base26 1.0.5 base26 This library provides functions for encoding binary data to printable ASCII
bashatemodds 0.0.1.dev206 bashate-mod-ds A modified version of bashate modified requirement for function declaration...
bashate 2.1.1 A pep8 equivalent for bash scripts This program attempts to be an automated style...
bartbroereeland 8.14.0 About Eland is a Python Elasticsearch client for exploring and analyzing data in Elasticsearch...
barcelona 0.1.0 FC Barcelona CLI Data Tool This command-line interface (CLI) tool is designed to fetch...
barotropic 3.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
barfoo 0.1.1 yadda yadda
barcodeserver 2.4.1 barcode-server A simple daemon to read barcodes from USB Barcode Scanners and expose...
BanelePackage 0.0.1 BanelePackage This is my first straightforward package for performing mathematics computations like summing digits...
bandcamper 0.0.2 ▄▀▀█▄▄ ▄▀▀█▄ ▄▀▀▄ ▀▄ ▄▀▀█▄▄ ▄▀▄▄▄▄ ▄▀▀█▄ ▄▀▀▄ ▄▀▄ ▄▀▀▄▀▀▀▄ ▄▀▀█▄▄▄▄ ▄▀▀▄▀▀▀▄ ▐ ▄▀...
bailiwick 0.0.0.dev0 bailiwick Python library for managing contexts
badkeys 0.0.11 badkeys Tool and library to check cryptographic public keys for known vulnerabilities what?
badgescaleysplt 13.0 BadgeScale_YS_PLT 介绍 badgescale-ys-plt 全称是 badge scale yunsi production line tool,解释是 专门针对云思工牌整机的生产测试工具,工作在上位机PC Windows上。...
bai2 0.14.0 Python module for parsing and writing BAI2 files. The library is not production ready...
badabump 22.1.0 badabump
bactfit 0.1.6 BactFit A package for fitting the shape of...
azuremixedrealityremoterendering 1.0.0b2 Azure Remote Rendering client library for Python Azure Remote Rendering (ARR) is a service...
azuremgmtworkloadssapvirtualinstance 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Workloadssapvirtualinstance Management Client Library.
azuremgmtworkloads 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Workloads Management Client Library.
azuremgmtworkloadmonitor 1.0.0b4 The package has been deprecated. For more info, please see Release History...
azuremgmtwebpubsub 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure WebPubSub Management Client Library.
azuremgmtvoiceservices 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Voiceservices Management Client Library.
azuremgmtvideoanalyzer 1.0.0b4 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python We’re retiring the Azure Video Analyzer preview service; you're...
azuremgmttrafficmanager 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Management Client...
azuremgmttestbase 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Testbase Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsupport 7.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Support Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsubscription 3.1.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Subscription Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstreamanalytics 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Management Client...
azuremgmtstoragemover 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storagemover Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstoragecache 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storage Cache Management Client...
azuremgmtstorageactions 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storageactions Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstorage 21.2.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstandbypool 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Standbypool Management Client Library.
azuremgmtspringappdiscovery 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Springappdiscovery Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsphere 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Sphere Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsignalr 1.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SignalR Client Library....
azuremgmtservicenetworking 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Servicenetworking Management Client Library.
azuremgmtservicelinker 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Linker Management Client...
azuremgmtservicefabricmanagedclusters 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Managed Clusters...
azuremgmtservicefabric 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client...
azuremgmtservicebus 8.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client...
azuremgmtpowerbiembedded 3.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Power BI Embedded Management...
backports.zoneinfo 0.2.1 backports.zoneinfo: Backport of the standard library module zoneinfo This package was originally the reference...
backports.tarfile 1.2.0
backports.strenum 1.3.1 A backport of (copy and paste from) python 3.11’s StrEnum class for >=3.8.6: See...
backports.pdb 2.2.0 Backport of pdb from later Python versions to older ones: from backports import...
backports.hookcompressed 1.1.0
backports.datetimetimestamp 1.3.0 Backport of the datetime.timestamp() method added in Python 3.3. Used as: from backports.datetime_timestamp...
azuremgmtnetapp 13.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client...
azuremgmtlogic 10.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Management Client...
