quarticsolverkapoorlabs 0.0.2 quartic-solver-kapoorlabs A package containing...
QuaPy QuaPy QuaPy is an open source framework for quantification (a.k.a. supervised prevalence estimation, or...
quantumxir 0.2.2 XIR is an intermediate representation language for quantum circuits. Features
quantumtraderta 0.2 quantum-trader 量化交易策略系统 quantum-trader 是一个基于 freqtrade 框架的量化交易策略集。致力于为用户提供灵活、高效和可定制的量化交易解决方案。 主要特点 基于freqtrade:quantum-trader 主要应用在...
quantumtrader 0.6 quantum-trader(仅供个人学习) 量化交易策略系统 主要特点 关于quantumtrader_ta指标库 如何使用 安装依赖: 下载与配置
quantumjet 0.2.2 Jet is a cross-platform C++ and Python library for simulating quantum circuits using tensor...
QuantumIntelligence 0.0.9 Quantum Intelligence This is the python code to develop quantum intelligence. But for now...
QuantumCore 0.0.1.dev2 Quantum-Core
quantumblackbird 0.5.0 Blackbird is a quantum assembly language for continuous-variable quantum computation, that can be used to...
quakeio 0.1.19 quake-io QuakeIO is a...
quantkit 0.0.1rc1 quantkit Very WIP! Finance functions. Installation pip install git+https://github.com/mmngreco/quantkit ...
QtPy 2.4.1 QtPy: Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PySide2/PyQt6/PySide6
qqwrypy3 1.2.1 用于在qqwry.dat里查找IP地址归属地,另提供一个从纯真网络更新qqwry.dat的小工具。 已上传到PyPI,执行此命令即可安装:pip install qqwry-py3 特点 for Python 3.0+。
qqutils 0.0.56 qqutils Collection of reusable python functions.
QQt 1.2.1 QQt Wrapper for various PySide2/PyQt5 and PySide6/PyQt6 related packages. ...
qscodec 1.0.3 A query string encoding and decoding library for Python. Ported from qs for JavaScript.
qpp 0.3.1 qpp - Query PyPI Find Python projects on...
qpandalite 0.2.1.post1 QPanda-lite QPanda: Quantum Programming Architecture for NISQ Device Application...
qnit 0.5.0 qnit [kjuː.nɪt] (though some may call it [knɪt])
qngng 1.5.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
qmkpy 1.2.0 QMKPy: A Python Testbed for the Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem ...
qmflows 1.0.0 QMFlows See documentation for tutorials and documentation. Motivation Research on...
qmake2cmake 1.0.6 qmake2cmake This repository contains Python scripts to convert QMake projects to CMake projects.
qbraidqir 0.2.2 qBraid-SDK extension providing support for QIR conversions. Motivation This...
qbraidcore 0.1.20 qbraid-core Python library providing...
qbraidcli 0.8.4 Command Line Interface for interacting with all parts of the qBraid platform. The qBraid...
qbraid 0.7.3 The qBraid-SDK is a platform-agnostic quantum runtime framework designed for both quantum software and hardware...
qililab 0.27.0 Qililab Qililab is a generic and scalable quantum control library...
qbittorrentui 0.3.5 qBittorrenTUI Console UI for qBittorrent. Not feature-complete but is usable...
qbittorrentapi 2024.8.65 qBittorrent Web API Client Python client implementation for qBittorrent Web API ...
qianxinziduishijiaoxiadeshizhangongfangyanxizuzhi 2024.3.5.0 奇安信:紫队视角下的实战攻防演习组织 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/qi-anxin-zidui-shijiao-xia-de-shizhan-gongfang-yanxi-zuzhi docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
qianxinlanduishijiaoxiadefangyutixigoujian 2024.3.5.0 奇安信:蓝队视角下的防御体系构建 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/qi-anxin-landui-shijiao-xia-de-fangyu-tixi-goujian docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
qianxinhongduishijiaoxiadefangyutixitupo 2024.3.5.0 奇安信:红队视角下的防御体系突破 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/qi-anxin-hongdui-shijiao-xia-de-fangyu-tixi-tupo docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
qianduanxiaokediyierqi 2024.3.5.0 前端小课 第一、二期 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/qianduan-xiaoke-diyi-erqi docker run -tid -p...
qecp 0.2.3 QEC-Playground A research tool to explore Quantum Error Correction (QEC), primarily surface codes....
qanty 0.0.8 qanty Python package for integration of Qanty in other applications Supported Python Versions
pyzzy 0.0.11 pyzzy Set of packages to simplify development in Python : load/dump...
qcengine 0.30.0 QCEngine
pyzshcomplete 1.0.3 Tab completion for arbitraty python scripts in zsh. Introduction...
pyzmq 26.2.0 PyZMQ: Python bindings for ØMQ This package contains Python bindings for ZeroMQ. ØMQ...
pyzig 0.0.2a0 pyzig Build system for Python extensions written in Zig. Python and Zig: A...
pyzfn 0.1.10 Pyzfn A micromagnetic post processing library for the data generated by amumax, a fork...
pyzet 0.11.0 pyzet "I, of course, do not think everything by myself....
pyzenhub 0.3.2 PyZenHub Python bindings to the Zenhub API. Project status
pyyamllib 0.1 pyyamllib A Python Yaml configuration file reader with environment variable and default argument functionality.
pyyamlfuture 0.0.6 Synopsis import yaml from yamlfuture import Loader # Define your...
pyyamlerb 1.0.6 pyyaml-erb 解析 yaml 配置文件中的的环境变量 运行环境
pyxvis 0.1.0a9 py-XVis Python implementation for XVis Toolbox release with the book Computer Vision for X-Ray...
pyxtls 1.0.1 nothing
pywttrmodels 1.2.4 pywttr-models Pydantic models and other stuff for pywttr and aiopywttr.
pywttr 2.3.0 pywttr Wrapper for wttr.in weather API. Asynchronous version here.
pyxevil 1.0.2 PYXEVIL
pyxet 0.1.10 Pyxet is a Python library that provides a pythonic interface for XetHub. Xethub is...
