pytablereader 0.31.4 pytablereader Summary Features Examples
pyswan 0.4.0 Pyswan is a Python library that offers a sensible and human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating,...
pysvgedit 0.0.5 pysvgedit pysvgedit is a low-level SVG editing library written in native Python. Its...
pystc 2.0.0 pystc: A simple but extensible Python module for sentences Introduction
pystrom 1.0.5 python-mystrom aka. pystrom Dies ist eine unoffizielle Python-Integration für die Steuerung von lokalen MyStrom-Geräten.
pyStrich 0.8 UNKNOWN
pyssc 0.0.2.dev7 pyssc A Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC) Client Implementation for Python Introduction...
pystocktopus 0.1.2 pystocktopus: Your Ultimate Stock Data Management and Analysis Toolkit
pyspine 0.0.14 pyspine meta-package for Spine ->
pysphinx 0.0.5 pysphinx Sphinx packet implementation compliant with the standard spec: Installation pip...
pyspharmsyl 1.2.0 pyspharm-syl This is a derivative of pyspharm compiled with the help of intel oneAPI,...
pyspeedinsights 0.5.1 pyspeedinsights Warning: Archived on 08/11/2023 due to lack of interest. Please consider alternatives such...
pyspcliui 0.1.0 Terminal User Interface for Silverpeak/Aruba SD-WAN CLI. This CLI tool is a wrapper of...
pyspcli 0.1.3 Silverpeak/Aruba SD-WAN Command Line Interface This CLI tool is to query the Silverpeal/Aruba SD-WAN...
pysparkplug 0.3.2 PySparkplug: Sparkplug B for Python
pyskytapapi 1.0.2 pyskytapapi pyskytapapi contains some functions to facilitate the usage of skytap apis inside python...
pySitools2 1.0.0 pySitools2 A generic Python Sitools2 client Introduction The pySitools2 tool has been...
PySingBoxConverter 0.5.0.dev0 SingBox Converter The code are refactored from Toperlock/sing-box-subscribe See Documentation. How to install
pyshlang 0.1.1 Every day we stray further from God’s light. What is this?...
pyshell 0.1.1 pyshell A Linux subprocess module, An easier way to interact with the Linux shell
PyScreeze 1.0.1 PyScreeze PyScreeze is a simple, cross-platform screenshot module for Python 3. ...
pyscreenshot 3.1 The pyscreenshot module is obsolete in most cases. It was created because PIL ImageGrab...
pyshaper 1.2.0 SHAPER (v1.2.0) SHAPER is a framework...
pyscrapers 0.0.66 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.66 Mark Veltzer...
pyscilog 0.1.2 Pyscilog 🍄 Pyscilog, the Python scientific logger, is a companion for the standard Python...
pyscience 0.5.0 Pyscience Pyscience is a easy python library and command-line application to work with...
pysertive 0.0.1 Pysertive ✔️ ...
pyscaffoldextpyproject 0.2.1 pyscaffoldext-pyproject This is a simple PyScaffold extension which serves as a blueprint. It’s...
pyscaffoldextmarkdown 0.5 pyscaffoldext-markdown PyScaffold extension which replaces reStructuredText formatted files by Markdown format (with the...
pyscaffoldextdsproject 0.7.2 pyscaffoldext-dsproject PyScaffold extension tailored for Data Science projects. This extension is inspired by...
pyscaffoldextcustomextension 0.6.3 pyscaffoldext-custom-extension PyScaffold extension that lets you create your own custom extensions. ...
pyrosimple 2.14.0 pyrosimple A overhauled Python 3 fork...
pysarpro 0.1.5 pysarpro: SAR processing in Python Website...
pysarif 0.1.0 PySarif This package provides a simple way to load, save, and interact with SARIF...
pysanet 0.0.11 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pysamsungrac 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyromark 0.5.0 pyromark pyromark (stands for Python Rust Optimized Markdown) is a...
pyroma 4.2 pyroma Pyroma rhymes with aroma, and is a product aimed at giving a rating...
pyrolab 0.3.2 A framework for using remote lab instruments as local resources, built on Pyro5. Developed...
pyrofi 0.3.0 About PyRofi...
pyrnp 1.1.3 PyRNP Python wrapper for the Eduplay API (maintained...
pyRKIntegrator 2.2.0 Runge-Kutta and Runge-Kutta-Nystrom integrators This project contains a series of adaptive generic Runge-Kutta and...
pyrpcdjango 1.0 Pyrpc is a Django app to handle JSON Remote Procedure Calls using Django Rest...
pyriscope 1.2.11 Easily download any available Periscope stream by simply giving Pyriscope the URL. Pyriscope automatically...
pyresidfp 0.11.0 pyresidfp Emulates the SID sound-chip in software. The C++ emulation code was copied over...
pyreqwestimpersonate 0.5.3 Pyreqwest_impersonate The fastest python HTTP client that can impersonate web browsers. Provides precompiled...
PyraUtils 0.9.33 This project will collect General-purpose utilities used in development. What is the...
pyramidtasks 0.3.1 Pyramid Tasks Pyramid and Celery are both fantastic projects that compliment each other well:
pyramidcsp 0.1.0 pyramid-csp pyramid-csp is a simple Pyramid add-on for adding a Content-Security-Policy header your HTTP...
pyramidcookbookzhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 Pyramid Cookbook 中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pyramid-cookbook-zhongwenban docker run -tid...
pyramidbootstrap4 4.1.0 Maintainer Joe Black | | github Introduction...
pyramidbootstrap 4.1.0 Maintainer Joe Black | | github Introduction...
pyramid json response 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyramidelasticapm 1.0.5 Contents pyramid-elasticapm Installation Settings
pyramiddynamodbsessions 0.1.2 pyramid-dynamodb-sessions pyramid-dynamodb-sessions stores user sessions for Pyramid in DynamoDB. DynamoDB sessions offer large...
