flupick mediaresource flupick_mediaresource # flutter pick images and videos Getting Started # This project...
ann flutter ann_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
http dns http_dns # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
ratingbarwidget Rating Bar Widget # A Flutter widget to display rating, or allow a user rate.
state holder StateHolder # StateHolder # StateHolder is A wrapper around InheritedWidget to...
flutter android connection api flutter_android_connection_api # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
animated hidden drawer animated_hidden_drawer # Build attractive UI in less time and easily with the help...
unik lib flutter unik_lib_flutter # A Library Prepaid Flutter Getting Started # This project...
scrumlab pdf flutter scrumlab_pdf_flutter # Inspired by Pdf_Viewer_Plugin 😇 Wrapped around AndroidPdfViewer on...
kk plugin demo kk_plugin_demo # plugin 测试 Getting Started # This project is a...
scrumlab flutter qr bar scanner Flutter QR Bar Scanner # A Full Screen Scanner...
honnywellintermecpr3 honnywellintermecpr3 # Only for android platform, This is a new flutter plugin to print...
scanner gun scanner_gun # 扫码枪spp模式获取数据 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
viper gen VIPER Gen # A generator for viper package How to use #...
demo test demo_test # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
form state form_state # Lightweight reactive form library Login Form Sample # enum LoginField...
byte dog byte_dog # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
custom circularprogressbar package_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ms accordion MsAccordion # This is a flutter accordion package written in dart for flutter developers.
hop doc Focus on you app. Let us manage your backend.
show up Show Up # A Flutter plugin to easily display and remove overlapping widgets anywhere...
easy i18n easy_i18n # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
hy protobuf fixed Provides runtime support for a Dart implementation of protobufs. Typically one do not...
flutter logger native flutter_logger_native # A fluttter logger to native via ffi. Usage #...
fludd fludd # 介绍 # flutter 钉钉登录 使用方式 # ...
bee widgets bee_widgets # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
iorbit text input formatter iorbit_text_input_formatter # Getting Started # Add the package to...
hb test flutter plugin
custom counts down flutter_count_down # 一个倒计时计时器效果的按钮 Getting Started # HSYCountDownButton( maxTimes:...
oracle responsys sdk oracle_responsys_sdk # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
flutter package345 flutter_package345 # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
jaynetwork jaynetwork # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
helloworld2 helloworld2 # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
just mf map just_mf_map # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
flutter page template flutter_page_template # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
ky tool plugin ky_tool_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
yyj A simple command-line application. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style...
digit to word digit_to_word # Convert an int to a String representing the english words for...
paginated consumer paginated_consumer # paginated_consumer is a flutter package that allows you to enable...
svg to path annotation svg_to_path_annotation # Defines the annotation used by svg_to_path_generator to generate Custom painter...
biii utils eventizer # eventizer will transform your flutter package with eventizer for asynchronous state management.
dartboot db The base library for DartBoot database clients. Usage # A simple usage example:
dartboot mysql The mysql library for DartBoot. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
dartboot util The common tools for DartBoot. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
alert box alert_box # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
streamful streamful # Widgets and utilities to deal with streams Features # StreamedLoading #
crystal ball Crystal Ball # Crystal ball is an easy app to check if github issue...
yamh Yet Another Markdown to HTML converter # A dirt simple, null-safe Markdown to HTML converter.
multipart support multipart_support # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
knowgo KnowGo API Client for Dart # This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI...
ajwah bloc ajwah_bloc # A dart package that helps implement the BLoC pattern. Every StateController has...
crecexdiez advertising CreceXDiez Advertising # A CreceXDiez Advertising Platform Flutter plugin. Getting Started #...
wheel wheel #
alexets alexets # An ever growing personal collection of frequently used widgets & utilities for Flutter.
captain Captain ⛵️ # ...
plaid webview plaid_webview # A new Flutter package. Flutter for Plaid Link ...