azuremgmtloadtesting 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Loadtesting Management Client Library.
backgrounder 0.2.0 Backgrounder 🚀 Run background tasks in...
azuremgmthdinsightcontainers 1.0.0b3 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hdinsightcontainers Management Client Library.
azuremgmthardwaresecuritymodules 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hardwaresecuritymodules Management Client Library.
azuremgmtguestconfig 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Guest Config Management Client...
azuremgmtgraphservices 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Graphservices Management Client Library.
azuremgmtfrontdoor 1.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Front Door Service Client...
azuremgmtfluidrelay 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Fluid Relay Management Client...
azuremgmtextendedlocation 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Extended Location Management Client...
azuremgmteventhub 11.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Event Hub Management Client... 22.3.0 Backend.AI Backend.AI is a streamlined, container-based computing cluster...
bachgenerator 1.2.0 Bach music generator A Bach music generator using a neural network trained with a...
azuremgmtdatabricks 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Bricks Management Client...
babigrammars 0.0.57 babi-grammars grammars for babi installation pip install babi-grammars licenses
babi 1.5.6 babi a text editor, eventually... installation pip install babi ...
azuremgmtcore 1.4.0 Azure Management Core Library Azure management core library defines extensions to Azure Core that...
azuremgmtcontainerservicefleet 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Containerservicefleet Management Client Library.
babelfish 0.6.1 BabelFish BabelFish is a Python library to work with countries and languages.
azuremgmtconnectedvmware 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Connected VMWare Management Client...
azuremgmtconfluent 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Confluent Management Client Library.
azuremgmtconfidentialledger 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Confidential Ledger Management Client...
azuremgmtcomputefleet 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Computefleet Management Client Library.
azuremgmtcommunication 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Communication Management Client Library.
azuremgmtcognitiveservices 13.5.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client...
azuremgmtchaos 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Chaos Management Client Library.
b5 1.4.1 b5 Task Runner b5 is the central task runner for all projects of our...
azuremgmtazurestackhci 7.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Azure Stack HCI Management...
azuremgmtazurelargeinstance 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This package is no longer being maintained. Use the...
azuremgmtazureadb2c 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Azureadb2c Management Client Library.
azuremgmtavs 8.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Avs Management Client Library.
azuremgmtautomanage 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Auto Manage Management Client...
azuremgmtauthorization 4.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library.
azuremgmtastro 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Astro Management Client Library.
azuremgmtappplatform 9.1.0.post2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure App Platform Management Client...
azuremgmtapplicationinsights 4.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Application Insights Management Client...
azuremgmtappcontainers 3.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Appcontainers Management Client Library.
azuremgmtappcomplianceautomation 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Appcomplianceautomation Management Client Library.
azuremgmtapp 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure App Management Client Library.
azuremgmtapimanagement 4.0.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure API Management Client Library.
azuremessagingwebpubsubservice 1.2.1 Azure Web PubSub service client library for Python Azure Web PubSub Service is an...
azuremessagingwebpubsubclient 1.1.0 Azure Web PubSub client library for Python Azure Web PubSub is a cloud service...
b2h5py 0.4.1 b2h5py provides h5py with transparent, automatic optimized reading of n-dimensional slices of Blosc2-compressed datasets. This...
azuremapsgeolocation 1.0.0b1 Azure Maps Geolocation Package client library for Python This package contains a Python SDK...
azurekeyvaultkeys 4.9.0 Azure Key Vault Keys client library for Python Azure Key Vault helps solve the...
azurekeyvaultadministration 4.4.0 Azure Key Vault Administration client library for Python Note: The Administration library...
azurekeyvault 4.2.0 Azure Key Vault client libraries for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Key Vault...
azureiotdeviceupdate 1.0.0 Azure Device Update for IoT Hub client library for Python The library provides access...
azureiotdeviceprovisioning 1.0.0b1 Azure IoT Device Provisioning client library for Python The IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service...
azureidentitybroker 1.1.0 Azure Identity Broker plugin for Python This package extends the Azure Identity library by...
azureidentity 1.17.1 Azure Identity client library for Python The Azure Identity library provides Microsoft Entra ID...