PyQtEnumConverter 1.0 PyQtEnumConverter PyQt6 changes the usage of enums. Here are some examples: #PyQt5...
pyqusim 0.1.2 quantalpy Toy package for simulated quantum computing in Python
pyqt5zhongwenjiaocheng 2024.3.4.0 PyQt5 中文教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pyqt5-zhongwen-jiaocheng docker run -tid -p...
pyquestaal 0.2.3 PyQUESTAAL This is a calculator class that has been written to interface...
pyquery141zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 PyQuery 1.4.1 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pyquery-1-4-1-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid...
pyqn 1.4.1 PyQn is a Python package for parsing, validating, manipulating and transforming physical quantities and...
pyqmlapp 0.2.1 PyQMLApp PyQMLApp is an application framework for quick python/QML app development. Usage...
pyqgjax 0.8.1 PyQG JAX Port This...
pyqg 0.7.2 pyqg is a python solver for quasigeostrophic systems. Quasigeostophic equations are an approximation to...
pyprotoparser 0.0.1 py_proto This is a Python-based protobuf parser. It is intended to serve as a...
pyprote 2022.8.4 pyprote: A Python package for creating Templates for python projects Installation from PyPi...
pyprojectmetadata 0.8.0 pyproject-metadata Dataclass...
pyprojectinstaller 0.5.4 pyproject-installer This tool is intended for build, install, run or management of dependencies...
pyPublicDecompWT pyPublicDecompWT This package provides python bindings for some...
pyprocessorssimilar segments 0.5.37 Requirements Python 3.8+ Flit to put Python packages and modules...
pyprocessorsdeepl 0.5.84 Requirements Python 3.8+ Flit to put Python packages and modules on...
pyprobs 1.0.2 What is PyProbs? PyProbs is a module that has useful functionality that returns True...
pyportfolioopt 1.5.5 PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimization methods, including classical mean-variance optimization techniques...
pyppr 0.1.1 PyPPR The PyPPR package is a collection of financial functions regarding PPRs, or Planos
pypivoter 0.1.0 PyPivoter Purpose The purpose of this package is to count and/or list the...
pypiversiontest 2.3.2 This module works on Python versions: 3.0.0 and greater...
pypms 0.7.1 Serial Air Quality Sensors Data acquisition and logging for Air Quality Sensors with UART...
pyplanetrolldice 1.1.1 Roll Dice A plugin for PyPlanet. This plugin allows you to simulate dice...
pyplanetmuffins 1.2.1 Muffins A plugin for PyPlanet. The Muffins plugin allows you to bake, give,...
pyplanetcurrentcps 1.1.0 Currentcps PyPlanet cp tracker app Description Currentcps is an app for PyPlanet....
pyplanetcupmanager 4.0.0 Cup Manager A plugin for PyPlanet. This plugin will handle hosting a cup...
pypicgotinypngplugin 1.0.0 Tinypng for PyPicGo to compress images install pip install pypicgo-tinypng-plugin
pypicgoblindwatermarkplugin 1.0.3 Blind WaterMark for PyPicGo append blind watermark to images install...
pypicgo 1.2.1 PyPicGo 是一款图床工具,是PicGo的Python版实现,并支持各种插件自定义插件,目前PyPicGo自带了gitee、github、SM.MS和七牛云图传,以及rename、notify和typora等插件,并支持从pypi中下载其他插件和Uploader 安装 pip install pypicgo
pypertext 0.1.1 Pypertext Transform a Python dictionary to HTML string. Install Requires python 3.6+
pyperms 0.1.0 PyPerms (Python Permissions) PyPerms is a library for convenient access control. The inspiration was...
pyparetoarchive 0.21 Archive of non-dominated points Creating an archive of...
pyparcels 1.2.0 Parcel Fabric Python API Utils Helper functions for simplifying parcel fabric workflows with the...
pypantera 1.0.2 pyPANTERA A Python Package for nAtural laNguage obfuscaTion Enforcing pRivacy & Anonymization
pypdmdb 1.1.4 pypdm-db mysql/sqlite 的 PDM 生成器 运行环境...
pypackproxy 0.3.1 PyPackProxy A caching proxy for Python package indexes. For more information see the...
pypdfium2 4.30.0 pypdfium2 pypdfium2 is an ABI-level Python 3 binding to PDFium, a powerful...
pypdf 4.3.1 pypdf pypdf is a free and open-source pure-python PDF library capable of splitting,...
pypcapkit 1.3.1.post22 For any technical and/or maintenance information, please kindly refer to the Official Documentation....
pyovpnas 0.0.8 Python OpenVPN Access Server SDK A Python library built on XML-RPC that demystifies remote...
pypawapi 2.0.0 pawapi pawapi is a Python package providing access to the PythonAnywhere API. Install
pypathutil 0.0.16 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.16
pypasswd 1.0.0 Library This Python package provides a secure and simple password generating library. In...
pyosc2 0.1.0 PMSF py-osc2 Framework What...
pyorlib 0.1.2 Documentation: Source Code: PyORlib is a powerful...