robustirc robustirc # An implementation of a RobustSession client in Dart. If you want to...
mobx cli A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
tiw flutter tiw_flutter # 腾讯云互动白板flutter版插件 https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/1137 Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter basis widget flutter_basis_widget # flutter_basis_widget flutter 基础组件封装(只适用于常用的样式组件,如果要涉及组件的很多属性,暂时不太好用,慢慢完善中...) # 目前包含以下组件 1、text_widget 文本组件,可点击文本回调事件...
flutter plugin demo 2 flutter_plugin_demo # flutter插件开发 Getting Started # This project is a...
minzip Minzip # A compression library for small strings. Developing # To fetch dependancies,...
cobefile Cobefile # A multipurpose media meta data generator. Installation # dependencies: cobefile:...
flame digit Component for displaying numbers from texture. Compatible with Flame. Usage # import 'package:flame_digit/flame_digit.dart';
via cep package via_cep_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
arango ArangoDB Dart Driver # The dart driver for ArangoDB the native multi-model database Index...
text pagination text_pagination # This package provides fast text pagination. Usage # class Segmentation...
medapay Meda Pay integration SDK for Flutter. # The MedaPay Flutter SDK provides convenient access to...
responsiveui container Responsive Container # This Widget wraps layoutbuilder to provide a Responsive Container container....
custom app bar by fas custom_app_bar # A new Flutter project. Getting Started #...
v4 navigation engine v4_navigation_engine # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
mih service mih_service # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
dots loader dots_loader # A dart package which help developers to show dots loader within the...
lib dart A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
ext video player clone ext_video_player_clone # Clone of video_player plugin with support for Youtube & RTMP...
locq circular chart Flutter Circular Chart # A library for creating animated circular chart widgets with...
mike responsive mike_responsive # Provides Architecture for Responsive flutter application. installation # To use...
pixpay pixpay # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
fl responsive ui fl_responsive_ui # add this code in main.dart Widget to update UI...
hi device util hi_device_util # 手机设备数据抓取工具类 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
imin electronic scale imin_electronic_scale # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
flutter aly oss flutter_aly_oss # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
iconswitcher IconSwitcher # A Flutter plugin that allows you to create an icon switcher on the...
blitzar offline blitzar_offline # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
timetracker common timetracker_common # A Flutter package project for Flutter Advanced module. Features #...
riskified Riskified # Note: This library is not official from Riskified. Flutter plugin to integrate...
keywords maker keywords_maker # https://pub.dev/packages/keywords_maker About plugin # By using this plugin in flutter...
multi downloader2 Multi Downloader # A plugin for creating and...
is screen round is_screen_round # A plugin to check whether a screen on Android is round.
conduit common test common-test # Common classes and methods used by unit tests in conduit and...
base classes ✨ Base Classes # Make use of all custom base classes for...
flutterdemo2 flutterdemo2 # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
hello wzac hello # A new Flutter FOO package project. Getting Started # This...
flutter wechate share plugin flutter_wechat_share_plugin # 微信平台,flutter版本插件,该插件的主要功能有: 1.配置工程在微信开放平台注册的appId参数,直接在flutter层进行统一配置,不需要,再在ios和android原生端进行单独配置 2.分享文字,图片,音乐,网页,登录,打开小程序等功能统一在flutter层进行处理 关于微信功能插件的引入方式方式 # 方式一:在yaml文件中通过git地址引入...
cardano cardano # Cardano SDK to communicate to the Cardano network.
y router 一个用于帮助 flutter APP widget间跳转的工具 copied to clipboard y_router # 🧑💻 Route animation...
filament filament # Flutter widgets for Filament, a multiplatform real-time physically based rendering engine. Getting...
zpj flutter zpj_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
blusalt identity verification blusalt_identity # Blusalt Flutter package for accessing Blusalt Identity Verification Services
tpns flutter plugin tpns_flutter_plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies dependencies: tpns_flutter_plugin: