ahIOT 0.5.0 Package info in python/
AGStuff 1.1.0 Abstract games stuff Install pip install AGStuff Requirements python>=3.6
aiidalabeln 0.1.3 AiiDAlab-ELN Integrate AiiDAlab with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN). This repository implements a...
agrivoltaicssupplysidemanagement 0.1.0 Agrivoltaics Supply Side Management Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics (Solar sharing between...
aifunctools 0.1.2 Functools for OpenAI GPT Functions OpenAI just released GPT Functions: https://openai.com/blog/function-calling-and-other-api-updates But it's...
Agilize 0.0.10 Agilize Unofficial client to access Agilize. Installation pip...
aequitaslib 1.0.0 Python project template A simple template of a Python project, with a rigid file...
aeonpluginsopenai 0.6.0 LiveKit Plugins OpenAI Agent Framework plugin for services from OpenAI. Currently supports STT, TTS,...
aeonpluginsdeepgram 0.5.1 LiveKit Plugins DeepGram Agent Framework plugin for speech-to-text with DeepGram's API. Currently supports speech-to-text.
aeonpluginsazure 0.2.1 LiveKit Plugins Azure Agent Framework plugin for services from Azure Cognitive Services. Currently supports...
aeonagents 0.7.2 LiveKit Agents The core LiveKit Agents Framework. See top-level README for more information.
aedirpproc 1.7.0 ae-dir-pproc Python module package for processes running on a Æ-DIR provider. This package...
aedir 1.4.11 python-aedir - Python module for Æ-DIR This module package contains: wrapper...
agct 0.1.0.dev2 agct: Another Genome Conversion Tool
afxdl 0.1.2 afxdl Download audio from https://aphextwin.warp.net Note: Redistribution of downloaded...
aftercopy 0.1.1 AfterCopy 有时候需要从 PDF、CAJ 等文件的阅读器窗口中复制出大段文字,但是这样得到的文字粘贴到 Word 里往往不尽人意:原排版的每一行都会被“另起一段”,有些中文标点变成了带有空格的英文标点……手动调整比较烦琐,因此我写了一个简单的脚本来处理这件事。 Quick Start pip install aftercopy...
advancedr 2024.3.3.0 Advanced R 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/advanced-r docker run -tid -p...
advancedlogging 0.1.1 Builds futher on python’s logging by adding loggers for classes. Free software:...
adspower 2.0.3 adspower The...
adsorptionfileparser 0.2.8 Adsorption File Parser A pure python parser to sorption files from various instrumentation manufacturers.
adc78h89 0.0.0.dev5 A Python driver for Texas Instruments ADC78H89 7-Channel, 500 KSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
ads1015 1.0.0 ADS1015 4 channel differential/single-ended ADC Installing
adrt 1.1.0 Approximate Discrete Radon Transform ...
adjutantui 8.0.0 Adjutant Dashboard Free software: Apache license Source: https://github.com/openstack/adjutant-ui ...
adaurl 1.15.1 The urlib.parse module in Python does not follow the legacy RFC 3978 standard nor...
adachiresourceassistant 3.0.2 adachi-resource-assistant 弃用警告( Deprecation Warning ) 从原神 3.1 版本开始此模块已经弃用,功能已经整合到 Adachi-BOT ,使用说明详见《资源文件制作指引》 This module...
actyon 0.3.1 actyon Action with a Y! Why? Cause async is in the box.
activeconfigparser ActiveConfigParser The ActiveConfigParser package provides extended handling of .ini files beyond what ConfigParser...
acshell 2.2.1 AtCoder Shell This is the shell library to execute AtCoder submission on your commandline,...
acrylexecutor Acryl Executor Remote execution agent used for running DataHub tasks, such as ingestion powered...
acryldatahubgxplugin Datahub GX Plugin See the DataHub GX docs for details.
acryldatahubdagsterplugin Datahub Dagster Plugin See the DataHub Dagster docs for details.
acryldatahubclassify 0.0.11 datahub-classify Predict InfoTypes for DataHub. Installation python3 -m pip install --upgrade acryl-datahub-classify
acryldatahubairflowplugin Datahub Airflow Plugin See the DataHub Airflow docs for details. Developing See...
acryldatahubactions 0.0.18 ⚡ DataHub Actions Framework Welcome to DataHub Actions! The Actions framework makes responding to...
acryldatahub The acryl-datahub package contains a CLI and SDK for interacting with DataHub, as well...
acmemgmtserver 0.4.1 ACME Management Server (ACMEMS) LetsEncrypt supports issuing free certificates by communication via...
acls 1.0.2 @cls - Class Made Aware to Decorator
aclib.wmi 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.wmi Usage from aclib.wmi import WMI...
aclib.winlib 1.1.1 Installation pip install aclib.winlib Usage from aclib.winlib import winapi, wincon,...
aclib.web 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.web Usage from aclib import web...
aclib.threads 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.threads Usage from aclib.threads import Thread
aclib.pyi 1.0.1 Installation pip install aclib.pyi Usage # from aclib.pyi import compile,...
aclib.pip 0.0.1 Description Feature acpip displays packages faster than pip....
aclib.inputs 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aclib.emails 1.0.0 Installation pip install aclib.emails Usage from aclib.emails import Recver, Sender,...
aclib.dm 1.0.0 Installation Please work with 32-bit python. pip installl aclib.dm Usage
aclib.cv 1.0.6 Installation pip install aclib.cv Usage from aclib.cv import Image, Dotset,...
aclib.builtins 0.0.3 Installation pip install aclib.builtins Usage # from aclib import builtins
aclib.autowin 1.1.0 Installation General pip install aclib.autowin work with dm pip...
