutter_dnd_windows # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
pub dev cd test pub.dev-cd-test # This package is used to test github action pub.dev-cd.
pub dev test sub package A simple command-line application.
hop init Focus on you app. Let us manage your backend.
hop topic Focus on you app. Let us manage your backend.
hop drive Focus on you app. Let us manage your backend.
bbloc generator bloc_generator # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ogurets flutter ogurets_flutter # ogurets is a Gherkin + Cucumber implementation in Dart, focused on making...
sourcepoint cmp sourcepoint_cmp # Flutter Plugin for integrating Sourcepoint CMP Usage # To use...
ory client client ory_client_client # Documentation for all public and administrative Ory APIs. Administrative APIs can...
perspective text perspective_text # A 3D text widget where the text tracks the user's finger or...
flutter exception ui custom flutter_exception_ui_custom # Use coustom Ui to show uncatch exception Getting Started...
enum type to value list Flutter では使えません Reflection (MirrorSystem) を使っています. ご注意ください enum A {...
interactive webview null safety interactive_webview # Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native WebView.
foree checkout Foree Checkout # Package to use Foree Payment Gateway # Usage #...
walf Walf - Secure Database # Walf is a secure and fast key-value based database based...
hop auth Focus on you app. Let us manage your backend.
ui paragraph ui_paragraph # Flutter widget which render paragraphs from...
simple api simple_api # WIP: don't use this.
image editor pro ander ImageEditorPro # Image Editor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing...
flutter custom palette flutter_custom_palette # A flutter plugin to manage all the colors used in your...
neis api NEIS API # ⚠️ This Package was made for schools in South Korea!...
zwj scan plugin zwj_scan_plugin # A new Flutter scan plugin. Getting Started # This...
better forms better_forms # This is a simple library to help building forms in Flutter....
hkqr fps hkqr_fps # Encode structural FPS information to a QR code string or Decode...
custom switch package custom_switch # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
enum string extension Provides source_gen Generator for generating enumString extension. For more info on this package check...
enum string extension gen Provides source_gen Generator for generating enumString extension. For more info on this package...
custom design package custom_design_package # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
uudi card plugin uudi_card_plugin # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
upper What is Upper? # Upper is a open source back-end framework based on the Dart...
settpay sdk {settpay-sdk} # SettPay Plugin SDK (SP-SDK) # Flutter SDK for building SettPay Plugins...
image crop teste Image Cropping plugin for Flutter # A flutter plugin to crop image on...
ccms des ccms_des # DES加密方法,不使用向量,只使用key进行加密 效果图 # Getting Started # Add...
xapi xapi # a dio wraper Get started # Add dependency # xapi:
hiro hiro # Generate arguments class and builder function for widget page. Installation #...
fluttertoast renameuiviewtoast fluttertoast # Toast Library for Flutter Now this toast library supports...
gecosys cso client A library for connecting to the Cloud Socket system. Introduce Cloud Socket #
spotify web api spotify_web_api # A spotify web api implementation in Dart Basic Usage: #
bm security plugin bm_security_plugin # Flutter root and jailbreak detection plugin. This plugin is a wrapper...
productbarcode product_barcode # product_barcode 100% compatible with country_icons Flutter package for fast search country of...
h utils H(elpful)Utils # This is a work in progress About #...
image crop vesti Image Cropping plugin for Flutter # A flutter plugin to crop image on...
yyy route annotation yyy_route_annotation # Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.
graphql2code graphql2code # flutter 的graphql蛮难用的,查询语句写在字符串里可还行,又没提示又不好看。 一个将graphql文件自动化生成代码的轻量级dart脚本文件. 适用于需要在flutter项目中集成graphql的童鞋们! Getting Started # 1、pubspec.yaml中引入项目依赖...
vkeyboard vkeyboard # A new Flutter package project For Custom keyboard. Getting Started #...
reactive preferences reactive_preferences # Wrapper for shared_preferences which adds the ability to listen to preference changes.
yzdsl Dart Code Conversion To DSL Json # A small command line utility to generate a...
listenable list listenable_list # A list notify listener while be modified. Getting Started #...
kurdish keyboard Kurdish keyboard in flutter # this keyboard is customized textfiled widget in flutter to...
flutter vegvesen flutter_vegvesen # Flutter package til å hente kjøretøy opplysninger fra Vegvesen API. Example...
dialog switcher DialogSwitcher For Flutter # Allows user...
fast develop fast_develop # 这是一个快速开发库,封装了一些常用的方法 与fluro冲突使用fast_router。 使用前记得调用 FastDevelopConfig.init 屏幕适配 配置可单独修改 IConfig|CConfig...
couchbase lite dart Introduction Feature checklist Platform support Examples Resources Contributing...
firestore query builder firestore_query_builder # A handy utility package to build firestore complex queries...
rime Rime SDK # Rime is a messaging SDK that allows you to more easily integrate...
object mapper gen Object Mapper Gen # Object Mapper Gen is an object mapper generator using...
notion sdk Notion SDK for Dart A dart implemention for the Notion SDK...
bms widgets bms_widgets # A Initial Version of widgets collection by Bright Media Solution Private Limited...
flx ui UI # UI widgets designed in UI style
google appid changer metadata # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
mobx architecture MobX Architecture # Hello! This package allows you to more easily and cleanly bind...
exception widget exception_widget # Flutter package that allows to deal with different widgets mapped by exception
swifty gimo swifty_gimo # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
rounded dialogs Rounded Dialogs # Easiest Flutter Package for Custom Rounded Dialogs # ...
platform action sheets Platform action sheets # This package is a fork...
flutter loading kit 🎡 Flutter Loading Kit # A cluster of beautiful Lottie...
liquidsoft components liquidsoft_components # ---Currently in beta testing--- A lightweight but complete component package to...
dart nvim api Dart Nvim API # Neovim API implementation for Dart, based on and inspired...
filehandler filehandler # A library created to assist you on creating and reading of files....
custom greeting custom_greeting # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
firebase backup restore firebase_backup_restore # A flutter plugin for backup and restoring firebase cloud documents....
proxicloud proxicloud # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
fenix Fenix API Implementation in Dart # THIS API IS FOR A DEVELOPING APPLICATION AND IS...
dart rick A simple command-line application.
react router React Router # Dart bindings for react-router. Based off of the comment on this...
diet test A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a...