PyVirtualDisplay 3.0 pyvirtualdisplay is a python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc Documentation: https://github.com/ponty/pyvirtualdisplay/tree/3.0
PyVimeo 1.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pywikibot 9.3.1 Pywikibot The Pywikibot framework is a Python library that interfaces with the MediaWiki...
pyviewweb 0.0.21 PyView A Python implementation of Phoenix LiveView PyView enables...
pyviews 4.0.0 pyviews Base...
pyvex 9.2.117 PyVEX PyVEX is Python bindings for...
pyversioninfo 1.2.2 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog Ever...
pyventus 0.5.0 Documentation: https://mdapena.github.io/pyventus Source Code: https://github.com/mdapena/pyventus Pyventus is a powerful...
pyweblight 0.0.5 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pyweblight author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.5 Mark Veltzer...
pyvariant 2.2.4 pyvariant What is it? pyvariant is a Python package for mapping biological sequence...
pyvardump 0.0.4 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pyvardump author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.4
pyvalem 2.7.1 Introduction to PyValem PyValem is a Python package for parsing, validating, manipulating and...
pywatchdog 1.0.0 pywatchdog
pywassap 0.0.2 A simple asynchronous Python library for WhatsApp Web. ...
pyvulncheck 0.1.0 pyvulncheck pyvulncheck is an open-source tool designed for detecting vulnerabilities in Python packages, drawing...
pyuserside 0.2.1 Userside API client implementation
pyUsda 1.0.3 pyUsda pyUsda provides an interface for interacting with USDA's Food Data Central API .
pyupgw 0.12 Unisenza Plus is an IoT family that connects smart thermostats and other devices manufactured...
pyupgradedocs 0.3.0 pyupgrade-docs Run pyupgrade on python code blocks in documentation files. install pip...
pyuow 0.2.0 Unit of Work: A Behavioral Pattern in Software Development Implemented in Python. ...
pyunycode 0.1.1 pyunycode Punycode Converter Library for Python You can convert Punycode domain to/from Unicode...
pyunpack 0.3 unpack archive files in Python home: https://github.com/ponty/pyunpack/tree/0.3
pyuniversalize 1.0.0 PyUniversalize The internationalization (i18n) library for Python. Installing PyUniversalize can be installed...
pyunique 0.0.10 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pyunique author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.10 Mark Veltzer...
pyutter 0.1.1 Pyutter What is it Pyutter is a python package that allows easy and...
pyutilsbasstal 0.4.6 Description This package contains self-used utils and 3rd-party source files that can be called...
pytorchzerotoall 2024.3.4.0 PyTorch Zero To All 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pytorch-zero-to-all docker run...
pytorchvolumetric 0.5.2 Pytorch Volumetric signed distance field (SDF) pytorch implementation with parallelized query for...
pytorchutilities 0.0.2 torch-utils This repository contains useful functions and classes for Deep Learning engineers using PyTorch.
pytvmazeapi 2021.5.6 python-tvmaze A library that provides a Python interface to the TvMaze API. Installation
pytunpmd3 2.0.9 Linux & Darwin TUN/TAP wrapper for Python This is a fork of https://github.com/montag451/pytun with...
pytuber 22.5 pytuber is a cli tool to manage your music playlists on youtube. ...
pytubekit 0.0.27 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pytubekit author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.27 Mark Veltzer...
pytsv 0.1.69 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pytsv author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.1.69 Mark Veltzer...
pytsinterfaces 0.5.0 py-ts-interfaces Python to TypeScript Interfaces What is...
pytorchkinematics 0.7.3 PyTorch Robot Kinematics Parallel and differentiable forward kinematics (FK), Jacobian calculation, and...
pytorchie 0.31.1 PyTorch-IE: State-of-the-art Information Extraction in PyTorch ...
pytorchicem 0.1.0 PyTorch MPPI Implementation This repository implements the improved Cross Entropy Method (iCEM) with...
pytransport 2.0.2 pyTransport A python package containing both utilities for processing and analysing TRANSPORT output....
pytransgpt 1.9 py-transgpt python 长文本/多平台翻译器(目前支持 baidu、tencent、chatgpt) 简介 封装了...
pytorch03zhongwenwendanghejiaocheng 2024.3.4.0 PyTorch 0.3 中文文档和教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/pytorch-0-3-zhongwen-wendang-he-jiaocheng docker run -tid...
pytoolswd 0.1.12 wd_tools_py python工具 upload 1.修改版本号 2.python setup.py sdist build 3.twine upload...
pytmtk 0.0.1 pytmtk Topic Modeling Toolkit with Multiple Methods Installation pip install pytmtk==0.0.1...
pytokenzzl 0.2.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
pythonwhiteprint 0.10.0 Python Whiteprint, generate easily Python projects with (opinionated) best practices. ...
pytimer 0.0.15 project website: https://veltzer.github.io/pytimer author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.15
pytimeparse2 1.7.1 This is a pytimeparse based project with the aim of optimizing functionality and providing stable...