azurehealthinsightsclinicalmatching 1.0.0b1.post1 Azure Cognitive Services Health Insights Clinical Matching client library for Python Health Insights is...
azurehealthinsightscancerprofiling 1.0.0b1.post1 Azure Cognitive Services Health Insights Cancer Profiling client library for Python Health Insights is...
azurehealthdeidentification 1.0.0b1 Azure Health Deidentification client library for Python Azure.Health.Deidentification is a managed service that enables...
azureservicebus 7.12.2 Azure Service Bus client library for Python Azure Service Bus is a high performance...
azuresearchdocuments 11.5.1 Azure AI Search client library for Python Azure AI Search (formerly known as "Azure...
azurepurviewworkflow 1.0.0b2 Azure Purview Workflow Service client library for Python Workflows are automated, repeatable business processes...
azurepurviewsharing 1.0.0b3 Azure Purview Sharing client library for Python Microsoft Purview Share is a fully managed...
azurepurviewdatamap 1.0.0b1 Azure Purview Datamap client library for Python Microsoft Purview Data Map provides the foundation...
azurepurviewcatalog 1.0.0b4 Azure Purview Catalog client library for Python Azure Purview Catalog is a fully managed...
azuremonitorquery 1.4.0 Azure Monitor Query client library for Python The Azure Monitor Query client library is...
azuremonitoringestion 1.0.4 Azure Monitor Ingestion client library for Python The Azure Monitor Ingestion client library is...
azuredatatables 12.5.0 Azure Tables client library for Python Azure Tables is a NoSQL data storage service...
azurebatch 14.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Batch Client Library....
azureappconfigurationprovider 1.2.0 Azure App Configuration Python Provider client library for Python Azure App Configuration is a...
azureappconfiguration 1.7.1 Azure App Configuration client library for Python Azure App Configuration is a managed service...
azurealertsplugin 0.1.9 Azure alerts monitoring plugin Checks azure alerts and raise an alert if some problem...
azureaivisionimageanalysis 1.0.0b3 Azure Image Analysis client library for Python The Image Analysis service provides AI algorithms...
azureaivisionface 1.0.0b1 Azure AI Face client library for Python The Azure AI Face service provides AI...
azureaitranslationtext 1.0.1 Azure Text Translation client library for Python Text Translation is a cloud-based REST API...
azureaitranslationdocument 1.0.0 Azure Document Translation client library for Python Azure Cognitive Services Document Translation is a...
azureaitextanalytics 5.3.0 Azure Text Analytics client library for Python The Azure Cognitive Service for Language is...
azureairesources 1.0.0b8 Azure AI Resources Package client library for Python The Azure AI Resources package is...
azureaipersonalizer 1.0.0b1 Azure Personalizer client library for Python Azure Personalizer is a cloud-based service that...
azureaimetricsadvisor 1.0.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This package is no longer being maintained, as the...
azureailanguagequestionanswering 1.1.0 Azure Cognitive Language Service Question Answering client library for Python Question Answering is a...
azureailanguageconversations 1.1.0 Azure Conversational Language Understanding client library for Python Conversational Language Understanding - aka CLU...
azureaiinference 1.0.0b4 Azure AI Inference client library for Python Use the Inference client library (in preview)...
azureaigenerative 1.0.0b8 Azure AI Generative Package client library for Python The Azure AI Generative package is...
azureaiformrecognizer 3.3.3 Azure Form Recognizer client library for Python Azure Document Intelligence (previously known as Form...
azureaidocumentintelligence 1.0.0b3 Azure AI Document Intelligence client library for Python Azure AI Document Intelligence (previously known...
azureaicontentsafety 1.0.0 Azure AI Content Safety client library for Python Azure AI Content Safety detects harmful...
azureaianomalydetector 3.0.0b6 Cognitive Services Anomaly Detector client library for Python Anomaly Detector is an AI service...
azureagrifoodfarming 1.0.0b2 Azure FarmBeats client library for Python FarmBeats is a B2B PaaS offering from Microsoft...
awstracer 1.1 AWS CLI Tracer "A poor man's Cloud Formation utility" --me Introduction
az 0.1.0.dev1 # AZ - simple command line tools
axjujokes 1.0.3 Jokes for python. I was really sad, no package called joke. So I decided...
awsrightsizer 1.1.2 AWS EC2/RDS Instance Right-Sizer This tool is designed and written in Python 3.6.5 to...
awsresourcemonitor 1.0.0 AWS Resource Monitor Small Python 3.5+ convenience library to easily monitor CPU and memory...
awspytools 0.1.1 awspytools ##DynamoDBDataStore This is a helper python package to make DynamoDB easier to...
awsecsgcpworkloadidentityfederation 0.0.1 aws-ecs-gcp-workload-identity-federation AWS to GCP Workload Identity Federation in Amazon ECS. This is a...
awsovpn 0.5 awsovpn Manage an OpenVPN instance in your private EC2 cloud using this script....
awscliv2 2.3.0 AWS CLI v2 for Python Wrapper for AWS...
awscdksecureapi 0.5.0 aws-cdk-secure-api An unofficial AWS...
awmctrl 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awlutils 3.2.2 AWL Utils. Andrew Levin Build this Package Template Usage...
awkwardpandas 2023.8.0 awkward-pandas Awkward Array extension for use in pandas.
awkwardkaitai 0.1.0 Kaitai Struct: runtime library for Awkward This library building Awkward Arrays using Kaitai Struct...
awesom 0.1.5 Awesom Self-organizing map framework for Python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
awebus 1.0a6 # awebus`awebus` (Asynchronous, Weak Event BUS) is an event system for Python whichprovides (optional) asynchronous...
awdur 0.0.1 Awdur awdur - (n.) author An experiment in literate programming.
awdible 0.2.5 Awdible - Just the best free version of audible About Awdible is a...
avidaq 0.0.5 avidaq controls for napari...
aviatrixmigration 0.2.105 Aviatrix VPC/VNET Migration Aviatrix Migration discovers networking components and migrates existing VPCs and VNETs...
aviatrixflightcheck 0.1.1 Aviatrix FlightCheck Aviatrix FlightCheck collects information about an Aviatrix environment by querying the Aviatrix...
aviatrixdiscovery 0.2.105 # Aviatrix Discovery Aviatrix discovery is a complimentary set of scripts to [Aviatrix Migration](
awacs 2.4.1 About awacs - Amazon Web Access Control Subsystem The awacs library allows for...
avdiscord 0.0.1 av-discord PyAV audio sources for, pycord, and disnake Installation...
availabilityprofile 0.0.1 Resource Availability Profile This Python library provides a data structure, termed availability profile,...
Auxjad 1.0.2 Auxjad is a library of auxiliary classes and functions for Abjad 3.4 aimed at...
autowinpy 0.4.1 AutoWinPy
autotwin pnglib 0.1.0 Petri Net Model Generation Library for Auto-Twin Introduction The Petri Net Model...
autotwin pmswsgi 0.1.6 Processing Mining Service (PMS) WSGI for Auto-Twin The processing mining service (PMS) WSGI...
autotwin gmglib 0.1.6 Graph Model Generation Library for Auto-Twin The graph model generation library provides a...
autotraders 2.3.5 Autotraders A spacetraders API focused on automation and ease of...
autotoolslanguageserver 0.0.20 autotools-language-server
AutoResearch 1.0 Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections...
autorequests 2.1.0 AutoRequests Generate Python code to recreate a request from your browser....
automatoes 0.9.12 Candango Automat-o-es Automatoes is a Let's...
autoracore 5.0.2 AutoRA Core autora-core is the core python module for autora (Automated Research Assistant),...
Automation3270TK4 0.1.3 A Python library that provides an interface to communicate with IBM host.
Automation3270Library 0.1.0 A Python library that provides an interface to communicate with IBM host.
automaticdeployer 0.3.3 Automatic Deployer A CLI App to watch git repo and automatically run a command...
autodice 1.0.3.dev2 AutoDiCE Project. The source for this AutoDiCE project is available here. ...
autogenesis 0.0.1 Owner/maintainer Publish to pip hub python3 -m pip install --upgrade build python3...
autogenagents 0.0.0 Autogen Agents Repository of unofficial agents for the autogen framework
AutoGator 0.3.0 Autogator The Automatic Chip Interrogator, by Sequoia Ploeg (BYU CamachoLab). A software package...
autoconfsh 0.0.2 - the lazy mans bootstrapper for Arch Linux Installation
autoconfiguration 2.3.3 python-autoconfiguration Load configuration files (.ini) automatically. Usage The init function of the...
autocommand 2.2.2 autocommand A library to automatically generate and run simple argparse parsers from function signatures.
autocml 0.0.5 AutoCML Authentication This library (and associated scripts) supports authentication via environment variables. This...
autochain 0.0.5 AutoChain Large language models (LLMs) have shown huge success in different text generation tasks...
autocall 1.1.1 Call function directly in cmd line Features Allow user call functions...
autobotml 0.0.16 autobot An automated code refactoring tool powered by GPT-3. Like GitHub Copilot,...
authzee 0.1.0a3 authzee Authzee is a highly expressive grant-based authorization framework that...
authxextra 1.1.3 authx-extra 💫 Extra utilities...
authx 1.3.0 Authx Ready-to-use and customizable...
authoriz 0.0.7 Authoriz The python module to allow rules-based authorization. Rules for allowing and disallowing actions...
authnzerver 0.1.3 This is a small server meant to help add authentication (authn) and authorization (authz)...
authens 0.2.0 AuthENS Librairie Django pour l'authentification via le CAS élèves à l'ENS. AuthENS fournit...
authaws4 0.1.6 Usecase agnostic implementation of AWS4 Sig v4 This implementation aims to be usecase agnostic....
autharmorsdk 0.1.5 Auth Armor SDK Python
Audioproclib 0.0.1 A library that contains basic audio signal processing functionalities
aurumhikari Aurum Documentation · Releases · PyPI
aurorarendererrgbmatrix 1.0.0.dev20220104211843 RGB Matrix Renderer for Aurora Display Library This package contains a renderer using Henner...
auroradrivergfxhat 1.0.0.dev20220104225437 Pimoroni GFX HAT Driver for Aurora Display Library This is a driver package for...
auroradisplaylib 1.0.0.dev20220104211509 Aurora Display Library for Python Aurora Display Library is a small display library built...
augercli 0.1.12 Auger CLI A command line tool for the Auger AI platform. Installation... 1.1.12 Install pip install Auger ML predict Python API... 0.2.5 Install pip install Auger Cloud python and command...
auditwheel 6.1.0 Auditing and relabeling of PEP 600 manylinux_x_y, PEP 513 manylinux1, PEP 571 manylinux2010 and PEP...