accesskit 0.6.0 AccessKit Python bindings These are the bindings to use AccessKit from Python. Documentation...
aceapi 1.0.8 Python Bindings for ACE REST API Examples Connect to a Server Setting...
abyssinica 2.0.0 Locale library for the countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea. See also HornMT: a machine-learning...
abstracts 0.0.12 Abstract class and interface definitions. Create an abstract.Abstraction An Abstraction is...
aboto3 0.1.2 aboto3 WARNING - This project is archived and was only a test. Please use...
abi3info 2024.8.28 abi3info abi3info exposes information about CPython's "limited API" (including the
abi3audit 0.0.14 abi3audit Read our blog...
abcddb2vcard 1.1.0 abcddb2vcard This python script reads an AddressBook database file (AddressBook-v22.abcddb) and export its content...
aapns 23.7 AAPNS Asynchronous Apple Push Notification Service client. ...
aaltoboss 1.11.0 Bayesian Optimization Structure Search (BOSS) is a general-purpose Bayesian Optimization code. It is designed to...
aacrgenie 16.4.0 AACR Project GENIE Introduction This repository documents...
aaai2019notes 2024.3.4.0 AAAI 2019 Notes 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/aaai-2019-notes docker run -tid...
a9xwebstatistics 0.9.2 Web Statistics and Analytics This package produces web statistics and analytical output based on...
a9s 0.7.0 a9s Cli tool for easily navigating in AWS services. Highly inspired...
a7p 0.0.8 Table of Contents Description Instalation Usage Gallery
a3redis 0.1.2 a3redis It is just a thin wrapper of redis. History. Install...
a3py 0.1.9 a3py Python utils. History. Install pip install a3py ...
a3kazoo 0.1.4 a3kazoo It is just a thin wrapper of kazoo. History. Install...
a3jsonstruct 0.2.2 a3json-struct describe json struct with python class Install...
a3grpc 0.1.3 a3grpc To make using gRPC simpler. History. Install pip install a3grpc
a3faker 0.1.0 a3faker It's just a thin wrapper of Faker, because PyCharm cannot autocomplete...
a3exception 0.1.4 a3exception Framework-agnostic exception component. History. Install pip install a3exception
a3dj 0.1.0 a3dj 基于django做了一些规则设定,让开发过程更简单 特点 不用专门写注解或语法,就可以全量生成open api文档,包含各种异常返回 非常方便写单元测试 抛出一个异常就是一个异常响应;单元测试时甚至也可以在发出请求后去捕获这个异常...
a3ddddocrclient 0.1.0 a3ddddocr-client Python client for ddddocr-fastapi. History. Install pip install a3ddddocr-client
a3consul 0.1.2 a3consul It is just a thin wrapper of py-consul. History. Install...
a2ml 1.0.97 a2ml - Automation of AutoML
7segByteBird 0.2 ByteBird Simple "Flappy Bird" like game for 7 segment display from ZeroSeg module for...
3Dregistration 0.5.2 Registration tools Before everything else, the current status of the whole thing here is...
3bbot 1.1.0 Best Buy Bullet Bot (3B Bot) Best Buy Bullet Bot, abbreviated to 3B Bot,...
21cmSense 2.0.2 A python package for calculating the expected sensitivities of 21cm experiments to the Epoch...
rackfan 0.3.2 A fan controller script for the NZXT Grid+ v2 USB fan controller. Mainly for personal...
qupid 0.1.0 Qupid (Pronounced like cupid) Qupid is a tool for generating and statistically evaluating...
quma 0.1.0 quma is a small SQL database library for Python and PyPy version 3.5 and higher.
qukuailianjishukuaisurumenjiaochengcyuyanzhongwenwang 2024.3.4.0 区块链技术快速入门教程(C 语言中文网) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/qukuai-lian-jishu-kuaisu-rumenjiaocheng-c-yuyan-zhongwenwang docker run -tid -p...
QuizSim 0.1 QuizSim How to install and execute? Just...
quizli 1.0.0 An educational project teaching how to open-source an interactive Python quiz app ...
quickest 1.1.1 Install $ pip install quickest Quickstart Get a config file:
quite6 1.0.10 quite6: QT UI Extension for Python3 |Build Status| Features powerful...
quinductor 0.2.2 Quinductor A multilingual data-driven method for generating reading comprehension questions. The official repository for...
quimeraps 0.87 Quimera printing service is a jon-rpc server that processes jasperreports reports and fills them with...
querysetreporter 2.2.0 Django Queryset Reporter Description A django pluggable admin-site app for create persisted queryset's...
queryparserpython3 0.7.0 queryparser Tool for parsing and processing of (MySQL*)/PostgreSQL and translation of ADQL SELECT-like...
quicksciplot 0.0.1 Quick Scientific Plot The toolkit aims to plot neat charts and figures given datasets...
quickpypitest 0.0.4 A quick-pypi-test package! This is a quick-pypi-test package! Installation pip install quick-pypi-test==0.0.4
Querpyable 3.0.0 Querpyable A Python implementation of LINQ
querky 0.1.2 querky Turn your SQL queries into type annotated Python functions and autogenerated types with...
querify 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
qudb 0.6 Manage a database of questions and use it to generate assessments, e.g. assignments, quizzes,...
quaxed 0.5.2 quaxed Pre-Quaxify'ed JAX Quaxed wraps jax libraries (using quax) to enable using...
quantatrisktradetool 0.0.2 Internal tooling Free software: BSD 2-Clause License ...